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Another danger to society



  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Why can't we just let the countries fall to shit and take care of our own? Why spend billions on others and let the people here go through shit?
    Or if the people of these oppressed nations do want our help, how about them pledging to pay us back for our effort plus interest once we kill their fucked up dictator.

    If saying that makes me an asshole then ummm okay. I do have sympathy for the shit happening around the world, but frankly don't really get why our gov gets to so freely blow my money to save those people.

    My international policy? "sorry- we are a little busy with our own shit (debt, school system, healthcare, etc). Our doors are open if you want to move here and have a life here. If not, ummm... good luck and I feel for you bro"
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    We should just drop the biggest nuke we have on that entire region and turn it all into beachfront property. They've been fighting for over 3000 years and nobody's won yet. Call it a draw, bomb the shit out of 'em and start the fuck over.
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    We should just drop the biggest nuke we have on that entire region and turn it all into beachfront property. They've been fighting for over 3000 years and nobody's won yet. Call it a draw, bomb the shit out of 'em and start the fuck over.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Although I think you ideas of mass genocide is commendable, it would be far more successful if instead of using Nukes if you engineered a biological weapon that lays dormant and contagious for a few weeks, then quickly takes hold of the immune system and shuts the body down before any sort of medical intervention is possible. With this method you wont make the land inhabitable like you would with Nukes, And hopefully with a little luck we can achieve your goal of total human annihilation within 2 months. Cheers!
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    Why would you do that? D:
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Not total annihilation, Wake, just that area that don't want to do anything but fight. I'm fucking sick of the middle east. It's been at least a fucking decade. Fucking end it already.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Not total annihilation, Wake, just that area that don't want to do anything but fight. I'm fucking sick of the middle east. It's been at least a fucking decade. Fucking end it already.
    bwhahahahahahaha... Dude, either you are really fucking awful at math or you are really bad with history. which is it?

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Why would you do that? D:
    I was not cereal girlfriend!
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    Why would you do that? D:
    I was not cereal girlfriend!
    Oh thank god. I was going to be sad.

  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Let's see......we were attacked in 2001 and it's 2011 now, right? Now I'm gonna go slow here for you.......2011-2001=10. There are ten years in a decade. Math checks out.

    There has been some type of fighting in the Middle East since before the birth of Christ. That would be 2011 years plus 32 years totalling over 2000 years. History checks out.

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited March 2011
    Let's see......we were attacked in 2001 and it's 2011 now, right? Now I'm gonna go slow here for you.......2011-2001=10. There are ten years in a decade. Math checks out.

    There has been some type of fighting in the Middle East since before the birth of Christ. That would be 2011 years plus 32 years totalling over 2000 years. History checks out.

    I thought you were specifically talking about the land disagreement in Israel/Palestine, and that fighting has been happening now for around 3,500 odd years give or take a few centuries and some decades as change.

    And if you had actually listened to what Al Qaeda said was their motivation for the attacks on September llth of 2001, you would know that that was motivated out of our support of Isreal over the disagreement above. Yes, I am sure it is possible that they were lying when they said "We attacked you because of your support of Isreal and the crimes against arabs they have committed."... but I see little reason for them to lie after the fact like that, nor can I see another plausible reasoning for their attack.

    Anyways... when you said there has been fighting there for over a decade, I was laughing because the number is closer to 3500 years. It's like seeing a 5 gallon jug of pennies and saying "there is over 2 pennies in there"... No shit! try a million.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    edited March 2011
    Then you obviously misread my statements because we have just said exactly the same thing.
    We should just drop the biggest nuke we have on that entire region and turn it all into beachfront property. They've been fighting for over 3000 years and nobody's won yet. Call it a draw, bomb the shit out of 'em and start the fuck over.

    BTW if you believe al-Queada's explaination as to why they attacked, cool. I for one do not believe anything binLaden has to say, but that's just me. I don't care what the reason was actually because that won't unring the bell.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited March 2011

    BTW if you believe al-Queada's explaination as to why they attacked, cool. I for one do not believe anything binLaden has to say, but that's just me. I don't care what the reason was actually because that won't unring the bell.
    You are free to plug your ears and not try and understand the others side if you dont want too. I personally would rather know why the "bully" struck us so I had a better idea of how to prevent that in the future.

    I do not think Bin Laden was in any way justified in murdering 2,977 innocent people. However I also think it is stupid to not try and understand his intent.
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    edited March 2011
    It's kind of like trying to understand Ed Gein's actions. There's not much to understand except for the fact he was a total nut job, much like these guys. <_>
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    It's kind of like trying to understand Ed Gein's actions. There's not much to understand except for the fact he was a total nut job, much like these guys. <_>

    This. Understanding? Wake, you MUST be a liberal. I won't hold that against you. Fuck why they did it. Kill them all and bring our troops home. If Fedzilla would just let the troops wipe them out completely the rest of the world would take note before fucking with us. As it stands now, we still have a great big bullseye painted on us.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited March 2011
    It's kind of like trying to understand Ed Gein's actions. There's not much to understand except for the fact he was a total nut job, much like these guys. <_>
    Actually he isnt. He is a college educated businessman who made a good deal of wealth and started a Islamic extremist group. He was very methodical in his work, and spent a good deal of time planning and executing a evil act in the name of revenge and 'freedom fighting'.

    I am not saying that the attack on 9-11 was justified or right. It was very wrong. There is no justification for his actions in orchestrating this attack.

    But what I am saying is that he is in fact not a "total nut job" and if you actually listened to his speeches it would be completely apparent that he is not only "all there" but actually fairly intelligent with some flawed beliefs on morality.

    You want to talk about "nut jobs"? read up on Joseph Edward Duncan III; Serial Killer. The dude kidnapped two kids and made them watch while he took turns killing them and then bringing them back to life.... raping them... watch videos he made of them being raped and killed.... and then when caught he plead innocent and when it came for his defense he said "im guilty, I just plead innocent so all you people would be forced to see my videos and be my victims" NOW this guy is a "nut job"
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    This. Understanding? Wake, you MUST be a liberal. I won't hold that against you. Fuck why they did it. Kill them all and bring our troops home. If Fedzilla would just let the troops wipe them out completely the rest of the world would take note before fucking with us. As it stands now, we still have a great big bullseye painted on us.
    No. I am not a liberal. I am a libertarian or anarchist, take your pick both are probably true.

    The troops should have never been sent. We have a great big bullseye painted on us because of our foreign policy. starting more wars and involving ourselves in more places where it isnt our business isnt going to get rid of that bullseye... only make it larger.

  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    edited March 2011
    It's kind of like trying to understand Ed Gein's actions. There's not much to understand except for the fact he was a total nut job, much like these guys. <_>
    Actually he isnt. He is a college educated businessman who made a good deal of wealth and started a Islamic extremist group. He was very methodical in his work, and spent a good deal of time planning and executing a evil act in the name of revenge and 'freedom fighting'.

    I'm a firm believer in you can be as educated as you can get, and appear normal, but can be a crazy hack. I suppose I didn't use the best example, but there are plenty of fucked up people out there who seem like they fully understand what they're doing. Look at what he, and the rest of the people involved with that group grew up with and believe. They are not right in the head, or else they wouldn't even be concerned about other people's religions or want to kill others for their religion.

    In addition to the guy you mentioned, him and the rest of those serial killers feel as if there is nothing wrong with them and that they did nothing wrong. Most people who commit murder are usually people you would never expect. A while back I posted a guy by the name of Anatony Slivko, who was actively involved in his community, and was mainly involved with the children. They trusted and loved this man, yet he took them out into the woods, hung them, then cut them up and kept their feet and got his jollies from it.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    There is a difference between intelligence and sanity, Wake. Bin Laden is obviously mentally disturbed and not quite right in the head. It takes a crazy person to attack innocent people. Insanity does not care if he's educated or wealthy. He got wealthy because his father was wealthy. He was able to turn daddy's money into a bigger pile of money later in life before he was kicked out of his home country for being a nut job.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    I'm a firm believer in you can be as educated as you can get, and appear normal, but can be a crazy hack. I suppose I didn't use the best example, but there are plenty of fucked up people out there who seem like they fully understand what they're doing. Look at what he, and the rest of the people involved with that group grew up with and believe. They are not right in the head, or else they wouldn't even be concerned about other people's religions or want to kill others for their religion.
    Right. I do agree that being educated doesnt mean you wont be a nut job. An example of that is Ted Kaczynski (aka unabomber). That guy is fully educated and was even labeled a prodigy... But I have read his literature and would agree that he is in fact a "nut job".

    All I am saying is that I don't think "nut job" is a proper label for Bin Laden. I think terrorist is a pretty good label. I think mass murder is another good label. Look here is the difference...

    Ted Kaczynski - I don't know where that dude is, but really he needs so mental help. I am not sure if he received it or not, but the dude has some major shit wrong with him.

    Bin Laden - If we catch him, he will stand trial for murder and will easily earn the death sentence. But if he somehow didnt, there is no way in hell he is going to be able to claim insanity and try and get the metal house.

    Bin Laden has a lot of similarities with Timothy Mcvey. Timothy Mcvey was also not a "nut case" but he deserved his death sentence.

    Bin Laden is not like David koresh. That dude also deserves the label of "nut job".

    All the guys I listed here are fucking skumbags and deserve death. however not all are "nut jobs". Get to understand their motivations and their thinking and you will see I am right.
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