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The Concert Review Thread



  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Exactly. At one point he and his fat friend on the count of three charged the people in front of him. It was gay, not even starting a pit, just running into people. The guy thought he was hot shit, we all thought he was a fag.
    That happend to me at a local punk show I went to. Shit was mad gay. Same asshole showed up at another local show I went to and straight up floored my friend like 5 times, which almost caused a fight. Tackling people =/= pits.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Yeah, it's one thing to do it to start a pit, but when people aren't paying attention so you just crush them and then turn around and high five it's like fuck you.
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    Yeah, it's one thing to do it to start a pit, but when people aren't paying attention so you just crush them and then turn around and high five it's like fuck you.
    exactly. that's just gay. I don't mind being pushed against the rail cause people get thrown out of the pit but when drunk assholes sprint into the people in the front, it just plain sucks
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Worst thing at the punk show was, there was a pit going on, and instead of going in the pit, he would just circle it and push people who obviously didn't want to mosh into the pit. Also, there was this kid who would straight tackle people to the gronud and wrestle them. I don't know if it's everywhere, but the punk kids over here are fucking inbred or someshit.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    That's retarded. Punk pits are usually awesome.
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Well it is good to hear people don't have those problems everywhere.
  • jagjag Posts: 5,033 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Those 2 dudes were fags for sure, but it is what it is.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Warped Tour--Detroit Mi--July 8th

    So I am finally back from camping and warped tour which was yesterday so I will tell how the day went and the 3 est bands. So I got home from camping the night before at like 4 in the morning and doors were at 11 in detroit and my friends for some reason wanted to be their right when doors were. So I got picked up at 9:30 and proceeded to drive a huge ass van down to comerica. When we get in Detroit the only parking we could find was like 8 dollars fuck them. We get in about 10 minutes after doors and what was pretty cool was this huge ass board with all the bands and what stage they were on. So now on to the best bands I saw.

    1. August Burns Red- They were the best band I saw and maybe the best band there. I wish some of the bands like them got a longer set. But the pit was huge and at one point had a huge ass circle pit. Of course their was HXC dancers whixh pisses me off but I expected it at Warped. All of the guys sounded tight and really knows how to work the crowd so it was by far the best and most fun had at Warped. 9/10

    2. A Day To Remember- This was the band that all my friends wanted to see and I was also pretty excited for them. I really thought they were gonna be the best band on the bill. But it just kinda looks like they are tired and need a break for a little bit. It was a fun set and I did get pretty crazy during All I Want. During the set which was funny is that I ended up all alone one of my friends ended up getting sucked into the pit and two of them crowd surfed and the other two wanted to get closer. All in all fun set but just didn't have the fire like August Burns Red. 8.5/10

    3. Winds Of Plague- Maybe the heaviest band on the bill. What can I say they had a short but fun set. But damn the crowd didn't seem into them I don't know if it was gthe scene corwd or what. I am in love with impaler so I got into the pit for that. I will say that WOP new keyboardist I like alot more than their oldest. Another fun set but the crowd was kinda dead. 8/10

    Damn but I gotta say that when TDWP was playing my one friend got nailed by a HXC dancer and broke his nose he looked pretty badass after we got him to stop crying. After the show we got out and luckily we have someone who is legal to drive at night because we saw about 7 cops on the way home. All in all fun day alot the bands were shitty but had fun and got to hang with some good friends.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    after we got him to stop crying..
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited July 2011
    He acted like he never got hit before I was laughing my ass off.
    At Mayhem during the giant circle pit during ITM last year some faggot tackled me to the ground. So when I stood up I kneed him in the face. My biggest pet peeve. That and when people grab you by the hood of your hoody.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    ive honestly never had a problem in a mosh biggest pet peeve is people just man handling peeps to get closer..its like dood your not getting rail give up but they wont till they piss everyone off and squeeze in a 1 inch spot and push like hell
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    edited July 2011
    7/9/11 Warped Tour Chicago review. Woke up hella early to go pick up my friend victor. Once i got him we hit the road and drove straight to tinley park. We got there about 10:30 and we had a few drinks in the parking lot. After that we just walked into the front of the line and got in. First act of the day i saw was larry and his flask.
    They were decent.

    I went over to see Big B right after that and he killed it great set. He even brought out scott russo out for sinner.
    He has some of the coolest tat's i've ever seen he has the dogs playing poker tat and a orinigal caddy symboal.
    his setlist was as followed.

    Before i leave this place
    White Trash life
    Out in Cali

    After Big B me and my friend caught the end of mice and men's set. They were pretty good they had a huge crowd I will be checking them out next time around more now. Right after there set was over we went over to the monster tent to get some free monster. Right after that we sat down and saw a little bit of DRUGS. I thought they were pretty good the singer has a great voice. I tired sooo fucking hard to avoid all the shitty bands at warped but of course when we were hanging out with the chicks we meant they tried to make us go see blood on the dancefloor. Me and my friend didn't see them but we had to walk past them so i was yelling at them. My god they might be the gayest band of all time.

    Luckily August Burns Red were up next. These guys are one of the most unrated metal bands out there today.
    They killed it live the sound was really awesome. The set was awesome the best song they played was either Marianas Trench, Poor Millionaire, Divisions , Meddler. I can't wait to see them again. After ABR were done we went into the ampheither to sit down. All the bands besides like 3 that played that stage sucked. The Acacia Strain were next i have been wanting to see these guys forever. Such a fun set. The only problem was the bass was louder then the mic. They eventually fixed that and killed it. After the acaica strain WOP was up. Winds of plague are one of my many favorite bands this was my second time seeing them. The set was awesome but they didn't play anything off the great stone war and they didn't played legions. I was having so much fun during there set it fucking ruled.

    Refined in the Fire
    Decimate the Weak
    The Impaler
    Angels of Debauchery
    One Body Too Many
    Drop the Match

    After WOP me and my friend went a chilled in the amptheater. Again a shitty band was playing in there haha.
    Luckily A decent band in dance gavin dance were playing right before ADTR so we watched them. Then we left to get a good spot for ADTR holy fuck if there was 40,000 ppl there they were all at ADTR. These guys were one of the best live act's i've ever seen so much fun. The crowd was singing alot moshing headbanging. It was wonderful they played a great set but they need to play for longer. I can't fucking wait to see them again.

    I'm Made Of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of?
    A Shot In The Dark
    My Life For Hire
    All Signs Point To Lauderdale
    Mr. Highway's Thinking About The End
    2nd Sucks
    All I Want
    The Plot To Bomb The Panhandle
    Have Faith In Me
    The Downfall Of Us All

  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Sounds fun. When I went we had to watch alot of shit bands because my buddies girlfriend wanted to watch bands like blood on the dance floor.
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Mayhem Fest 2011, Moutain View, CA.

    Yestarday was the big day; Mayhem Festival. I left the house pretty early because we had to go pick up my dad and the exchange student from the hotel they were staying at. After that happened, we went to the venue and got in line for the people with pre-sale. There, I met up with one of the guys from Metalsetlists, BrutalDescent. Once we got in the venue, we went to the Revolver Stage, got out programs, then got some rail at the Jager Stage to catch, Valdur.

    Valdur were really great. They started off the set, proclaiming "We're Valdur, and we're here whether you like it or not!". They got a really great crowd reaction. The supplied us all with relentless riffs, plunder blast-beats, and pure, kvlt as fvck Black Metal. Everyone on rail was headbanging, and there was a decent mosh going on behind. My only complaint about their set was that the snare sounded way to poppy. After Valdur finished, Straight Line Stitch went on, but I stayed at the Jager stage to keep my rail spot for Red Fang. While Red Fang were setting up, Brutal took my program, because he was going to get meet Testament and get signatures.

    So the time came, and Red Fang fucking rocked the place. They were the best band on the side-stages, no questions asked. The whole time, I was front and center, headbanging like crazy and singing along to the song I know the lyrics to( or at least I think I know 'em...). They were just a non-stop, ass-kicking, good time. They sounded great, played spot on, and had great energy. I was worried that they might get some shit from some people, but everyone who was watching enjoyed them

    Red Fang
    Reverse Thunder
    Into The Eye
    Good To Die
    Prehistoric Dog

    After Red Fang, my friend Michael and I walked around while All Shall Perish was playing. From waht I heard, they soudned alright, playing breakdowns with the occasional tech riff in there for good measure. While this was happening, we were trying to get into the Rockstar tent to get some drinks but the line was too long and wasn't moving. So we walked around the merch booths and decided to got to the Red Fang singing, which was during Kingdom Of Sorrow. It was then that I realized that my program was still with Brutal, so I went to grab another, since I couldn't find him. Once I got that program signed by Red Fang and had a couple words with the bassist, I went into the crowd for KoS, and ran into Brutal, who gave me my other program, signed by TESTAMENT \m/ . By then, KoS was done, so we got close for Unearth. Suicide Silence was playing at this time, and we made fun of 'em. Once Unearth started, the crowd went absolutley ape-shit. People we moshing and crowd-surfing non-stop. It was crazy. After 2 songs, me, Brutal, and my friend MIchael, left to get good spots for the almighty Testament while Unearth finihsed their set.

    Testament were really great. They thrashed through a lot of old favorites and newer song as well(of Formation, not from their upcomming album) Their crowd was really energetic, but there weren't too many crowd-surfers, which was nice. Alex Skolnick was also a really impressive guitarist. The solos he flared through were incredible. Testament also sounded pretty clear which was nice. Only complaint was lack of Souls of Black, but I saw that comming

    Over the Wall
    The Preacher
    The New Order
    More Than Meets the Eye
    Into the Pit
    D.N.R. (Do Not Resuscitate)
    3 Days in Darkness

    After Testmanet, we walked to the Rockstar tent to grab some drinks and went merch hunting. When we got the the Red Fang merch, so I could buy a Red Fang shirt, I checked my wallet and realized I forgot my $20 bill at home, so all I had was $6 <_____>. Luckly, Brutal spotted me $20, and I got the shirt. I also talked to the drummer for a bith, and told how much I love Murder the Moutains. We then went to Unearth's and got some signings. We stopped by the Mayhem Fest tent, because Brutal wanted to get a shirt, and the venders were total assholes. So we stole their huge gallon of water :)) . After we went into Machine Head, where we had to split because Brutal had Lawn. Then, I finally met up with my dad, my other friend Sam, and the exchange student, Christoff

    Machine Head put on the best performance I've seen by them yet. Flynn has such great stage prescene. They just plowed through their set, providign us with some funny words in between songs. Locust sounded pretty good live, which I know a lot of you guys are looking forward to. Also, Robb would do this thing wehre he would throw a beer into the crowd, hoping someone would catch it, and out of the three he threw, only one was caught. It was solid set from Machine Head.

    Machine Head
    2.Beautiful Mourning
    4.Aesthetics of Hate

    After Machine Head, my dad pointed that a seat in front of us was vacant, so we could sneak Brutal in. I grabbed one of my friends' tickets, stuck it in my pocket, and then left to go chill with Brutal for a little bit before Megadeth. I gave him the ticket, and he was happy, since he didn't enjoy the view or sound from the lawn. We talked with the dudes from Valdur for a bit. They were pretty chill. After that, we went back for Megadeth

    Dave Mustaine has mastered the art-form of making shitty/predictable setlists. Their performance was still good, and their show was really fun, but I've seen it all before, minus Headcrusher and Public Enemy No. 1. I had fun headbanging, and air guitaring during every single solo, which their were a lot of, but it wasn't anything too great. If Mayhem is your first time seeing Megadeth, you'll have fun. But if you've seen them before, don' expect to be blown away.

    Wake Up Dead
    Hangar 18
    Public Enemy No. 1
    Symphony of Destruction
    Head Crusher
    Peace Sells
    Holy Wars... The Punishment Due

    So next was Godsmack. They were decent at best. Their live performance wasn't really anthing special. They sounded alright, and when they played a song I recognized I enjoyed it, but their perforamnce wasn't captivating enough to keep me entertained during songs I didn't know. I will say that the duel drum solos they did was pretty cool though. But for this most part, I was just talkint to Brutal during their set.

    Cryin' Like a Bitch
    The Enemy
    Forever Shamed
    Straight Out of Line
    Love Hate Sex Pain
    Batalla de los Tambores
    I Stand Alone

    So Disturbed.......... To be frank, they were shit. Their sound was terrible. The bass drums were overpowering everything else. I could barely hear the toms, cymbals, of the bass. The guitar tone was just bad too. Also, Donegan sounded like crap. Whenever he did his notorious scream/shriek/"ooh-ah-ah-ah-ah" he sounded like a chihuahua getting it's feet stepped on. It was not good. Not to mention their background visuals were stupid. I ended up leaving mid way through their set to walk around with Brutal, which I felt kind of bad about, because I kind of felt like I was ditching my friends, but I really just was not enjoying Disturbed. Of the bands I actually watched, they were by far the worse. Hopefully they aren't this bad the rest of the tour.

    The Game
    The Infection
    The Animal
    Inside the Fire
    Another Way to Die
    Ten Thousand Fists
    Down with the Sickness

    So as Disturbed were finishing, I realized I forgot my signed programs at my seat. I texted my friends to tell them to grab 'em, but they didn't check their phones. So, I lost my signatures. It sucks, but I'm not too bummed. All in all, Mayhem Fest was really fun. Hopefully they get better headliners next year though...

    Valdur: 8/10
    Red Fang: 9/10
    Unearth: 8/10
    Testament: 9/10
    Machine Head: 8.5/10
    Megadeth: 8.5/10
    Godsmack: 6.5/10
    Disturbed: 3/10
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,661 master of ceremonies

    They were the best band on the side-stages, no questions asked.

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  • Me_Me_ Posts: 13,701 salt miner
    Sounds fun. When I went we had to watch alot of shit bands because my buddies girlfriend wanted to watch bands like blood on the dance floor.
    Good review bro..Fucking Disturbed has same ass tired setlist as last year besides 1 or 2 songs...I will not be staying for them.

  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    Yo slap what kinds of rockstar did they have.
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Yo slap what kinds of rockstar did they have.
    Regular, lemonade, orange, pink, and appearntly grapge, but they ran out before I got any.
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