i didnt want to buy into the corporate obsession that was social networking, and i didnt want people "stalking/creeping on" me, nor did i ever really care what my friends were up to at certain points of the day enough to make one... so i never made one.
alas, i may eventually breakdown and make one though because it makes it easier to share music.
OK honestly what is a rapper doing on a metal forum? This is just morally incorrect.
Elitist spotted. I've been here since I was 12 years old on the OG forum. And went through a Metal phase. Grew up with Hip Hop though and my love eventually came back for it.
Not an elitist. He's just new and it's not everyday you see a rapper on a metal forum.
Pretty much this. Jesus chill out you are pretty much a minority here, it's not everyday you see a rapper on metal forumz. If you used to like metal then great, but I don't see the reason to come back here if you've completely adapted a new style.
Not an elitist. He's just new and it's not everyday you see a rapper on a metal forum.
Pretty much this. Jesus chill out you are pretty much a minority here, it's not everyday you see a rapper on metal forumz. If you used to like metal then great, but I don't see the reason to come back here if you've completely adapted a new style.
A: Metal is barely even talked about on here. B: I have history here. This is the only Metal forum you'll ever catch me on.
Not an elitist. He's just new and it's not everyday you see a rapper on a metal forum.
Pretty much this. Jesus chill out you are pretty much a minority here, it's not everyday you see a rapper on metal forumz. If you used to like metal then great, but I don't see the reason to come back here if you've completely adapted a new style.
A: Metal is barely even talked about on here. B: I have history here. This is the only Metal forum you'll ever catch me on.
I disagree. So far I've seen many metal topics being posted on here. If not topics then at least metal bands are mentioned throughout the entire forum. It may not be talked about 24/7 sure, but still this is a metal forum. Didn't question your seniority.
alas, i may eventually breakdown and make one though because it makes it easier to share music.
and lol
and there is a private option you can do.