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Your 2011 Albums of the Year Thread.



  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    While Arlo can't flat out say "I listen to some shitty music myself", he acknowledges that his tastes differ from most of us, and also disgust some of us.
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    I don't have a list. But I listen to some pretty shitty music myself.

    At least I can admit it. :-))
    Why don't you fuck off? I obviously don't think Tyler is shitty, or I wouldn't listen to him.

    Implying I was talking about you at all.

  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    I don't have a list. But I listen to some pretty shitty music myself.

    At least I can admit it. :-))
    Why don't you fuck off? I obviously don't think Tyler is shitty, or I wouldn't listen to him.
    We weren't even talking about you. Sensitive much?
  • StratophonyStratophony Posts: 9,212 just the tip
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    ok.... back to not-kiddie music
    \m/ ^:)^ =P~ ^:)^ \m/
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    LOL god damn. Tyler deserves Emo of the year with those god awful lyrics.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep

    tyler back in the day before he got all niggerfied to be tough and hard for hi target audience of angsty teens and emo crybabies

    and back to music that's actually worth listening to...

    best song off the new EP. Enslaved 4tmfw \m/
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited May 2011
    Erik >:D<

    Seriously yo, some of yooz go way out of your way to fukkin piss off Erik... Who gives a fuck if he like a certain artist? I mean ok we understand some of you guys don't like tyler or whatever, that's cool, but I just read 100 posts of people giving a 15 year old a whole lot of shit cause he likes a certain musician. Some of yallz need to grow up. And I know Erik overreacts, and needs to chill out a littlw, but when you guys say oh we just don't like Tyler, why you mad? That's just some bullshit. Some of you rip apart and hang off his every word and only do it to get a rise out of always seems to be a group effort too, like follow the leader, let's all gang up on Erik, shits corny. I see it everyday here people go out of their way to mess with a 15 yaer old, that shits childish. Some of you people need to check yourselves.
    Post edited by HOODS on
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited May 2011
    if i obsessed over and shoved shitty music in peoples faces everyday (INB4IALEADYDOLOL) i absolutely would expect to be called out and bashed on. why does his age matter in this?
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited May 2011
    It's not just that though, this bullshit has been going ob no matter what he says or likes. he says I smoke weed, everyone jumps on his back cause he used to not like weed, he says he liek any music artist, people are up his ass about that, he even fuking posted a picture one time and it was followed by like 10 negative comments about his style and shit, why do people have to try and always make him feel shitty? I remeber specifically CF seemed aggravated by it and said something, i mean to rip apart his picture, gimme a fucking break.... no matter what the kids says, he could say I'm angry today about something and people rip him for it, people always give him shit about his friend Kurt or whatever... its getting old as fuck. give him a goddamn break. people were even gicing him shit when he said lights was hot <_> everyone just always picks on erik. its fucking old and lame.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    while i agree with a bit of that. every ounce of hate and bashing he gets over his tylergasms is completely warranted and perfectly acceptable on a metal forum
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i'm not saying its not, everyone bashes everyones music. i'm just saying people go out of their way to try and fuck with him. its been going on for years. I stated that i know he overreacts and shit, but people always seem to gang up on his ass and spit on everything he says and likes. even when he posts shit like that girl singing the othe day, it just turns into bashing, when he posts shit like aggoloch, it turns into bashing <_> ... even this thread right here, people were hanging on his every word to try and shove it in his face how shitty his favorite artist is, i'm not saying it shouldnt be done, but just dont turn it around on him, all he does is state his enjoyment of this group, everyone else seems to be the ones having a problem with it, he tries to get people to listen, but they wont and just keep bashing. and the only purpose it to try and piss him off. i stated many examples of that, its not just this tyler incident, its hundreds of times and people act like erik is the fucked up one <_>
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    edited May 2011
    I just don't see how him calling everyone a faggot, dirt beneath his feet, etc. is acceptable when someone simply states they don't like his idol. Hell, he even got paranoid about me bashing him when I was talking about my own horrible music tastes. I was stupid at 15, but I didn't go that far. If he is so upset over all the comments, shouldn't he know better than to just not post it at all because his feelings are hurt? You can't expect everyone to change for you. Even if it's on an Internet forum.

    Sharks smell blood in the water. Don't make yourself a target. And if you do, take it like a boss and roll with the punches.

    Also, I don't think anyone here really cares about the feelings of some angsty, hot-headed 15-year-old on the internet they've never met before. This is why they love to push his buttons, and he is always fueling the fire. If he learned to laugh at himself once in a while and stop using the internet as his source of self esteem, I'm pretty sure his issues about himself would improve. But this is why people don't stop fucking with him, because they really do not give a shit.

    Inb4 NO ONE CURR ABOUT YOU LOL. I don't expect anyone on here to seriously care about me. I have real friends and family to do that.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Seriously Ellie, that is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard. He shouldnt be allowed to express how he feels cause a bunch of immature people want to rip into everything he says? I stated that Erik overreacts and needs to chill, but that still doesnt warrant constant attacks from everyone, and I read what you wrote and can see how me possible took it the wrong way. Noone has to change, maybe people should just look at themselves and how they act and treat people, it may do some of youz some good.

    and I have a big issue with your last statement about the sharks in the water thing. When people were up your ass about the thing you done and you stated that you had done, it was considered a personal attack. how is this any different from that? you made yourself a target, people called you out, and those people were sonsidered wrong for doing that and even had mosd threaten them for saying specific names to you and things like that. I mean everything that happened you brought on yourself right? i dont see any difference, like you said, you made yourself a target, but somehow its different.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If people were saying "ERIK, YOU'RE GAY FOR LIKING TYLER", I could understand his reactions a little more. But when I just state that I've heard a couple of his songs and don't like him at all, I don't think that gives him the ok to be all condescending and calling me a hater, faggot, and whatever.

    There is nothing to defend here.
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    He can express himself, of course. But why can't he be more respectful about it? Hell, I think Till Lindemann is a god among men, but I didn't go off on everybody when people expressed how much they hate Rammstein.

    And lolwut, of course I made myself a target. But there's a difference. I do not give a shit what people on an internet forum think of me. I love being ridiculed, and I found it hilarious how other people try to be the moral police. But I still don't look down on anyone for how they think of me. We're all equals here. And the thing with the mods wasn't my doing. I never complained about it, and even thought it was wrong for Erik to be banned. But this isn't my site. Not my rules, lol.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited May 2011
    cool you added stuff to your staement....

    we get it, you think its the internet and fuck everyone elses feelings and blah blah blah..... people should fucking care, especially since we've known each other for many years. i love how you say hot headed 15 year old, what 15 year old isnt hot headed? does it still make it right to rip apart his looks, likes, tastes, ect? i guess in Ellie world it does... the same world that thinks people who murder their children shoudmt go to jail. ok, if people dont give a shit then how come everyone was so asshurt when people were calling you a whore? so people do give a shit, alot of people just like to see feelings of a young kid get hurt. i really donot understand your logic sometimes, grow the fuck up.
    Post edited by HOODS on
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If people were saying "ERIK, YOU'RE GAY FOR LIKING TYLER", I could understand his reactions a little more. But when I just state that I've heard a couple of his songs and don't like him at all, I don't think that gives him the ok to be all condescending and calling me a hater, faggot, and whatever.

    There is nothing to defend here.
    if you read my statement, it wasnt directed towards anyone in particular, i just see the erik bashing going way to far sometimes. he is young and some people i think forget that. Erik could say his favortie band was black sabbath and get bashed, my point is maybe people should give it a rest....
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep

    Inb4 NO ONE CURR ABOUT YOU LOL. I don't expect anyone on here to seriously care about me. I have real friends and family to do that.
    i care >:D<
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