so because he made a personal choice that he doesnt like abortions cuz he was an OBGYN doctor and saw first hand the troubles and difficulties of abortions you then qualify as a person who gives out 'empty promises'? sounds to me like you just are going to hate this man no matter what so i guess it is best to just further on ignore your political opinion as biased and not objective and just move on with my day
There's more depth to it, but that's the main surface of my dislike for him. You don't have a uterus so I don't expect you to understand the sort of terror this sort of belief can bring to a woman.
Please don't be ^so close minded to think just because I have a dick I can't understand this issue and the emotions around it.
no. you cannot understand and nothing you say will change my mind on that.
My x got preggo and was super sick the entire time. Her body rejected it because other blood type, it attacked it. She could have died or the baby could have or many other complications. We decided to get an abortion, it was both of our choice not just hers. That was half my child ^so I should get half the say.that was the hardest decision I have ever had to make and same for her. ^so again don't tell me because I have a dick I can't understand cause I understand those emotions and the situation way better than you do and more than I hope you ever will. O and the girl I date now had one at 15 so she's talked to me about it. I know what I'm talking about.
I love this show. WHo ever said season 2 sucks, you're wrong. The Walking Dead \m/
It started off slow but the second half has been great. I think people forget it's a two part season. The comic is the same way, nothing happens for a while, everyone is safe then shit hits the fan then back to finding a new place getting comfy then it hits the fan again.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
It was half your child, but if every father took the responsibility of that half a child, then the debate would be much more difficult for women. It was half your child genetically, sure, but it wasn't half your child to bear, or in the case of many women who get abortions, take responsibility for.
A law against abortion would put a lot more pressure upon women in that way. I support women being able to make the decision in spite of their male counterpart's refusal.
I think thats kind of bullshit though. I understand that women bear the child and all that, but its an 18 year commitment from both parties Why is it fair for the female to proceed with an abortion without the male's support. Its not like it can happen the other way around.
I think thats kind of bullshit though. I understand that women bear the child and all that, but its an 18 year commitment from both parties Why is it fair for the female to proceed with an abortion without the male's support. Its not like it can happen the other way around.
For some guys there's no commitment at all or it only lasts a few years for them. If the female wants an abortion for whatever reason, her decision is final. She can take the father's in account if he's around but that's it. Imo it's the females choice. If the guy wants a child so bad he should have the logic of he can try again later
My mom told me I wouldn't be able to go through with that. I can say she's probably right. Some girls would rather not go through the entire pregnancy as well. Sometimes I wish men were the ones that can get preg and have babies. Maybe they'd see things differently
agreed but i think women should take the less selfish choice and do an adoption if they dont want it, unless of course the baby is going to cause harm to the mother permenantly or has serious implications... if i was a girl i would never get an abortion and if i didnt want it id give it up for adoption.. for the babies sake and for people who really want to adopt kids
i think abortion shouldbe an option, i just feel like you need to do it early on if your going to do it.. the idea of the guy wanting the baby and the girl not wanting it is very hard.. i feel for any guy that wanted a kid but couldnt have it but understand the dilemma
Awesome show \m/
A law against abortion would put a lot more pressure upon women in that way. I support women being able to make the decision in spite of their male counterpart's refusal.