I need some kind of cash..its like the first time in awhile that I actually have NOTHING.
Also, I did a couple epic photobombs...This group of like three guys put their arms around each other while somebody else took the pic. He obviously wasn't part of the group because I straight up posed with the corniest smile ever behind them.
We had two local openers to start with. The first was complete and utter crap and only played for like, ten people (1/10).
The second was was a good thrash band among the likes of Warbringer and Violator, but I forgot their fucking name. Their drummer has a monstrous windmill headband and they were good for their age I guess (they are not much older than I am). (6.5/10)
Lazarus A.D - These guys were the effing shit. They played everything easily and had a blast doing so. The crowd was maybe 1/4 of what it would eventually be for Kreator, but that didn't stop them from calling out to us and calling for a mosh pit. Energetic as hell, these guys aren't someone I want to miss in the future. 8/10
Evile - One of the 3 bands that I went for, Matt Drake sounds exactly like he does on both of their CD's. I thought that he had changed is for because of an injury or something, but now I assume that it was by choice as he can still hold his own from the Enter the Grave material. All songs were played almost flawlessly, and their new bassist didn't disappoint. Evile was just as energetic as LAD, if not, more, and Ol Drake is one funny dude on the stage (he was walking around the stage stretching his legs like in a cartoon, made me laugh a couple of times). Ol also played bits and pieces of Cemetery Gates, and I got my hopes up a little thinking they would play their cover, but they did not. If you are going to Killfest, I highly recommend checking these guys out. 9/10
Kataklysm - Second of 3 bands I went for, the crowd went crazy for these guys. I'm not to familiar with their set, but the songs that they played did not let me down when I heard them. It was just like I imagined. lol. The pits that Kataklysm got while playing their faster songs were some of the most wild I had ever seen. Whenever the pit would calm down and I turned my head back to the stage, I would always see the members doing something different than they had before, they were never to repetitive with their stage presence and sometimes I would find myself having to choose between looking at the pit or looking at them. 8.5/10
Kreator - Boy, oh boy. This is my first real old school thrash band that I've ever seen. Kreator wasn't boring in the slightest and always had us begging for more. I will admit, it was pretty cool, because I saw a lot of the older metal crowd Florida who looked like they never left the 80's. There were 35 (at least) year old dudes demanding and starting circle pits of their own, and this was without Kreator calling for it. Once Kreator got involved, it was pretty much game over, because the floor exploded, and the biggest circle pits of my life emerged. When I looked back at Kreator, I was not in anyway shape or form not surprised. They've got the skill and presence to be where they are at, and their frontman was the one of the best that I've seen since Randy Blythe. 9/10
Pics to be up soon, I tried uploading to Facebook and it "failed," so now I am trying to UL them to myspace, and if that don't work, I'll do Photobucket tomorrow.
That sucks chewy. I learned my lesson when I was the last one into the parkway drive show in Louisville that I'm not going to risk buying at the door and buy before hand. We had drove down two hours from cincy. They had to turn away a good 200 kids
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
the sucky thing to, is that since this was kind of darkest hours homecoming show, they gave them at least 50 guest list tickets, and the venue can hold maybe 500 at the most.
Ok...Friday I got a call inviting me to the Unearth show and got picked up 15 minutes leter. The next day I got up at 4 because we needed to leave early for Tennesee.
We got there late so first band was Ghost Inside. They were pretty generic, but the faggy scene crowd made sure they did their dance moves. GAY.
Stick To Your Guns - I wasn't expecting much but they were pretty good. I would NEVER go to a show for them, but it was good to have a listenable band instead of stupid scene garbage.
Veil Of Maya - Hometown crowd, they were fucking insane. They sounded great and the entire crowd was a pit. They played 2 or 3 new songs, all of which sounded neato.
Unearth - Holy fuck, these guys were great. They of course didn't get a lot of crowd interaction because they are good music but oh well...They had a couple of circle pits and whatnot but as I had predicted, most of the scenefags had left. I was extremely pissed because during My Will Be Done I was waiting for people to go crazy during the verse and then the band goes DA NA-NA-NA BOOM!!! And the crowd did...nothing. They fucking stood there like a bunch of fucking faggots. I apologize for the Erik sentences here but FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK! But OF COURSE, they move as soon as the breakdown hits. Great band, shitty crowd.
As I was going to coat check, I got my coat and looked down and saw half of the Unearth drummer's drumstick. I looked around, saw no one else noticed it, pocketed it, and walked away like a bawse. Woo hoo!
I'd definitely recommend going to this if you want to. If you don't listen to any of the bands, don't go out of your way to see it. They had some sick merch though, I got an Unearth Rambo shirt. I'll try to find a pic of it.
I saw unearth and was completely unmoved and bored. In no way are they underrated, they are a generic boring metalcore band that wasted 45 min of my time...
I was extremely pissed because during My Will Be Done I was waiting for people to go crazy during the verse and then the band goes DA NA-NA-NA BOOM!!! And the crowd did...nothing. They fucking stood there like a bunch of fucking faggots. I apologize for the Erik sentences here but FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK! But OF COURSE, they move as soon as the breakdown hits. Great band, shitty crowd.
Thats what i hate about scene fags, they'll fucking stand there with their arms crossed looking bored, then a breakdown, oh shit, i better dance
If you were unmoved or bored at an unearth show, that was a truly shit show..they are awesome live. They are really involved with the crowd, both guitar players left the stage and played on top the bar halfway in the set
I went barely knowing anything by them but loved the show. I had some dude on youtube help me out with the song I recorded lol. I dont know if I posted it on old mayhem.
Also, I did a couple epic photobombs...This group of like three guys put their arms around each other while somebody else took the pic. He obviously wasn't part of the group because I straight up posed with the corniest smile ever behind them.
We had two local openers to start with. The first was complete and utter crap and only played for like, ten people (1/10).
The second was was a good thrash band among the likes of Warbringer and Violator, but I forgot their fucking name. Their drummer has a monstrous windmill headband and they were good for their age I guess (they are not much older than I am). (6.5/10)
Lazarus A.D - These guys were the effing shit. They played everything easily and had a blast doing so. The crowd was maybe 1/4 of what it would eventually be for Kreator, but that didn't stop them from calling out to us and calling for a mosh pit. Energetic as hell, these guys aren't someone I want to miss in the future. 8/10
Evile - One of the 3 bands that I went for, Matt Drake sounds exactly like he does on both of their CD's. I thought that he had changed is for because of an injury or something, but now I assume that it was by choice as he can still hold his own from the Enter the Grave material. All songs were played almost flawlessly, and their new bassist didn't disappoint. Evile was just as energetic as LAD, if not, more, and Ol Drake is one funny dude on the stage (he was walking around the stage stretching his legs like in a cartoon, made me laugh a couple of times). Ol also played bits and pieces of Cemetery Gates, and I got my hopes up a little thinking they would play their cover, but they did not. If you are going to Killfest, I highly recommend checking these guys out. 9/10
Kataklysm - Second of 3 bands I went for, the crowd went crazy for these guys. I'm not to familiar with their set, but the songs that they played did not let me down when I heard them. It was just like I imagined. lol. The pits that Kataklysm got while playing their faster songs were some of the most wild I had ever seen. Whenever the pit would calm down and I turned my head back to the stage, I would always see the members doing something different than they had before, they were never to repetitive with their stage presence and sometimes I would find myself having to choose between looking at the pit or looking at them. 8.5/10
Kreator - Boy, oh boy. This is my first real old school thrash band that I've ever seen.
Kreator wasn't boring in the slightest and always had us begging for more. I will admit, it was pretty cool, because I saw a lot of the older metal crowd Florida who looked like they never left the 80's. There were 35 (at least) year old dudes demanding and starting circle pits of their own, and this was without Kreator calling for it. Once Kreator got involved, it was pretty much game over, because the floor exploded, and the biggest circle pits of my life emerged. When I looked back at Kreator, I was not in anyway shape or form not surprised. They've got the skill and presence to be where they are at, and their frontman was the one of the best that I've seen since Randy Blythe. 9/10
More horrid pictures can be seen here: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=105266937&albumId=2796421
Matt Drake flipped me off, maybe....
Pit during Thrasher
We got there late so first band was Ghost Inside. They were pretty generic, but the faggy scene crowd made sure they did their dance moves. GAY.
Stick To Your Guns - I wasn't expecting much but they were pretty good. I would NEVER go to a show for them, but it was good to have a listenable band instead of stupid scene garbage.
Veil Of Maya - Hometown crowd, they were fucking insane. They sounded great and the entire crowd was a pit. They played 2 or 3 new songs, all of which sounded neato.
Unearth - Holy fuck, these guys were great. They of course didn't get a lot of crowd interaction because they are good music but oh well...They had a couple of circle pits and whatnot but as I had predicted, most of the scenefags had left. I was extremely pissed because during My Will Be Done I was waiting for people to go crazy during the verse and then the band goes DA NA-NA-NA BOOM!!! And the crowd did...nothing. They fucking stood there like a bunch of fucking faggots. I apologize for the Erik sentences here but FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK! But OF COURSE, they move as soon as the breakdown hits. Great band, shitty crowd.
As I was going to coat check, I got my coat and looked down and saw half of the Unearth drummer's drumstick. I looked around, saw no one else noticed it, pocketed it, and walked away like a bawse. Woo hoo!
I'd definitely recommend going to this if you want to. If you don't listen to any of the bands, don't go out of your way to see it. They had some sick merch though, I got an Unearth Rambo shirt. I'll try to find a pic of it.
love all there cds
Thats what i hate about scene fags, they'll fucking stand there with their arms crossed looking bored, then a breakdown, oh shit, i better dance
I was a little sad that they didn't play Sanctity Of Brothers but oh well