Got to the venue around 6:30PM and walked around a little bit. Saw Joey's minivan pull up to the Met, him driving with the rest of the band. Walked up to him, took my picture with him and talked for a couple minutes. total class act.....
Went down the street to a Chinese restaraunt. Waiting about 1/2 hour for the food. Wasn't in the nicest section of town. The woman working there was working in slow motion, as were the other cutsomers in the place. finally got the food and decided to eat in the car and wait for the doors to open.
When the doors opened, went in and saw Joey at the merch table. Bought a shirt for $15 and he signed a couple of CD's for me. we talked for about 10 minutes, telling me stories of Anthrax and some local venue stuff he remembered, really cool.
The Met - nice clean venue. Holds about 300 people, there was about 50 there. very dissapointed so few people for a metal god, but everyone elses loss.
Saint to Sinner - opening band. didn't really care for them. they had their following of irritiating teenie girls, most of which left before Belladonna went on. They weren't horrible, just didn't care for them
After their set, i went to Joey and asked him to talk to Laurie. He called her and started talking, but couldn't hear anything. Nicholas answered, so Laurie didnt get to talk with him....bummer...again Joey is a class act
Skullhammer - great old skool thrash metal. enjoyed their set. i have a Cd in the mail from them, can't wait to hear it
Pistol Shot Gypsy - Better than expected. enjoyed their set. Straight up rock and roll. kind of hair metalish. Opened with the Zeppelin song When the Leevee Breaks. Worth checking out
Belladonna - couple of highlights, one is when Joey saw me videotaping, grabbed my video camera and videotaped the band from the stage! also got the crowd. Can't wait to check out the footage. The second is when a drunk guy got up on stage for an entire song. Joey just played the song, and the guy left the stage afterwards. Security didnt care. Joey took requests all night, and tried to play parts of songs from Scorpions, Uriah Heap, etc....
Set list included, not in order: Among the Living Medusa Madhouse Antisocial Caught in a Mosh NFL Indians In My World Got the Time Heaven and Hell cover MEtal Thrashing Mad Man on the Silver Mountain cover
Local NYC show last night at the Gramcery Theater-March 10, 2011
It was pouring rain, so when the show started there were only maybe 25 people tops.
Matyrd-Thrash band from Queens. Had a Warbringer feel to them. Their lead guitarist was fucking awesome. 7/10
Arctic Flame-Another local band...power metal. They were just trying way to hard. Their talented lead guitarist looked bored onstage, like it was below his talent level (which it probably was) and the lead singer had one hell of a voice, but he was running around to much so it was too broken up. 2/10 for effort trying to sound like Maiden
Gothic Knights-Headliner, also local...power metal with a thrashy feel. Place had maybe 60 people there by now. Really mother fucking good. They were a little on the old side (being from 1990 and all) but their drummer was the highlight of the band. We kept screaming for drum solos, but sadly, we weren't obliged. We did get an unplanned encore that sort of pissed off the venue though. 8/10....drummer 10/10.
Show last night was great. "haarp" killed and "Down" was awesome as usual. Bruders filled in for Rex again, but he does a great job. If you have tickets for this to see them in the next few weeks, you won't be disappointed. Everybody's in fine form.
here's the set...
Hail the Leaf Lysergic Funeral Procession Lifer Ghosts Along the Mississippi The Path Underneath Everything Losing All New Orleans Is A Dying Whore Pillars Of Eternity On March The Saints NOD Eyes Of The South Stone The Crow Bury Me In Smoke/Walk Away
2/27 W. Springfield, Jaxx-Eluveitie/3 Inches of Blood/Holy Fail/System Divide/Ethereal Genocide
Ethereal Genocide-Friend's band. Great show. They could do a little more moving around on stage but they're definitely one of the best local bands out there 7/10
System Divide-I liked these guys a lot. I would have liked them more if the guy next to me wasn't windmilling his hair into my face. His hair was so thin that it would feel like a whip smacking me repeatedly in the face. I eventually got my hand in a position where his hair hit my arm and didn't hit my face. It should have been noticeable to him that his hair was hitting my arm but alas, he kept windmilling. Minus the idiot next to me 7/10
Holy Fail-Wow the fail these guys brought was surprisingly better than last time! I hate the singer still but I really paid attention to the guitars this time and I found that somewhat bareable. Still don't like them 3/10
3 Inches of Blood-Lots of time wasted trying to get the bass drum triggers set up. I just wanted them to start playing, screw the triggers and get out there. I liked their show better this time than on Mayhem. Not a whole lot better but It was cool seeing them on a 2 foot stage. Got a pick at the end of the set. 7/10
Eluveitie-Wow these guys are good. All the freaking instruments on stage was awesome. They picked a great selection of songs to play also. I would have taken Britcom and Omnos off to put a couple other songs in because I don't like Evocation. Singing the English version of Slania's Song was awesome. At the end of Slania's song, they had the other bands getting on stage, hoisting themselves up on each other's backs and dancing around on stage. This is one band I need to see when they come around again. 9/10
Went down the street to a Chinese restaraunt. Waiting about 1/2 hour for the food. Wasn't in the nicest section of town. The woman working there was working in slow motion, as were the other cutsomers in the place. finally got the food and decided to eat in the car and wait for the doors to open.
When the doors opened, went in and saw Joey at the merch table. Bought a shirt for $15 and he signed a couple of CD's for me. we talked for about 10 minutes, telling me stories of Anthrax and some local venue stuff he remembered, really cool.
The Met - nice clean venue. Holds about 300 people, there was about 50 there. very dissapointed so few people for a metal god, but everyone elses loss.
Saint to Sinner - opening band. didn't really care for them. they had their following of irritiating teenie girls, most of which left before Belladonna went on. They weren't horrible, just didn't care for them
After their set, i went to Joey and asked him to talk to Laurie. He called her and started talking, but couldn't hear anything. Nicholas answered, so Laurie didnt get to talk with him....bummer...again Joey is a class act
Skullhammer - great old skool thrash metal. enjoyed their set. i have a Cd in the mail from them, can't wait to hear it
Pistol Shot Gypsy - Better than expected. enjoyed their set. Straight up rock and roll. kind of hair metalish. Opened with the Zeppelin song When the Leevee Breaks. Worth checking out
Belladonna - couple of highlights, one is when Joey saw me videotaping, grabbed my video camera and videotaped the band from the stage! also got the crowd. Can't wait to check out the footage. The second is when a drunk guy got up on stage for an entire song. Joey just played the song, and the guy left the stage afterwards. Security didnt care. Joey took requests all night, and tried to play parts of songs from Scorpions, Uriah Heap, etc....
Set list included, not in order:
Among the Living
Caught in a Mosh
In My World
Got the Time
Heaven and Hell cover
MEtal Thrashing Mad
Man on the Silver Mountain cover
It was pouring rain, so when the show started there were only maybe 25 people tops.
Matyrd-Thrash band from Queens. Had a Warbringer feel to them. Their lead guitarist was fucking awesome. 7/10
Arctic Flame-Another local band...power metal. They were just trying way to hard. Their talented lead guitarist looked bored onstage, like it was below his talent level (which it probably was) and the lead singer had one hell of a voice, but he was running around to much so it was too broken up. 2/10 for effort trying to sound like Maiden
Gothic Knights-Headliner, also local...power metal with a thrashy feel. Place had maybe 60 people there by now. Really mother fucking good. They were a little on the old side (being from 1990 and all) but their drummer was the highlight of the band. We kept screaming for drum solos, but sadly, we weren't obliged. We did get an unplanned encore that sort of pissed off the venue though. 8/10....drummer 10/10.
here's the set...
Hail the Leaf
Lysergic Funeral Procession
Ghosts Along the Mississippi
The Path
Underneath Everything
Losing All
New Orleans Is A Dying Whore
Pillars Of Eternity
On March The Saints
Eyes Of The South
Stone The Crow
Bury Me In Smoke/Walk Away
Ethereal Genocide-Friend's band. Great show. They could do a little more moving around on stage but they're definitely one of the best local bands out there 7/10
System Divide-I liked these guys a lot. I would have liked them more if the guy next to me wasn't windmilling his hair into my face. His hair was so thin that it would feel like a whip smacking me repeatedly in the face. I eventually got my hand in a position where his hair hit my arm and didn't hit my face. It should have been noticeable to him that his hair was hitting my arm but alas, he kept windmilling. Minus the idiot next to me 7/10
Holy Fail-Wow the fail these guys brought was surprisingly better than last time! I hate the singer still but I really paid attention to the guitars this time and I found that somewhat bareable. Still don't like them 3/10
3 Inches of Blood-Lots of time wasted trying to get the bass drum triggers set up. I just wanted them to start playing, screw the triggers and get out there. I liked their show better this time than on Mayhem. Not a whole lot better but It was cool seeing them on a 2 foot stage. Got a pick at the end of the set. 7/10
Eluveitie-Wow these guys are good. All the freaking instruments on stage was awesome. They picked a great selection of songs to play also. I would have taken Britcom and Omnos off to put a couple other songs in because I don't like Evocation. Singing the English version of Slania's Song was awesome. At the end of Slania's song, they had the other bands getting on stage, hoisting themselves up on each other's backs and dancing around on stage. This is one band I need to see when they come around again. 9/10
Eluveitie shirt-$25
Ethereal Genocide demo-$5