My first time at this 225 capacity venue in Boston located near Fenway. Liked the accoustics in the place and found a spot in front of the sound board where i postioned myself thru the whole show (right behind the pit).
Razormaze - played 20 minutes, 2 new songs, Karma in Karma Out and slave to the Maze. hung out with them before their set. Recognized me from Facebook and gave me a free DVD. The sounded 100x better than their show i saw earlier in the year. Sound at the venue was excellent for the first 4 bands
PanzerBasterd - first time hearing them, 20 minute set. meh
WarBeast - didn't care for what i heard from these guys on youtube, but live they sound a hell of a lot better. Played for 30 minutes. Have a melodic death / thrash sound going. overall i liked it
Heathen - just wow...first show ever in Boston, played for 50+ minutes (overran their time). played 7 or 8 songs including Dying Season and No Stone Unturned. singer seemed inpressed with the crowd and worked off the energy. if you are into thrash metal i recommend checking these guys out
Destruction - played for about 80 minutes, 20 minutes past curfew. Singer kept bitching about sound issues during the set, but the band itself sounded great. Opened with Curse The Gods, ended with the 2 song encore they've been playing on other dates. Enjoyed the set, and the impromto drum solo when the singer walked off stage, but the singer's continued bitching took away from the set. Glad to finally see one piece of the german big 3
After finding out that Hail The Villain dropped off this tour and raged like no other, I bought an ATR shirt and a BLS wristband. Merch was way overpriced with shirts being 40 a pop.
Hourcast - Singer reminded me of the dude from Buckcherry. This did not make me happy. Got cups and other shit thrown at them, which I thought was unfortunate. Generic radio rock sound 4\10
All That Remains - They fucking slayed. Opened with This Calling and from there it was just an awesome set. Phil souned great despite his rep for having mediocre vocals live. They brought a fan onstage to play Hold On and he actually did pretty good. I moshed most of their set and caught a signed drum head! 9/10
Black Label Society - The generation gap as far as fans go definitely showed during their set. The BLS fans pushed their way up and....did nothing really. There was no push towards the stage, no mosh pits, no crowd surfers, nothing. While i thought i might enjoy the lack of pushing considering i was 3 rows from the rail, it made the show rather boring. BLS was BLS, good but nothing spectacular. And fuck 10 minute solos 7.5/10
Yeah well they've had to put pretty much their whole tour schedule this year on hold because their vocalist had minor surgery on his vocal chords, so he's training to get his voice back....
Got an email from asking me to help with radio interviews for the show. That ended up being cool and making this a great night. I had to hold the video camera during interviews for the show.
Mindflow - Great Brazilian Progressive Rock / Metal band. Played a 6 song, half hour set. First time really hearing them and they are worth checking out. 7/10
After their set, i was asked to hold the camera to interview the drummer and guitarist from Mindflow. video:
Last Perfect thing - because of doing the Mindflow interview, only caught their first and last songs, both were meh. 1/10
UFO - Played a shortened set because of having 2 shows booked at the venue in the same night. Played for about 90 minutes. Not too familair to put out a good setlist, but played songs like Rock Me, Doctor doctor, shoot shoot....8/10
After the show, i was asked by the radio station to interview Andy Parker, drummer for UFO. While we did the interview, Phil Mogg also came in. So i got to hang with 2 original members of UFO for about 1/2 hour. they were both really cool.
My first time at this 225 capacity venue in Boston located near Fenway. Liked the accoustics in the place and found a spot in front of the sound board where i postioned myself thru the whole show (right behind the pit).
Razormaze - played 20 minutes, 2 new songs, Karma in Karma Out and slave to the Maze. hung out with them before their set. Recognized me from Facebook and gave me a free DVD. The sounded 100x better than their show i saw earlier in the year. Sound at the venue was excellent for the first 4 bands
PanzerBasterd - first time hearing them, 20 minute set. meh
WarBeast - didn't care for what i heard from these guys on youtube, but live they sound a hell of a lot better. Played for 30 minutes. Have a melodic death / thrash sound going. overall i liked it
Heathen - just wow...first show ever in Boston, played for 50+ minutes (overran their time). played 7 or 8 songs including Dying Season and No Stone Unturned. singer seemed inpressed with the crowd and worked off the energy. if you are into thrash metal i recommend checking these guys out
Destruction - played for about 80 minutes, 20 minutes past curfew. Singer kept bitching about sound issues during the set, but the band itself sounded great. Opened with Curse The Gods, ended with the 2 song encore they've been playing on other dates. Enjoyed the set, and the impromto drum solo when the singer walked off stage, but the singer's continued bitching took away from the set. Glad to finally see one piece of the german big 3
After finding out that Hail The Villain dropped off this tour and raged like no other, I bought an ATR shirt and a BLS wristband. Merch was way overpriced with shirts being 40 a pop.
Hourcast - Singer reminded me of the dude from Buckcherry. This did not make me happy. Got cups and other shit thrown at them, which I thought was unfortunate. Generic radio rock sound 4\10
All That Remains - They fucking slayed. Opened with This Calling and from there it was just an awesome set. Phil souned great despite his rep for having mediocre vocals live. They brought a fan onstage to play Hold On and he actually did pretty good. I moshed most of their set and caught a signed drum head! 9/10
Black Label Society - The generation gap as far as fans go definitely showed during their set. The BLS fans pushed their way up and....did nothing really. There was no push towards the stage, no mosh pits, no crowd surfers, nothing. While i thought i might enjoy the lack of pushing considering i was 3 rows from the rail, it made the show rather boring. BLS was BLS, good but nothing spectacular. And fuck 10 minute solos 7.5/10
some pics from the show. Hung out with Jagbag for a bit too
Got an email from asking me to help with radio interviews for the show. That ended up being cool and making this a great night. I had to hold the video camera during interviews for the show.
Mindflow - Great Brazilian Progressive Rock / Metal band. Played a 6 song, half hour set. First time really hearing them and they are worth checking out. 7/10
After their set, i was asked to hold the camera to interview the drummer and guitarist from Mindflow. video:
and picture with me and the drummer, Rafael:
Last Perfect thing - because of doing the Mindflow interview, only caught their first and last songs, both were meh. 1/10
UFO - Played a shortened set because of having 2 shows booked at the venue in the same night. Played for about 90 minutes. Not too familair to put out a good setlist, but played songs like Rock Me, Doctor doctor, shoot shoot....8/10
After the show, i was asked by the radio station to interview Andy Parker, drummer for UFO. While we did the interview, Phil Mogg also came in. So i got to hang with 2 original members of UFO for about 1/2 hour. they were both really cool.
Nice pics dood \m/