I've done literally nothing that's fishing for attention, I've posted, and conversated in threads, that's it, like everyone else. Everyone on here is an attention whore in that case, right?
i call bullshit on this...first off...when you came back the first thing you did was stop in make one thread...an "update" on your gangster rap career....then you disappear for how ever long (a week, 2 weeks, a day? idgaf) it was and come back and make a thread and all you talk about is how your tripping and so fucked up on these drugs....sounds like someone who is looking for attention to me
Holy fuck. Aight, first of all, the first time. wasn't for attention, I posted it and fucking left immediately, I didn't even lurk around afterwards to see what y'all said. Yea, I was able to receive SO much attention. That wasn't an attention call, that was a fuck you and suck my dick. Second of all, I didn't come back after posting that for over a month, and that wasn't for attention, the literal cause of me even coming back was because I started tripping, and it was a random thought, this place crossed my mind, and I figured I'd come back. Once I hit my full blown trip, I wasn't even talking to y'all, I was basically typing my inner monologue and talking to myself. Go back to that thread, there was a stretch of 6-7 posts that were all mine, I was just seriously tripping my ass off and typing down my experience, the last thing I cared about was y'alls attention. I mean I even fucking filmed myself on my webcam literally rambling for 10 minutes straight, talking about what happened, still high as Hell, and I don't even remember why I did it. And DXM isn't like weed where you're like "Fuckkk I'm so baked. B-) " and fully realize what you're doing. I was bordering on a third plateau trip and my mind left my body. If you go read those posts, none of them were bragging posts about how fucked up I was, there was a fucking post describing that I stuck my head out the window and how peaceful it was. Which is true, I remember I had put my head out the window and got lost at how "beautiful" it was, even though I was looking at the road and the houses across the street. As I was saying, it was more of inner monologue.
Anyways, done here, continue with your ignorant bullshit and stay hung up on false thoughts of me being an attention whore, just to find something to bash me for. I'm far from it, none of y'alls opinion means shit to me, and it wouldn't phase me in the slightest if every single one of my posts went completely ignored. I don't care about attention. Y'all sure love to give me it though, by telling me how much of an attention whore I am. Dat irony.
Question. Are you rapping that fast as you recorded it (on that video) or did you rap, modify it, and then lip sync the vid?
By no means is that supposed to be an insult/accusation. Legitimately curious. I wondered the same thing for the Nyan cat one.
No, I recorded that all in one take, I can actually rap that. I wouldn't release anything I can't actually rap, 'cause that means no live performances of it.
The video wasn't lip-synced, I actually rapped it, but I turned the video audio completely down and synced the song along with my lips.
Lol. Exactly. Thank you for pulling that one little statement out, instead of a legitimate response, and showing that I shut your ass up and treated you. Take your L.
im just trying not to cause a 3 page blow up....i just found it funny that if you didn't care about our opinions why would you type something so long defending your actions?
and you should chill out man....the reason most people give you shit is because of the way you react to it...i mean look at what i got out of a single smiley
im just trying not to cause a 3 page blow up....i just found it funny that if you didn't care about our opinions why would you type something so long defending your actions?
'Cause the attention whore shit is the most idiotic insult towards me on here, hands down. It's ignorant and shows how far you're reaching to try and bash me for something. Don't flatter yourself, your attention means nothing to me. I just find it ironic that the ones repeatedly calling me an attention whore, are in turn, the ones giving me the most attention. Makes you look retarded son.
i haven't given you shit for attention....until one post in this thread calling you out on your BS....and i wasn't trying to bash you...i just wanted to try and point it out to you how easily you flip shit over nothing
Anyways, done here, continue with your ignorant bullshit and stay hung up on false thoughts of me being an attention whore, just to find something to bash me for. I'm far from it, none of y'alls opinion means shit to me, and it wouldn't phase me in the slightest if every single one of my posts went completely ignored. I don't care about attention. Y'all sure love to give me it though, by telling me how much of an attention whore I am. Dat irony.
By no means is that supposed to be an insult/accusation. Legitimately curious. I wondered the same thing for the Nyan cat one.
The video wasn't lip-synced, I actually rapped it, but I turned the video audio completely down and synced the song along with my lips.
Lol. Exactly. Thank you for pulling that one little statement out, instead of a legitimate response, and showing that I shut your ass up and treated you. Take your L.