The bands you listen to that you think are metal really aren't. Ex. Devil wears prada and asking Alexandria
then why did mayhem put them on their bill... :-?
The only thing that I like about Mayhem are their headliners. I could care less about the parking lot bands. Mayhem is generically a modern metal festival, which is sad they don't include that many old school bands. I know they have of course, but I wish the headliners would just all be old school. Or at least very good underrated bands.
You talking to Da Muffin Man!? [..] Lolz! To be honest I don't think I've heard High On Fire. Not really into the majority of modern day bands. But I keep an open mind and I'm willing to check them out.
They don't need to remove anything, it's fine as is. If they didn't have at least a couple shit bands, you wouldn't have much time to eat and piss I bet.
My thoughts exactly. They're one of The Big 4 and their new album was one of the biggest come backs I've ever heard.
That's why I said "I've ever heard" not "best comeback ever" in my opinion it was. I lvoe Anthrax personally, even though they're my least favorite out of The BIg 4. I give them my respects for being one of the innovators in thrash metal which is my favorite genre.
My thoughts exactly. They're one of The Big 4 and their new album was one of the biggest come backs I've ever heard.
That's why I said "I've ever heard" not "best comeback ever" in my opinion it was. I lvoe Anthrax personally, even though they're my least favorite out of The BIg 4. I give them my respects for being one of the innovators in thrash metal which is my favorite genre.
its just a forum joke lol but seriously i think anthrax blows there is a million better thrash bands out there and i dont even really like thrash all that much