well fuck >_< have to get the game tomorrow morning then.
The PS Move can't flop. It's to amazing. The 1:1 move on that thing 100% more better than the Wii(even when it has the damn Wii Plus thing on it). you can play this fighting game, the new Socom 4, NBA Live, and so many more. Can do so much with it I love it.
360 live ID if anyone wants to add me, just put "mayhem or something like that on the subject line" so I'll know.
I have RDR all paid off and I don't have to work tomorrow so I might go just so I could play it for a few hours tonight.
should be more like Waluigi owns Mario at his own party.
The PS Move can't flop. It's to amazing. The 1:1 move on that thing 100% more better than the Wii(even when it has the damn Wii Plus thing on it). you can play this fighting game, the new Socom 4, NBA Live, and so many more. Can do so much with it I love it.