I'm bored and if it wasn't this...I'm sure I'd be staring at the ceiling. Plus I'm crazy hungry with nothing to eat at the moment, so that adds to it. *shrugs*
We do not bash you on a daily basis. Usually, if someone says anything to you you end up taking it as such. Or you say something beyond stupid that causes bashing in some sort of way. I'm bored as fuck so I thank you for giving me something to do for a few seconds Mr. Myanswerisdealwithit
dawn u should just save this paragraph on word or something cuz you say this exact same thing to erik at least 3 times a week lol
I have to say that Erik needs to tell the difference between us bashing him and having an opinion. I know if anyone went apeshit over the new bmth album like Erik did, we would get shit because everyone has an opinion on the matter.
Hah. I was talking to my mom on the way to the Shinedown show and she said "So, when are you going to stop seeing them already? Haven't you seen them enough?" Me: "I'll see them when they stop touring". Since Sound of Madness came out, I've seen them 7 times, I saw them once on the Us and Them tour and once on the Leave a Whisper tour.
Talk to the sloth for my response.
*crosses fingers hoping that he saved the thread, but has his doubts*
I've never listened to them on cd