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Your 2011 Albums of the Year Thread.



  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    Now you're twisting my words. It's much more complex than that, but we obviously disagree when it comes down to how someone's brain is physically structured.

    And I don't think people defending me on an internet forum is the same thing as caring for someone as like your best friend in real life. It isn't the same. I don't know anybody here, and they don't know me. Why should I expect anyone, especially an anonymous person online, to give two shits about someone as insignificant as me?

    I could sit here and say for you to "grow the fuck up" but I'm not. I understand and respect your vast differences, and I understand you are different from me. We haven't experienced the same things, so I do not expect you to believe the same things as me.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    He can express himself, of course. But why can't he be more respectful about it? Hell, I think Till Lindemann is a god among men, but I didn't go off on everybody when people expressed how much they hate Rammstein.

    And lolwut, of course I made myself a target. But there's a difference. I do not give a shit what people on an internet forum think of me. I love being ridiculed, and I found it hilarious how other people try to be the moral police. But I still don't look down on anyone for how they think of me. We're all equals here. And the thing with the mods wasn't my doing. I never complained about it, and even thought it was wrong for Erik to be banned. But this isn't my site. Not my rules, lol.
    Rammstein sucks.

    ok, so you made yourslef a target just like you say erik did (for liking an artist). he didnt immediately freak out, he tried to get people to listen and talk about it, but it was just constant bashing, then he started saying hater, ect....

    you can call me moral police all you want, idgaf. I actually try to do thr right thing and live by good values and morals. I dont look down upoon anyone either, i just see alot of hypovcritical statements sometimes here.

    I understand Ellie, you dont care about any of us, its just the internet, you have real family and friends, none of us mean shit to you, i get it, youve stated it multiple times, but not all of us feel the same way. I'm just trying to look out for a kid who may need some guidance in his life instead of everyone bashing him for everything he says and does.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep

    and I have a big issue with your last statement about the sharks in the water thing. When people were up your ass about the thing you done and you stated that you had done, it was considered a personal attack. how is this any different from that? you made yourself a target, people called you out, and those people were sonsidered wrong for doing that and even had mosd threaten them for saying specific names to you and things like that. I mean everything that happened you brought on yourself right? i dont see any difference, like you said, you made yourself a target, but somehow its different.
    the difference here is Ellie wasn't freaking the fuck out. She was lol'ing the whole time and rolling with it
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Now you're twisting my words. It's much more complex than that, but we obviously disagree when it comes down to how someone's brain is physically structured.

    And I don't think people defending me on an internet forum is the same thing as caring for someone as like your best friend in real life. It isn't the same. I don't know anybody here, and they don't know me. Why should I expect anyone, especially an anonymous person online, to give two shits about someone as insignificant as me?

    I could sit here and say for you to "grow the fuck up" but I'm not. I understand and respect your vast differences, and I understand you are different from me. We haven't experienced the same things, so I do not expect you to believe the same things as me.
    yup. i believe i disagree with alot of what you say, that doesnt mean i hate or dislike you because of that, i'm stiull just wondering why youre even arguing with me? this wasnt directed towards you, according to you, you had nothing to do with this, so I dont understand what youre trying to achieve here???

    yeah, i agrree with your 2nd paragraph, i dont know why anyone gives a fuck about you since youve stated multiple times you dont give a fuck about any of us. Sorry, i do have friends here, i have hung out with people from here, i do talk to people outside these forums, and I'm happy to say i made some cool friedns up on here. I like alot of people from here and i think alot of people on here feel the same as me.

    you can say grow up all you want to me, idgaf. when i feel as though something is not right, i'm going to state it.
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    edited May 2011
    I understand what you're saying about Erik, George, I really do, but if he needs help he needs professional help. I honestly feel bad for him, but what can I, or anyone on here do for him? And why do people need to care about him when he doesn't care about them?

    He needs real help, especially if he throws a violent fit in real life over something that happens online. I don't see that as healthy at all, but what can anyone do for him?

    And saying things like "none of us mean shit to you" is frankly quite rude. It makes me sound heartless, when in fact truly not giving a shit about things has helped me be a healthier person. I've stopped taking people's problems as my own, which has in the past to cause me a lot of unnecessary stress and problems. It sounds bad, but it's not. If I could help everyone and their problems, I would, but I do not have the mental capacity to do so. I have enough problems of my own. And if someone has a problem it's not my fault.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers

    and I have a big issue with your last statement about the sharks in the water thing. When people were up your ass about the thing you done and you stated that you had done, it was considered a personal attack. how is this any different from that? you made yourself a target, people called you out, and those people were sonsidered wrong for doing that and even had mosd threaten them for saying specific names to you and things like that. I mean everything that happened you brought on yourself right? i dont see any difference, like you said, you made yourself a target, but somehow its different.
    the difference here is Ellie wasn't freaking the fuck out. She was lol'ing the whole time and rolling with it
    erik was fine for a while, it just took longer this time to actually get him upset like people love to see... he was trying to be civil and talk to people and explain why he likes this artist. Adam likes the same guy and talks about it all the time. Why isnt everyone up his ass? because its erik and everyone loves to see erik mad, its corny.

    ok ellie didnt get upset, that makes it even more strange that she can be peronally attacked and people protect her, but when it happens to erik, nothing. fucking hypocrits.

    people have stated they wished he was dead, to go kill his self, talked negatively about his looks, rip every band he likes, rip his covers, rips his lifestyle, and noone ever says or does anything about it. well, i'm tired of seeing it and am saying something, some of yooz need to look at yourselves.
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    You seriously need to quit ignorantly shitting on things you don't know about.
    I lol'd
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I understand what you're saying about Erik, George, I really do, but if he needs help he needs professional help. I honestly feel bad for him, but what can I, or anyone on here do for him? And why do people need to care about him when he doesn't care about them?

    He needs real help, especially if he throws a violent fit in real life over something that happens online. I don't see that as healthy at all, but what can anyone do for him?

    And saying things like "none of us mean shit to you" is frankly quite rude. It makes me sound heartless, when in fact truly not giving a shit about things has helped me be a healthier person. I've stopped taking people's problems as my own, which has in the past to cause me a lot of unnecessary stress and problems. It sounds bad, but it's not. If I could help everyone and their problems, I would, but I do not have the mental capacity to do so. I have enough problems of my own. And if someone has a problem it's not my fault.
    I dont think Erik needs professional help, why does it always come down to some sort of mental problem with you? what do we all have mental diseases? If Erik needs a therapist, then I should have had a lobotamy when I was his age cause I was wayyy worse then he will ever be. I actually think the kid has a decent head on his shoulders. He comes here because he does have friends here and people who like him too, like me. He just has to deal with the mob attacking him in every thread and I feel bad about that. yes he goes overboard sometimes, but after he was banned, i see him trying to restrain himself and others just love to push him to the brink.

    ok, now I'm a rude person, lol.... for speaking the truth, i didnt say that you didnt care about us, you did. thats nice you found a common ground for yourself, this isnt and never was about you..........
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    i bash on adams shitty tastes all the time.

    also i know you're trying to be a bro but you're moral crusader routine is getting rather old.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i bash on adams shitty tastes all the time.

    also i know you're trying to be a bro but you're moral crusader routine is getting rather old.
    lolwhy? cause i dont think its right to tear apart a young kind, gimme a fucking break shane.....

    its old people cant leave this kid alone....
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    Because I had the same anger issues as him and would get violent over the most stupid, petty things. I feel stupid for getting so angry like something for being made fun of. It's catty behavior, and I would of only gotten worse if I didn't get professional help and meds.

    And about the other thing, it just seems like you're trying to look like a better person than me because I don't like to burden myself with other people's problems. I apologize if I am wrong, but that's how I took it. I hate it when people try to make me feel bad for something I shouldn't feel bad about.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    ok, when I was a kid I got angry and threw fits too... I was incarcerated for almost a year when I was 17, then again for a month when I was 18, I was stupid and made gravely bad descisions and paid the price. But i grew out of that behavior. They tried to put me on some medicine called Wellbutrin and I was absolutely sickened by it, it turned me into a hermit for a month till it was out of my system. It just turned out I was immature and needed to grow up, and I did.

    I'm not tryint ot look like a better person, I'm just stating how I feel and you said all those things, not me. I'm not burdening myself with anyones problems, if I feel a certain way about something, I'm going to say it, and I think you do the same. cant people just get over it? I wasnt making you feel bad, I was just repeating what you said alot of times. youve said you dont care about people on the internet, you fucking said it, not me... dont try and make me look like the asshole.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Ellie, I still dont understand why me and you are even talking right now? you say you dont like to burden yourself with others problems, but thats exactly what you did here, you jumped in and started this talk with me when this had nothing to do with you at all. I didnt mention, hint, or even thing of you when I wrote this.
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    edited May 2011
    I would say you're a very rare case with amazing willpower, then. I honestly admire how well you handle situations like that, and how you are so self-reliant. I would kill to have those abilities, lol.

    And I'm not trying to make you look like an asshole. Forgive me for assuming your intentions. :)

    Edit: I'm just giving my two cents. I would think what I said would help more than trying to convince everyone else to stop making fun of him. I didn't think you were thinking of me when you wrote any of that. :-??
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I never said we werent cool, this was never about you, its not even really about Erik, its just how I feel.

    and with the otherthing, I was nuts when i was a kid, I didnt give a fuck about anything and paid the price, I just really think I grew the fuck up and changed. Some of the things I used to do when I was younger embarass me today and I cant beleive I acted like that, you live and learn. My next challenege is staying sober and putting a handle on anxiety issues, bullshit never ends <_>
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    For some reason I thought you were getting angry with me, lol.

    As I said earlier, we disagree but I can see where you're coming from for sure.

    And I wish you the best of luck with that. I know you can do it, seeing all the other shit you've been able to handle. :3
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    nope, I was never angry, I may word thing certain ways that may sound like that, but I only really get angry over sports, i know it sounds lame, but I love sports, lol....

    I disagree with people o here all the time... especially your brother, lol.... doesnt mean I dislike him, I actually think arlo is one of my favorite people on here to talk to. He always keeps it real, even if we disagree, i know he will bring good shit to the table.

    and thank you about your last sentence, I appreciate it.
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    There's probably so much I can say about the last couple of pages, but I finna leave it alone. I'm in too good of a mood today. :bz
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
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