Not posting any new tracks, but these are my lyrics for my verse off the last track of my mixtape, Crew Love, to show where I'm at lyrically. One thing I also love about having my crew now, is it adds subjects for me to write about. Writing about how much my homies meant to me, was an unrealistic feat a while ago, I had none. Also, gonna include explanations for each line, since I would get bashed on here based on uneducated hate, 'cause y'all had no clue what the line actually meant, and either took it too literally, or gave it a completely different meaning.
Gonna post it twice. First time, just the verse to read through it, second time with meanings and explanations.
I got love for my crew, and so few for all of you. I was scared of old age, because I hadn't seen my youth. Before I hit the double deuce, the golden years just had me fooled. Visions of my own blood, and dreams of swimmin' in the pool. So, I don't know where I would be without y'all. Taught me how to walk again when I devolved back to crawlin'. Double dose injection when I'm usually used to fallin'. Wired up the phones to help me chase my true callin'. Uh, and I usually ain't out in the open.......But, you gave me life, so I think I owe it. Focus on the future, close the casket on the past, throw the black on the slick cap, kick back, have a blast. Throw some gas on the grass where the bad naps at, gather up the family, let's amass for a fat glass. A fat jazz, rouge to a blue world. Iron out the kinks and turn a loop into a smooth curl. Color to a black and white sky, is it really better just to live and let die? 'Cause if y'all sat back and just lived and let cry, I wouldn't know what it's like to live the best life. But the sly surprise of life deployed some troops to my side. Who would ride or die, and firefight, and stand on the line. Shed blood, for a love thicker than blood. 'Cause through thick and thin, through brick and brimstone, I still got US.
I got love for my crew, and so few for all of you. I was scared of old age, because I hadn't seen my youth. -Scared of growing up, I hadn't experienced anything but depression in my teenage years, when it's supposed to be the opposite Before I hit the double deuce, the golden years just had me fooled. -Double deuce = 22. As in, 22 years old. I did a play on Fool's Gold, your youth is considered the "Golden Years", and it was the opposite for me for a while. Visions of my own blood, and dreams of swimmin' in the pool. -Referring to the multiple times I contemplated suicide. Pool = My pool of blood. So, I don't know where I would be without y'all. -Self explanatory. But I could've eventually went through with it, not even here to write this song. Taught me how to walk again when I devolved back to crawlin'. -Pretty self explanatory, but my depression was so bad, that it was like trying to teach myself to live all over again, I was crawling again, deteriorated to a helpless infant, my crew picked me back up and gave me happiness again. Double dose injection when I'm usually used to fallin'. -Wordplay involving drugs. Meaning my crew was like a heavy dose of drugs that keeps me high on life, when I was used to the exact opposite of high, falling, being low. Wired up the phones to help me chase my true callin'. -Wordplay on callin'. They not only support me, but in the case of my best friend and Cousin, they're helping me chase my dream by being partners and making Music with me. My duo, Stolen Throne, is my heart and pride now. I want US to make it, not just me. But it was a metaphor, wired up a phone to help me make a call, but not in that literal sense. Uh, and I usually ain't out in the open.......But, you gave me life, so I think I owe it. -Meaning, I'm usually not open with my feelings, but they literally saved my life, so the least I owe them is this, even if it's in song form, to let them know what they truly mean to me. Focus on the future, close the casket on the past, throw the black on the slick cap, kick back, have a blast. -Personification of literally burying the past as you would a person. Black being the soil/mud, and slick cap being the cover/top of the casket, which is usually a very slick surface. Throw some gas on the grass where the bad naps at, gather up the family, let's amass for a fat glass. -Continuing on the burial theme, saying completely destroy any memories of my negative past, burn the grass that's above where it's laying in the ground. Second part is just a more poetic way of saying let's celebrate the current positives, drink, and get fucked up. A fat jazz, rouge to a blue world. -A fatass joint. Second part, rouge refers to a lit joint, where the tip is red, and blue is usually identified as a color of depression. Red is commonly looked at as blue's opposite. So, in simpler words, fuck the negative, focus on it's opposite; positive. Keeping up the same negative turned positive theme throughout the entire verse, due to my crew. Iron out the kinks and turn a loop into a smooth curl. -Keeping up the same theme, generally. Life's called a "Rollercoaster ride", and the loops are more intense and harsh on an actual roller coaster. A smooth curl isn't something that's looked at as negatively. Basically saying avoid the loops; avoid the stress. Color to a black and white sky, is it really better just to live and let die? -First part: same theme with the negative to positive. Second part: Saying you should care sometimes, it could save someone's life. As it did with me. 'Cause if y'all sat back and just lived and let cry, I wouldn't know what it's like to live the best life. -Basically, the whole theme of the verse summed up in one line. If I didn't find them, didn't make friends with them, they didn't care, or I didn't become as close as I am with them now, I still wouldn't have been experiencing true happiness. Some of the best nights of my life thus far, have been with them. But the sly surprise of life deployed some troops to my side. -When it seemed like it wouldn't happen, happiness came along, and I made friends who ended up becoming the best friends I've ever had, they're like my brothers. Who would ride or die, and firefight, and stand on the line. -Keeping up the military theme of "troops". Just saying they have my back through anything and everything. Shed blood, for a love thicker than blood. -Play on "Blood is thicker than water.", and keeping up with the military/war theme of the last two bars. 'Cause through thick and thin, through brick and brimstone, I still got US. -No matter what, I have Music, and them, all I need. We've had dumbass fights and that shit didn't matter, family doesn't separate over stupid shit. Brick and brimstone kinda playing on "Fire and brimstone", meaning, through the worst Hell, we still got eachother's backs.
While I'm at it, I'm having way too much fucking fun bumping this right now. Such a fun ass track. I think I was already gone before I recorded this, this is like 3 months old. But fuck I love this track.
Newest track. Just recorded. First use of my home studio in a while.
*EDIT* Yet again won't embed. Here's the link.
I be dat dope ass mothafucka. Chi-Town's what I'm reppin'. They sayin' I'm Clark Kent, well mothafucka, where's my cleft chin? Fresher than a breath mint, sorta like refreshment. Ugly ducklin' envious, the best chick is neckin'. Chest thick, hips anorexic, wit a big exit. Let's make it an entrance, you get what I'm spittin'? Slick subliminals, known to kill it, criminal. They say they married to the game, well I'll bury ya ritual. I'm sorry the clique is full, it's a members only basis. Ya game is a shame, you ain't in our lane, face it. She said she love the crew, and she wanna go for a cruise. Well baby boo I'll bring the brews, just don't get too loose and get bruised. I never liked 'em sloppy, but I sho like 'em in twos. Got subwoofas under my futon, way we make the bedroom boom. Got two twins at my crib, we get the cradle rockin'. Mamacita, make me spend a peso, get dat pussy poppin'.
She said she wanna top the charts, so I told her hop on top. Number one Episode, I'm cloggin' up all the slots. Every phonic I jot, is rotten, sick, and so hot. So yo bitch feels her only option is to lick on my cock. Dishonest to say it's not, a Goddess to lay a God. It's a facade, after the foreplay, vacate, get dropped. Knobs locked, then it's on to the next bitch. No depression, she just peppy to let me wreck clit. I'm pretty reckless, I ain't the one to mess with. Meddle with my set and we gon' leave yo brethren's heads split. Just to be an extra dick, I'll go and bless yo bitch's tits. And leave a frenzied mess to cleanse on both sets of slippery lips. I ain't a G doe, I ain't tryna come off hard. But we done pushed ourselves too hard, to stop before we even start. No one's gonna slow the movement, fuck you if you say no. We on the road to glory, steady set on gettin' pesos.
You really need to stop taking my, and Hip Hop lyrics in general, so literal. It's a metaphor for money in general. The original track is called Peso By A$AP Rocky.
You really need to stop taking my, and Hip Hop lyrics in general, so literal. It's a metaphor for money in general. The original track is called Peso By A$AP Rocky.
But didn't you just take it literal by tellin America "so you don't have a goal of making money in your life?"? Or was that because of something else..
You really need to stop taking my, and Hip Hop lyrics in general, so literal. It's a metaphor for money in general. The original track is called Peso By A$AP Rocky.
But didn't you just take it literal by tellin America "so you don't have a goal of making money in your life?"? Or was that because of something else..
No... I said doesn't everyone have a goal of getting money in their life. And I used pesos as a metaphor for money in general. I'm obviously not literally seeking pesos, that'd make no sense, I couldn't even spend them.
Gonna post it twice. First time, just the verse to read through it, second time with meanings and explanations.
I got love for my crew, and so few for all of you.
I was scared of old age, because I hadn't seen my youth.
Before I hit the double deuce, the golden years just had me fooled.
Visions of my own blood, and dreams of swimmin' in the pool.
So, I don't know where I would be without y'all.
Taught me how to walk again when I devolved back to crawlin'.
Double dose injection when I'm usually used to fallin'.
Wired up the phones to help me chase my true callin'.
Uh, and I usually ain't out in the open.......But, you gave me life, so I think I owe it. Focus on the future, close the casket on the past, throw the black on the slick cap, kick back, have a blast.
Throw some gas on the grass where the bad naps at, gather up the family, let's amass for a fat glass.
A fat jazz, rouge to a blue world.
Iron out the kinks and turn a loop into a smooth curl.
Color to a black and white sky, is it really better just to live and let die?
'Cause if y'all sat back and just lived and let cry, I wouldn't know what it's like to live the best life.
But the sly surprise of life deployed some troops to my side.
Who would ride or die, and firefight, and stand on the line.
Shed blood, for a love thicker than blood. 'Cause through thick and thin, through brick and brimstone, I still got US.
I got love for my crew, and so few for all of you.
I was scared of old age, because I hadn't seen my youth. -Scared of growing up, I hadn't experienced anything but depression in my teenage years, when it's supposed to be the opposite
Before I hit the double deuce, the golden years just had me fooled. -Double deuce = 22. As in, 22 years old. I did a play on Fool's Gold, your youth is considered the "Golden Years", and it was the opposite for me for a while.
Visions of my own blood, and dreams of swimmin' in the pool. -Referring to the multiple times I contemplated suicide. Pool = My pool of blood.
So, I don't know where I would be without y'all. -Self explanatory. But I could've eventually went through with it, not even here to write this song.
Taught me how to walk again when I devolved back to crawlin'. -Pretty self explanatory, but my depression was so bad, that it was like trying to teach myself to live all over again, I was crawling again, deteriorated to a helpless infant, my crew picked me back up and gave me happiness again.
Double dose injection when I'm usually used to fallin'. -Wordplay involving drugs. Meaning my crew was like a heavy dose of drugs that keeps me high on life, when I was used to the exact opposite of high, falling, being low.
Wired up the phones to help me chase my true callin'. -Wordplay on callin'. They not only support me, but in the case of my best friend and Cousin, they're helping me chase my dream by being partners and making Music with me. My duo, Stolen Throne, is my heart and pride now. I want US to make it, not just me. But it was a metaphor, wired up a phone to help me make a call, but not in that literal sense.
Uh, and I usually ain't out in the open.......But, you gave me life, so I think I owe it. -Meaning, I'm usually not open with my feelings, but they literally saved my life, so the least I owe them is this, even if it's in song form, to let them know what they truly mean to me.
Focus on the future, close the casket on the past, throw the black on the slick cap, kick back, have a blast. -Personification of literally burying the past as you would a person. Black being the soil/mud, and slick cap being the cover/top of the casket, which is usually a very slick surface.
Throw some gas on the grass where the bad naps at, gather up the family, let's amass for a fat glass. -Continuing on the burial theme, saying completely destroy any memories of my negative past, burn the grass that's above where it's laying in the ground. Second part is just a more poetic way of saying let's celebrate the current positives, drink, and get fucked up.
A fat jazz, rouge to a blue world. -A fatass joint. Second part, rouge refers to a lit joint, where the tip is red, and blue is usually identified as a color of depression. Red is commonly looked at as blue's opposite. So, in simpler words, fuck the negative, focus on it's opposite; positive. Keeping up the same negative turned positive theme throughout the entire verse, due to my crew.
Iron out the kinks and turn a loop into a smooth curl. -Keeping up the same theme, generally. Life's called a "Rollercoaster ride", and the loops are more intense and harsh on an actual roller coaster. A smooth curl isn't something that's looked at as negatively. Basically saying avoid the loops; avoid the stress.
Color to a black and white sky, is it really better just to live and let die? -First part: same theme with the negative to positive. Second part: Saying you should care sometimes, it could save someone's life. As it did with me.
'Cause if y'all sat back and just lived and let cry, I wouldn't know what it's like to live the best life. -Basically, the whole theme of the verse summed up in one line. If I didn't find them, didn't make friends with them, they didn't care, or I didn't become as close as I am with them now, I still wouldn't have been experiencing true happiness. Some of the best nights of my life thus far, have been with them.
But the sly surprise of life deployed some troops to my side. -When it seemed like it wouldn't happen, happiness came along, and I made friends who ended up becoming the best friends I've ever had, they're like my brothers.
Who would ride or die, and firefight, and stand on the line. -Keeping up the military theme of "troops". Just saying they have my back through anything and everything.
Shed blood, for a love thicker than blood. -Play on "Blood is thicker than water.", and keeping up with the military/war theme of the last two bars.
'Cause through thick and thin, through brick and brimstone, I still got US. -No matter what, I have Music, and them, all I need. We've had dumbass fights and that shit didn't matter, family doesn't separate over stupid shit. Brick and brimstone kinda playing on "Fire and brimstone", meaning, through the worst Hell, we still got eachother's backs.
>posts track
>stays forever
*EDIT* Yet again won't embed. Here's the link.
I be dat dope ass mothafucka.
Chi-Town's what I'm reppin'.
They sayin' I'm Clark Kent, well mothafucka, where's my cleft chin?
Fresher than a breath mint, sorta like refreshment.
Ugly ducklin' envious, the best chick is neckin'.
Chest thick, hips anorexic, wit a big exit.
Let's make it an entrance, you get what I'm spittin'?
Slick subliminals, known to kill it, criminal.
They say they married to the game, well I'll bury ya ritual.
I'm sorry the clique is full, it's a members only basis.
Ya game is a shame, you ain't in our lane, face it.
She said she love the crew, and she wanna go for a cruise.
Well baby boo I'll bring the brews, just don't get too loose and get bruised.
I never liked 'em sloppy, but I sho like 'em in twos.
Got subwoofas under my futon, way we make the bedroom boom.
Got two twins at my crib, we get the cradle rockin'.
Mamacita, make me spend a peso, get dat pussy poppin'.
She said she wanna top the charts, so I told her hop on top.
Number one Episode, I'm cloggin' up all the slots.
Every phonic I jot, is rotten, sick, and so hot.
So yo bitch feels her only option is to lick on my cock.
Dishonest to say it's not, a Goddess to lay a God.
It's a facade, after the foreplay, vacate, get dropped.
Knobs locked, then it's on to the next bitch.
No depression, she just peppy to let me wreck clit.
I'm pretty reckless, I ain't the one to mess with.
Meddle with my set and we gon' leave yo brethren's heads split.
Just to be an extra dick, I'll go and bless yo bitch's tits.
And leave a frenzied mess to cleanse on both sets of slippery lips.
I ain't a G doe, I ain't tryna come off hard.
But we done pushed ourselves too hard, to stop before we even start.
No one's gonna slow the movement, fuck you if you say no.
We on the road to glory, steady set on gettin' pesos.