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The Concert Review Thread



  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    i wanna see coalesce live
  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    seriously amazing!!
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    i bought that cd when it came out
    looks like imma go back and listen to it.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Go on metalsetlists and read mankvill's review of their show. I've never seen a guy so enthralled by a live performance. It's actually quite interesting, because that guy is a grump sometimes.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    just saw that looks like i gotta see them live.
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    "Go on metalsetlists and read mankvill's review of their show. I've never seen a guy so enthralled by a live performance. It's actually quite interesting, because that guy is a grump sometimes."

    He's quite a character....and the reviews are quite good.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    edited May 2010
    Hate all you want on this review, but I know there have to be some people interested in it at least, and if not well here it is anyway.

    Met up with some friends from work and missed the first band Go Radio, never listened to them before anyway.

    Enter Shikari - Ok now before I saw these guys live I never really cared much for them, but they put on a very very entertaining show. They had tons of energy on stage and the whole crowd was moving. I kinda got hooked to their whole hardcore/techno-ish sound and will deff be checking them out more. 8/10

    Silverstein - Emo garbage. This band was pretty bad, lots of gay whiny vocals mixed with screams. Stood in the back for their set. 4/10

    August Burns Red - This was the band I came to see and they were just amazing. I prolly crowdsurfed 4 or 5 times during them and had the most fun during their set by far. So much energy and movement from the band and the crowd. Oh and me and my friend jumping into the "hXc dance pit" and doing our techno rave/country hoedown dances I thought was pretty funny. It kept them from "dancing" for awhile at least. 8.5/10

    A Day To Remember - I'm not going to lie, they were actually really good. I stood a bit further back than I did for ABR cause I was pretty damn tired, and the kids there were starting to really annoy me so I figured I just wouldn't bother pushing and shoving with them. They had a really nice stage set-up with a good bit of production value that added to their overall show really well. Their sound was amazing and they played a good mix of songs too (even including Since You've Been Gone). I would like to see these guys again if I get the chance but prolly wouldn't pay the $35 I spent on this concert (thanks to service fees). 8/10

    Overall this show really surprised the hell out of me, I had a lot more fun than I had expected. Hate all you want but these bands know how to entertain a crowd, they may not be very original or technical, but it's still fun to go to one of these kinds of shows every now and then.

    Oh and fail quote of the night goes to my co-workers dumbass friend when he said "too much screaming I think is a bad thing, A Day To Remember's singer can do screaming and singing, which shows that he has actual talent".
    Post edited by That_Guy_Arlo on
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Black Breath is pretty cool. I just listened to their song "Eat the Witch" the other day and now I'm hooked.
    I love winning with women
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    "which shows that he has actual talent"."
    I lol'd
    corpsegrinder and nergal must have no talent then cuz all they do is scream
    on a somewhat side note, I hate when non-metal fans say all metal is is screaming. Like screaming is bad. Then can't we say, all pop is is singing? I mean how is saying metal screams an insult?
    plus there's a lot more to it than just screaming. idiots are idiots
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    ^who said that?
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    a lot of people I've heard say metal is just screaming
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    And those people are ignorant. Ignore them.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited May 2010
    Nvm, I didn't see it in the post above you.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Screaming well takes more talent than singing well.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    i hate the old farts that complain "its all that god damn cookie monster shit these damn kids listen to"

    Oh and did any of the Enter Shakari fans have glow sticks
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    What i'll just say is screaming is no different than singing. You're just making harsh sounds with your vocal chords. It's not an insult to say screaming is bad.

  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    Yeah glow sticks were all over the place, haha.
  • NOLANOLA Posts: 6,353 jayfacer
    edited May 2010
    Lecherous Nocturne - They were pretty decent. Wasn't anything special though. I can't give their setlist cause I really didn't know who the fuck they were. They were worth the $7 alone though that I payed for these tickets. 7/10

    Skeletonwitch - Fucking Awesome!!! First time seeing them live and it won't be the last. They truly killed live. 9/10

    Submit To The Suffering
    Upon Wings Of Black
    The Despoiler Of Human Life
    Repulsive Salvation
    Sacrifice To The Slaughtergod
    Stand, Fight, Die
    Crushed Beyond Dust
    Beyond The Permafrost
    Blinding Black Rage
    Within My Blood

    Didn't have any interest in seeing CC again. So I left after and went to Scores to watch the rest of the Cle/Bos game.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Best concert of my life.

    Dio was at the DNA Lounge in Sacramento. It's a weird experience shedding tears to a death metal song, but when Tagtgren gave a small speech about Dio, I fucking lost it.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    edited May 2010
    5-16-10 - The Machine Shop - Flint, MI - Sevendust

    I arrived just after 7, when the doors opened. The rail was already starting to get crowded, so I could tell this place was going to fill up a bit more compared to Taproot. The show might have been sold out, I would not be surprised if it was. Anyway, on to the bands.

    Selfish Needy Creatures - After visiting this venue for almost a year, I have learned to not expect too much from the openers, whether local or otherwise. They are consistently bad. This was no exception. These guys from New York were boring in every sense of the word. The music was uninteresting, with the lack of any good hooks, and none of them really had any stage presence at all. The vocalist kept saying "rock show" in between songs, as if just to feel alive or something. Either way, one of the worst openers I've seen at this venue, and that's saying something. 2/10

    Ashes of Soma - This band from Ontario, Canada was added at the last minute, and it showed as they took a loooooong time to set up and seemed to missing some pieces of equipment. Just a guess, because the drummer seemed to be bitching about something. Anyway, when they finally decided to play, they were much better than I expected. The vocalist's mic was a little low, so when he sang any less than loud it was pretty hard to hear. Nevertheless, they were pretty solid, reminded me a lot of Chevelle. And the drummer was hilarious, making gestures and such that would embarrass Lars Ulrich. Every time I looked in his direction, his facial expression would crack me up. They don't have an album out yet because they are an unsigned band, but hopefully someone picks them up soon, I think they deserve it. 8/10

    Hail The Villain - Another Canadian band, these guys are on the second stage of Uproar, but their debut album isn't even out yet, so I was curious to see how they measured up and if they could even keep crowd interest directly supporting a band like Sevendust. They did, and they did it very well. They were by far the most energetic band to play so far, with the frontman behaving like an absolute maniac during the entire set. He was either jumping, dancing, headbanging, or interacting with the crowd. He definitely seemed like one of those guys that would do something like blessthefall's singer did and try to crowd surf. Not to mention the band name fits this guy's personality perfectly; the only other guy I can think that tried to give off this aura of evil was Mille of Kreator, and while he could never match the Kreator frontman in that regard, he was still quite effective and fun. The music was catchy as hell, plenty of hooks and plenty heavy enough. The guitarist and bassist, while not as energetic as the frontman, had a good stage presence and provided good backing vocals. Overall, this band left a pretty good first impression on me, and after listening to the album, I can tell it's going to get quite a few listens from me when it comes out on June 8. Yet another reason for me to try to make the trip for Uproar, assuming it comes to Cleveland or closer.....8/10

    Setlist (Pretty meaningless since the album isn't out yet, but I got a look at it, so here it is):

    Try Hating The World
    Evil Has A Name
    Social Graces
    My Reward
    Take Back The Fear

    Note: Prior to Sevendust, the PA played a string of Dio songs: Holy Diver, Rainbow In The Dark, We Rock, The Last In Line, etc. We yelled every word. It was awesome and I almost lost it.

    Sevendust - This was my first time seeing the quintet from Atlanta, but it sure won't be my last time seeing them headline. They met my expectations and then some. As good as Hail The Villain was in the way of stage presence, Sevendust was by far the best. Morgan's drum kit was moved forward to the center, making a small stage even smaller. This didn't hinder the performance; in fact, it made it much better. Every member was interacting with the crowd at all times it seems. Vince was tossing picks and drumsticks around left and right every song, John and Clint were tossing picks and up at the front of the stage to engage the crowd, and Lajon was shaking hands, giving brofists, handing audience members the microphone, everything a frontman could do to keep the crowd in the performance. That isn't to say that this crowd needed any interaction at all to go crazy. While I wasn't pushed around as much as I was at Taproot, the crowd was definitely going crazy and moving at all times to the music. Musically, the band did not disappoint, executing their set very well. Everyone from Clint's guitar to Lajon's vocals sounded great. The star of the band though, in my opinion, was Morgan Rose. This guy is a beast. Not only can he scream like nobody's business, most notably this night on "Enemy" and "Face To Face," he's a hell of a drummer, double bass and everything. Many times I would find myself focusing on his drumming, something I don't usually do when I see bands live. I was that entertained by his playing. So it's needless to say that I was thrilled when I managed to catch one of his drumsticks following "Bitch." Lajon seemed to be pouring everything into this performance, which was made evident when he was tearing up during the acoustic performances of "Xmas Day" and "Angel Son." Just a stellar performance from all five of them, and I hope they will get 45-60 minutes on Carnival of Madness, they have earned it. In addition to the drumstick, I made off with a bass pick and a guitar pick from John. I refuse to pull an Erik, but I don't think Sevendust could have been much better. 10/10


    Holy Diver Jam
    Xmas Day (acoustic)
    Angel's Son (acoustic)
    Ride Insane
    Face to Face
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
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