Megadeth-I was really excited to see Megadeth for the 1st time. Only complaint, Dave's mic should have been turned up, way up... 8/10
Godsmack-3rd time seeing Godsmack, first time up close. Only complaint, NO PYRO! WHAT!? Oh well. I caught a Shannon Larkin drum stick during Awake. Fucking amazing, just amazing. 2nd best band of the day. 9/10
Got to the grounds at around 6:00. "Murs" and "Soja" were the first two acts we saw yesterday. They were both quite enjoyable. Weren't too familiar with either of them so can't give a set at this time. But, the main reason we were there, as well as everybody else was for the Deftones. They were fantastic. Pretty much the same set they played through the "Diamond Eyes Tour". But, no complaints from me. They killed it! Crowd was rowdy as all hell. Great way to kick off the festival. 10/10
Set: Rocket Skates Diamond Eyes Birthmark Engine No. 9 Digital Bath Knife Party Be Quiet and Drive My Own Summer Minerva Bloody Cape You've Seen The Butcher Kimdracula Beauty School Feiticeira Cherry Waves Change Passenger Elite Headup Root 7 Words
Day 2:
Another fucking awesome day at the Pow Wow Fest. It rained for the majority of the day. So that made the fields nice and muddy. There were a few bands/DJs that played earlier in the day but we didn't decide to get out there until a bit later. Deftones played til' about 12:15am into the morning, so we were pretty tired.
First band we saw were "The Dirty Heads". Very good reggae band our of South Cali. If you dig...311, Sublime, O.A.R., then I suggest checking them out. 8/10
Neighborhood Taint Stand Tall Check the Level Antelope I Got No Time Shine Believe Sails to the Wind Insomnia We Will Rise Lay Me Down (feat. Rome Ramirez)
Next up, Sublime w/ Rome. If you a Sublime fan, then you can't go wrong here. I also recommend checking out the new album. Good stuff. Rome does a phenomenal job replacing Brad. I saw them earlier in the year, and loved it. This show was even better. The crowd's been great both days and were digging the hell out of their set. Anytime these guys come around, I'll probably be there see them. A good bit of the people hit up the Unity Tour prior to the festival, so they got the same set. But fortunately, I wasn't one of those people. 9/10
Set: Smoke Two Joints Don't Push Garden Grove Right Back New Trash Panic 5446 Take It or Leave It Murdera My World Wrong Way You Better Listen Date Rape Safe and Sound Badfish Let's Go Get Stoned What I Got Under My Voodoo Santeria
Now for the band everybody traveled from 42 states and 11 different countries to see..311! A band I grew up listening too, and have also continued to support. The following that these guys have gathered throughout the years is crazy. This goes down as my 19th 311 show, in now 6 different states. It also goes up there as one of the best ones. We knew they were gonna pull a few rarities and what not. They played two sets tonight. They're also playing two sets tomorrow night as well. One of them being "Transistor" in it's entirety. They were great and brought incredibly amounts of energy as usual. These are always some of the most enjoyable shows I've attended. I haven't seen a bad one yet. Also going to so many 311 gigs throughout the years, you meet a bunch of people. A lot of us keep in touch through the 311 forum, facebook, twitter, etc. So it's always nice to meet up with them reminisce. Makes for an awesome time. The band has been on the road for the past couple months, so they were in fine form. Kicked right into the set with "Hive" to get the place jumping, and as usual it worked. 10/10
Set 1: Hive Livin' and Rockin' Don't Stay Home Freeze Time My Stoney Baby DLMD Six Champagne Freak Out Speak Easy Off Beat Bare Ass Lose Loco Gap Strong All Along Brodels Who's Got the Herb? Feels So Good
Set 2: Omaha Stylee Hydroponic It's Getting OK Now Mindspin Applied Science Summer of Love Purpose Creatures Uncalm --Bass Solo-- Nix Hex Unity 1,2,3 Beyond the Grey Sky Do You Right --Encore-- Jackpot Rollin' Down
Day 3 beings at 4:00pm today. (311, Doug Benson(stand up), G. Love, Ozomatli, the Supervillians) So glad I chose this over Mayhem Fest.
Ever since I went to Mayhem 2009 I vowed never to miss a mayhem fest except if they get Limp Bizkit which that has yet to happen so I'm still going. I originally just had a plan Pavilion ticket until I found out that I had won a v.i.p. pass so that was a plus. To save time and staying at my moms which is another hour away from DTE my dad offered to take me and my brother and his friend. We left around 11:30 and my dad thought it would be a genius idea to to take a michigan highway instead of the freeway which added alot of time on because I have never been down that way. Anyways we pull in I jump out of the truck to see the line stretching back to where the two parking lots divide so I said fuck this and starting walking up to get my v.i.p. pass and I get a call from will to get up by him where I saw rest of the crew except for Jay. It was cool because I have never been one of the first people into a concert. So I check out everything during Tension Head bought a mayhem fest shirt. Oh and something cool I was standing between the two stages and saw Kirk from Kingdom Of Sorrow just walking with a sandwich and a dr. pepper I said hi because I didn't wanna bother him and he flashed the horns back at me. Now onto the bands.
Straight Line Stitch- They were to me the worst band on the bill. I admit the lead singer is hot but I just can't get over her voice when she goes into a melody it sounds like I'm watching some Japanese cartoon. I watched about half of their set and left to go and stand in line for the Machine Head signing. 4/10
Tear Down the Sky Never See the Day Laughing in the Rearview Bar Room Brawl Conversion Taste of Ashes (w/ Jamey Jasta) Black Veil
I was standing in line and didn't even notice Jay was standing right in front of me, then I saw the whole fucking group show up. I didn't know until now that will's mom is chill as fuck. Got a poster signed from all of them that is no longer in my possession.
Red Fang- I didn't see all the hype in them that people were giving them. But now I see they are a very good quality stoner rock/metal band. I didn't get up close for them but from where the rockstar tent was I could see their performance and it was well better then I expected. I didn't realize that they had some heavier shit which I really digged. 7/10
All Shall Perish was next and I was looking forward to them. Because of Machine Head signing turned out to be later then what posted I could only see their first two songs from a distance. After I got out of the rockstar tent I said high to my dad and brother which I saw hanging out in the rockstar tent and went to watch the next couple of songs from them. Until will hanging out between the stage and the rail so I went looking found his mom and showed the dude my pass and got over right by All Shall Perish. I liked their albums but I couldn't get into their live performance but oh well it was good. 7/10
Kingdom Of Sorrow- As me an will were getting ready I saw Kirk and Jamey walking up to the stage which was cool. Now it started raining which made it even better and KOS killed it they played a really tight set and fucking will got jamey jasta's wristband. It was also interesting watching a guy run past security after crow surfing just to jump over the guardrail right back into the crowd. 9/10
After KOS was suicide silence which meant for me to get the hell out of there. We were suppose to take the group picture but that fell apart.
Didn't watch Unearth kinda just chilled from what I heard they sounded good so I can't really give them a grade. After Unearth I proceeded to go to get a good spot for Hatebreed while the band that filled in for In Flames played. I positioned myself right where the pits would brake out. I had this nice conversation with this guy why crack was bad. Moments later I see Will and his friend show up. And I'm ready to get crazy
Hatebreed- The band of the day imo. When the star spangled banner started roaring through the speakers you could just feel the crowd push up and you knew you were in for a treat. When jame jasta came out and said everyone fucking bleeds it erupted. And it was chaos I quickly lost wills friend and soon will was crowd surfing. It was chaos the crowd movement and people screaming in each other's faces. Another cool thing was the steam you could see rising off the people. They played a very similar set from l last year but it was still kickass. I got rained on beer thrown all over me and a security dumping a whole bottle of water on me it was fantastic. 10/10
Everyone Bleeds Now In Ashes They Shall Reap Empty Promises Smash Your Enemies Perseverance Last Breath To The Threshold This is Now As Diehard as They Come Doomsayer Proven Destroy Everything Live For This I Will Be Heard
Now time for the main stage. By the time we got to the main stage I was fucking out of it but pumped at the same time. Plus the group pic was a success so that was nice.
Machine Head- I was pumped to see these guys on the side stage but oh well. They put on a fucking awesome set what else can I say about them. Can't wait to see these guy's on a headlining tour. 9/10
Imperium Beautiful Mourning Locust Aesthetics of Hate Halo
Megadeth- Megadeth also put on a very good show. I'm not sure if it was me or dave's mic was turned down to low. Either way it looked like alot of people enjoyed them. On a side note I guess we sold out today which would be two years in a row. It started drizzling again just like all day but it did not take away from the performance. And Dave pretty much confirmed Gigantour or another tour he said not to blink when 2012 came around. 9/10
Trust Hangar 18 Wake Up Dead Sweating Bullets Head Crusher Public Enemy #1
Symphony of Destruction Peace Sells Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
Godsmack- Holy shit I did not expect to be this good. They put on a great fucking show. Much better then when I saw them back last October. I do wish they would change their set up but it was still kick ass. Everyone enjoyed them and i would say they got the biggest reception from the fans. By this time I went down to my seats with my group. I would recommend seeing them. 9/10
Cryin' Like a Bitch The Enemy Forever Shamed Straight Out of Line Awake Speak Love Hate Sex Pain Voodoo Batalla de los Tambores Whatever I Stand Alone
Disturbed- Well by this time Im just like ok just get this over with. And I was right Disturbed were meh to me. Though I will say they were better then Korn last year. They just have never appealed and I guess not to much people around me because half of the row I was in left and the rest were sitting down. 6/10
Remnants Asylum The Game Prayer Liberate The Animal Inside the Fire Warrior Fear / Meaning of Life / Numb / Voices Another Way to Die Stupify Ten Thousand Fists Indestructible Down with the Sickness
Overall it was a pretty fucking epic day got to meet everyone except for ed. And can't wait for next year. And after the show we feasted at McDonalds. I would call that a good day.
Yob/Dark Castle/Dispirit/Worm Ouroboros at 924 Gilman St., Berkley, CA
So, I arrived at 924 Gilman Street. at about 6:20 with my friend Lincoln, aka BrutalDescent from Metalsetlists. It was kind of chilly outside so we went to see if we could hang out inside and they let us. Just moments after walking into the venue I fell in love. It's like a smaller version of The Phoenix Theater . Me and Lincoln just chilled in there on the couches for a bit, watching Worm Ouroboros set up. We walked around for a bit and learned that if we helped out, we wouldn't have to pay for the show. But then we also learned that it'd interfere with watching the bands, so we decided against the volunteering. I don't mind paying to get into a venue as awesome as 924 Gilman. So we hung out for a bit more, and I heard Worm Ouroboros sound check on the epic Riverbed, which they would play later. Lincoln and I then decided to go out side and wait in line, only to find out we'd be first in line. That was aroud 7 PM. While in line, I saw a guy in a Sleep shirt, just like the one I was wearing, and we did that cool nod-to-the-guy-who-is-wearing-the-same-shirt-as-you thing. He then came up to us, and asked if we were from Metalsetlists, which we are, then he told us that he was Onioner and we talked for a wee bit then he went to go smoke with his buddies or something of that sort. At 7:30, they opened doors and we went in. We then went to the concession stand and bought "dinner". For me it was a danish and some water. I also bought some earplugs, since I forgot mine at home, and after hearing Worm Ouroboros sound check, I know it was going to get loud. Then we went to the stage and sat down. I then noticed that Matt Solis from Cormorant was attending the concert as well, and not to soon after that I saw Arthur. Arthur actually came up to me and said hi. We shook hands and he thanked me for writing about them online and stuff. That experience made me feel like Señor Ryan of Wineville. Shortly after that, Worm Ouroboros started playing.
Worm Ourobors were a great way to start off the night. They lit candles around the stage and had christmas lights(the white ones, not red and green) around the stage and the mic stands. Worm Ouroboros set a really nice vibe for the night. It was dark and doomy, with their crunching riffs, yet at the same time their operatic vocals and shoegaze-y parts set a really sweet and innocent vibe around the place too. It was just kind of mystical and serene, yet at the same time it was dark. One thing that bothered me was that I couldn't really hear the vocals during the heavy parts, which would become the reocurring theme throughout the night. I definitely see why Agalloch chose them to open on their East Coast tour. Plus it helps that the drummer in Agalloch is in Worm Ouroboros too. After their set, Lincon and I talked to the bassist/vocalist and she informed us that they had a new album set to release in the Spring of 2012 but no word on a title.
Worm Ouroboros Riverbed =P~ Further Out (New Song) Pearls
Next was Dispirit. I was quite excited to see them. I was really impressed with their set opening up for Agalloch and it left me wanting more. I especially wanted to hear the first song they played again, since it had this one riff that I will never forgot. So, they took a little bit to set up, which pumped everthing behind schedule, but whatever. The set up a large, red light and the smoke machine. Once they were done setting up, they killed all the light, but their large, red light. It set a really dark and creepy vibe. Then they started and the fog machine started spewing it's unholy smog. Only minutes into their set I could only see the front man through all the fog, and sometimes I could barely make him out and he looked like a shadow. Fucking grim. They delivered a great set, full of pulverizing blackened doom and had really clear sound. Yet again, I could barely hear the vocals.
Dispirit Ixtab's Lure \m/ The Drinker
After that was Dark Castle. To my surprise, they were just a two piece. I thought they only have two members, but I thought they might bring a bassist on the road. They were really heavy and just plain loud. Every time they finished a song, they had like, half a minute to a minute of this loud, really bass-y feedback go on, then they'd start the next. A lot of the riff they played we really heavy and crunchy and the drumming was really lively. This time around, I couldn't hear the vocals at all comming from the guitarist. I only knew she was singing because I was watching her scream into the mic. At the point, I was a little irritated with the venue's sound system. Also, I don't have a Dark Castle setlist, sorry guys.
Finally, Yob took the stage. The drummer from Dark Castle was also drumming for Yob, which was impressive. The two bands were also sharing a lot of the same gear. Trying to describe how awesome Yob's performance was in words is proving to be quite difficult, so I'll just say this; Yob put on the heaviest performance I've seen since I saw Sleep. I was just.... massive. The riffs just came at me like a huge wrecking ball. Also, this time I could actually hear the vocals Absolutely phenomonal performance.
YOB Quantum Mystic Prepare The Ground Burning the Altar Atma Ball of Molten Lead Grasping Air
After YOB finished, Lincoln got a signed stick from the drummer from Dark Castle and a hand written setlist from the YOB dude.
Worm Ouroboros: 8.5/10 Dispirit: 9/10 Dark Castle: 8/10 Yob: 9/10
Megadeth-I was really excited to see Megadeth for the 1st time. Only complaint, Dave's mic should have been turned up, way up... 8/10
Godsmack-3rd time seeing Godsmack, first time up close. Only complaint, NO PYRO! WHAT!? Oh well. I caught a Shannon Larkin drum stick during Awake. Fucking amazing, just amazing. 2nd best band of the day. 9/10
Disturbed-2nd time seeing Disturbed, first time up close. Fucking amazing. Enough said. 8.5/10
I remember when I saw them at Mayhem he sounded very good too, though.
Got to the grounds at around 6:00. "Murs" and "Soja" were the first two acts we saw yesterday. They were both quite enjoyable. Weren't too familiar with either of them so can't give a set at this time. But, the main reason we were there, as well as everybody else was for the Deftones. They were fantastic. Pretty much the same set they played through the "Diamond Eyes Tour". But, no complaints from me. They killed it! Crowd was rowdy as all hell. Great way to kick off the festival. 10/10
Rocket Skates
Diamond Eyes
Engine No. 9
Digital Bath
Knife Party
Be Quiet and Drive
My Own Summer
Bloody Cape
You've Seen The Butcher
Beauty School
Cherry Waves
7 Words
Day 2:
Another fucking awesome day at the Pow Wow Fest. It rained for the majority of the day. So that made the fields nice and muddy. There were a few bands/DJs that played earlier in the day but we didn't decide to get out there until a bit later. Deftones played til' about 12:15am into the morning, so we were pretty tired.
First band we saw were "The Dirty Heads". Very good reggae band our of South Cali. If you dig...311, Sublime, O.A.R., then I suggest checking them out. 8/10
Stand Tall
Check the Level
I Got No Time
Sails to the Wind
We Will Rise
Lay Me Down (feat. Rome Ramirez)
Next up, Sublime w/ Rome. If you a Sublime fan, then you can't go wrong here. I also recommend checking out the new album. Good stuff. Rome does a phenomenal job replacing Brad. I saw them earlier in the year, and loved it. This show was even better. The crowd's been great both days and were digging the hell out of their set. Anytime these guys come around, I'll probably be there see them. A good bit of the people hit up the Unity Tour prior to the festival, so they got the same set. But fortunately, I wasn't one of those people. 9/10
Smoke Two Joints
Don't Push
Garden Grove
Right Back
New Trash
Take It or Leave It
My World
Wrong Way
You Better Listen
Date Rape
Safe and Sound
Let's Go Get Stoned
What I Got
Under My Voodoo
Now for the band everybody traveled from 42 states and 11 different countries to see..311! A band I grew up listening too, and have also continued to support. The following that these guys have gathered throughout the years is crazy. This goes down as my 19th 311 show, in now 6 different states. It also goes up there as one of the best ones. We knew they were gonna pull a few rarities and what not. They played two sets tonight. They're also playing two sets tomorrow night as well. One of them being "Transistor" in it's entirety. They were great and brought incredibly amounts of energy as usual. These are always some of the most enjoyable shows I've attended. I haven't seen a bad one yet. Also going to so many 311 gigs throughout the years, you meet a bunch of people. A lot of us keep in touch through the 311 forum, facebook, twitter, etc. So it's always nice to meet up with them reminisce. Makes for an awesome time. The band has been on the road for the past couple months, so they were in fine form. Kicked right into the set with "Hive" to get the place jumping, and as usual it worked. 10/10
Set 1:
Livin' and Rockin'
Don't Stay Home
Freeze Time
My Stoney Baby
Freak Out
Speak Easy
Off Beat Bare Ass
Strong All Along
Who's Got the Herb?
Feels So Good
Set 2:
Omaha Stylee
It's Getting OK Now
Applied Science
Summer of Love
--Bass Solo--
Nix Hex
Beyond the Grey Sky
Do You Right
Day 3 beings at 4:00pm today. (311, Doug Benson(stand up), G. Love, Ozomatli, the Supervillians) So glad I chose this over Mayhem Fest.
Ever since I went to Mayhem 2009 I vowed never to miss a mayhem fest except if they get Limp Bizkit which that has yet to happen so I'm still going. I originally just had a plan Pavilion ticket until I found out that I had won a v.i.p. pass so that was a plus. To save time and staying at my moms which is another hour away from DTE my dad offered to take me and my brother and his friend. We left around 11:30 and my dad thought it would be a genius idea to to take a michigan highway instead of the freeway which added alot of time on because I have never been down that way. Anyways we pull in I jump out of the truck to see the line stretching back to where the two parking lots divide so I said fuck this and starting walking up to get my v.i.p. pass and I get a call from will to get up by him where I saw rest of the crew except for Jay. It was cool because I have never been one of the first people into a concert. So I check out everything during Tension Head bought a mayhem fest shirt. Oh and something cool I was standing between the two stages and saw Kirk from Kingdom Of Sorrow just walking with a sandwich and a dr. pepper I said hi because I didn't wanna bother him and he flashed the horns back at me. Now onto the bands.
Straight Line Stitch- They were to me the worst band on the bill. I admit the lead singer is hot but I just can't get over her voice when she goes into a melody it sounds like I'm watching some Japanese cartoon. I watched about half of their set and left to go and stand in line for the Machine Head signing. 4/10
Tear Down the Sky
Never See the Day
Laughing in the Rearview
Bar Room Brawl
Taste of Ashes (w/ Jamey Jasta)
Black Veil
I was standing in line and didn't even notice Jay was standing right in front of me, then I saw the whole fucking group show up. I didn't know until now that will's mom is chill as fuck. Got a poster signed from all of them that is no longer in my possession.
Red Fang- I didn't see all the hype in them that people were giving them. But now I see they are a very good quality stoner rock/metal band. I didn't get up close for them but from where the rockstar tent was I could see their performance and it was well better then I expected. I didn't realize that they had some heavier shit which I really digged. 7/10
All Shall Perish was next and I was looking forward to them. Because of Machine Head signing turned out to be later then what posted I could only see their first two songs from a distance. After I got out of the rockstar tent I said high to my dad and brother which I saw hanging out in the rockstar tent and went to watch the next couple of songs from them. Until will hanging out between the stage and the rail so I went looking found his mom and showed the dude my pass and got over right by All Shall Perish. I liked their albums but I couldn't get into their live performance but oh well it was good. 7/10
Kingdom Of Sorrow- As me an will were getting ready I saw Kirk and Jamey walking up to the stage which was cool. Now it started raining which made it even better and KOS killed it they played a really tight set and fucking will got jamey jasta's wristband. It was also interesting watching a guy run past security after crow surfing just to jump over the guardrail right back into the crowd. 9/10
After KOS was suicide silence which meant for me to get the hell out of there. We were suppose to take the group picture but that fell apart.
Didn't watch Unearth kinda just chilled from what I heard they sounded good so I can't really give them a grade. After Unearth I proceeded to go to get a good spot for Hatebreed while the band that filled in for In Flames played. I positioned myself right where the pits would brake out. I had this nice conversation with this guy why crack was bad. Moments later I see Will and his friend show up. And I'm ready to get crazy
Hatebreed- The band of the day imo. When the star spangled banner started roaring through the speakers you could just feel the crowd push up and you knew you were in for a treat. When jame jasta came out and said everyone fucking bleeds it erupted. And it was chaos I quickly lost wills friend and soon will was crowd surfing. It was chaos the crowd movement and people screaming in each other's faces. Another cool thing was the steam you could see rising off the people. They played a very similar set from l last year but it was still kickass. I got rained on beer thrown all over me and a security dumping a whole bottle of water on me it was fantastic. 10/10
Everyone Bleeds Now
In Ashes They Shall Reap
Empty Promises
Smash Your Enemies
Last Breath
To The Threshold
This is Now
As Diehard as They Come
Destroy Everything
Live For This
I Will Be Heard
Now time for the main stage. By the time we got to the main stage I was fucking out of it but pumped at the same time. Plus the group pic was a success so that was nice.
Machine Head- I was pumped to see these guys on the side stage but oh well. They put on a fucking awesome set what else can I say about them. Can't wait to see these guy's on a headlining tour. 9/10
Beautiful Mourning
Aesthetics of Hate
Megadeth- Megadeth also put on a very good show. I'm not sure if it was me or dave's mic was turned down to low. Either way it looked like alot of people enjoyed them. On a side note I guess we sold out today which would be two years in a row. It started drizzling again just like all day but it did not take away from the performance. And Dave pretty much confirmed Gigantour or another tour he said not to blink when 2012 came around. 9/10
Hangar 18
Wake Up Dead
Sweating Bullets
Head Crusher
Public Enemy #1
Symphony of Destruction
Peace Sells
Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
Godsmack- Holy shit I did not expect to be this good. They put on a great fucking show. Much better then when I saw them back last October. I do wish they would change their set up but it was still kick ass. Everyone enjoyed them and i would say they got the biggest reception from the fans. By this time I went down to my seats with my group. I would recommend seeing them. 9/10
Cryin' Like a Bitch
The Enemy
Forever Shamed
Straight Out of Line
Love Hate Sex Pain
Batalla de los Tambores
I Stand Alone
Disturbed- Well by this time Im just like ok just get this over with. And I was right Disturbed were meh to me. Though I will say they were better then Korn last year. They just have never appealed and I guess not to much people around me because half of the row I was in left and the rest were sitting down. 6/10
The Game
The Animal
Inside the Fire
Fear / Meaning of Life / Numb / Voices
Another Way to Die
Ten Thousand Fists
Down with the Sickness
Overall it was a pretty fucking epic day got to meet everyone except for ed. And can't wait for next year. And after the show we feasted at McDonalds. I would call that a good day.
So, I arrived at 924 Gilman Street. at about 6:20 with my friend Lincoln, aka BrutalDescent from Metalsetlists. It was kind of chilly outside so we went to see if we could hang out inside and they let us. Just moments after walking into the venue I fell in love. It's like a smaller version of The Phoenix Theater . Me and Lincoln just chilled in there on the couches for a bit, watching Worm Ouroboros set up. We walked around for a bit and learned that if we helped out, we wouldn't have to pay for the show. But then we also learned that it'd interfere with watching the bands, so we decided against the volunteering. I don't mind paying to get into a venue as awesome as 924 Gilman. So we hung out for a bit more, and I heard Worm Ouroboros sound check on the epic Riverbed, which they would play later. Lincoln and I then decided to go out side and wait in line, only to find out we'd be first in line. That was aroud 7 PM. While in line, I saw a guy in a Sleep shirt, just like the one I was wearing, and we did that cool nod-to-the-guy-who-is-wearing-the-same-shirt-as-you thing. He then came up to us, and asked if we were from Metalsetlists, which we are, then he told us that he was Onioner and we talked for a wee bit then he went to go smoke with his buddies or something of that sort. At 7:30, they opened doors and we went in. We then went to the concession stand and bought "dinner". For me it was a danish and some water. I also bought some earplugs, since I forgot mine at home, and after hearing Worm Ouroboros sound check, I know it was going to get loud. Then we went to the stage and sat down. I then noticed that Matt Solis from Cormorant was attending the concert as well, and not to soon after that I saw Arthur. Arthur actually came up to me and said hi. We shook hands and he thanked me for writing about them online and stuff. That experience made me feel like Señor Ryan of Wineville. Shortly after that, Worm Ouroboros started playing.
Worm Ourobors were a great way to start off the night. They lit candles around the stage and had christmas lights(the white ones, not red and green) around the stage and the mic stands. Worm Ouroboros set a really nice vibe for the night. It was dark and doomy, with their crunching riffs, yet at the same time their operatic vocals and shoegaze-y parts set a really sweet and innocent vibe around the place too. It was just kind of mystical and serene, yet at the same time it was dark. One thing that bothered me was that I couldn't really hear the vocals during the heavy parts, which would become the reocurring theme throughout the night. I definitely see why Agalloch chose them to open on their East Coast tour. Plus it helps that the drummer in Agalloch is in Worm Ouroboros too. After their set, Lincon and I talked to the bassist/vocalist and she informed us that they had a new album set to release in the Spring of 2012 but no word on a title.
Worm Ouroboros
Riverbed =P~
Further Out (New Song)
Next was Dispirit. I was quite excited to see them. I was really impressed with their set opening up for Agalloch and it left me wanting more. I especially wanted to hear the first song they played again, since it had this one riff that I will never forgot. So, they took a little bit to set up, which pumped everthing behind schedule, but whatever. The set up a large, red light and the smoke machine. Once they were done setting up, they killed all the light, but their large, red light. It set a really dark and creepy vibe. Then they started and the fog machine started spewing it's unholy smog. Only minutes into their set I could only see the front man through all the fog, and sometimes I could barely make him out and he looked like a shadow. Fucking grim. They delivered a great set, full of pulverizing blackened doom and had really clear sound. Yet again, I could barely hear the vocals.
Ixtab's Lure \m/
The Drinker
After that was Dark Castle. To my surprise, they were just a two piece. I thought they only have two members, but I thought they might bring a bassist on the road. They were really heavy and just plain loud. Every time they finished a song, they had like, half a minute to a minute of this loud, really bass-y feedback go on, then they'd start the next. A lot of the riff they played we really heavy and crunchy and the drumming was really lively. This time around, I couldn't hear the vocals at all comming from the guitarist. I only knew she was singing because I was watching her scream into the mic. At the point, I was a little irritated with the venue's sound system. Also, I don't have a Dark Castle setlist, sorry guys.
Finally, Yob took the stage. The drummer from Dark Castle was also drumming for Yob, which was impressive. The two bands were also sharing a lot of the same gear. Trying to describe how awesome Yob's performance was in words is proving to be quite difficult, so I'll just say this; Yob put on the heaviest performance I've seen since I saw Sleep. I was just.... massive. The riffs just came at me like a huge wrecking ball. Also, this time I could actually hear the vocals
Quantum Mystic
Prepare The Ground
Burning the Altar
Ball of Molten Lead
Grasping Air
After YOB finished, Lincoln got a signed stick from the drummer from Dark Castle and a hand written setlist from the YOB dude.
Worm Ouroboros: 8.5/10
Dispirit: 9/10
Dark Castle: 8/10
Yob: 9/10