"The PS Move can't flop. It's to amazing. The 1:1 move on that thing 100% more better than the Wii(even when it has the damn Wii Plus thing on it). you can play this fighting game, the new Socom 4, NBA Live, and so many more. Can do so much with it I love it. "
Quote saved and will be used when PS Move officially comes out.
i dont know if you know this but i havnt owned a vid game console in 6 months..and i am in no hurry to get a new one. I have other shit to worry about..
You said it was an unoriginal idea and I am just pointing out that so is Natal. You mention Move and Natal will be brought up since they are in the same light. deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <_>
Quote saved and will be used when PS Move officially comes out.
huh? a gimmick from Failstation? an unoriginal idea?
i acrually forgot about that Fail long ago.
i dont know if you know this but i havnt owned a vid game console in 6 months..and i am in no hurry to get a new one. I have other shit to worry about..
You said it was an unoriginal idea and I am just pointing out that so is Natal. You mention Move and Natal will be brought up since they are in the same light. deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <_>
if anything PS is just copying Xbox....which is just copying Wii...
Natal is hands free while Move isn't. Hands free=no no.
its all gimmicks to me to be honest. and i will be satisfied with the games i have on my itouch..
Anyone else install a new game before they actually play it?