Ehh. Idk that slightly faster load times are worth $500. Considering there is literally 1 exclusive I would play but barely want to lol I’m absolutely fine without one for right now
Ehh. Idk that slightly faster load times are worth $500. Considering there is literally 1 exclusive I would play but barely want to lol I’m absolutely fine without one for right now
A couple hours into the new GoW and it is a fresh improvement. Hopefully it holds up through the whole game because I remember thinking similar things about the first one at first.
Almost done wit both lil detour games I played on XGP.
The Gunk I finished 100% and got all achievements, that was extremely soiled by the fact that after about 3 hours in, I ran into a literal game breaking bug where basically an invisible box loaded in front of a lever I needed to pull to get out of a room, so I couldn’t pull it and I was effectively locked in the room and unable to progress. Reloading, restarting the game completely, nothing fixed it because the entire save was broken. Looked it up and found one single Reddit post about the same bug, but being that it’s indie, it wasn’t a widespread issue, cause not many people played it in the first place. So of course a year+ after release, it still wasn’t patched and fixed. Contemplated straight up saying fuck it and not finishing, but something wouldn’t allow me to do that, especially how short the game is, so I jus restarted and made sure to make manual saves at the start of every single chapter. But that quickly made the game overstay it’s welcome. What was only sposed to be a 4-5 hour playthrough turned into 11, and it exposed the game and dropped the score. Had it worked as intended and this was jus a short leisurely relaxing game like it was supposed to be, I prolly woulda given this as high as a 7.5, but having to extend the gameplay like that exposed how little the game truly has to offer in the actual gameplay department and how grating it becomes when you have to over repeat it. Also how broken it is left a bad taste in my mouth. Achievement sweep up was annoying as fuck because one of them is for purchasing all upgrades, and there’s basically JUS enough resources in the game to do so, so you basically need to find every last one, except navigation back thru the maps is horrible and straight up broken in some cases, where you will get locked in an area and unable to get back out without loading a save. Overall jus kinda reminded me why I generally avoid indie games. The lack of polish is jus too off putting. 4/10
Prey on the other hand is pissing me off because it’s got so much fucking potential to be a classic because it absolutely nails the atmosphere and vibe, it’s a lot closer to BioShock than I thought it would be. It could literally be a spiritual successor and I love that, but you’re so underpowered and straight up USELESS that it’s an absolute slough and chore to play thru. I literally have not been able to play it longer than 2-3 hours at a time due to the fact that time CRAWLS by due to how it’s designed. It is not a bingeable game whatsoever. There’s survival games, and then there’s making you completely underpowered and effectively useless. It’s not “difficult” so to speak, but it’s the fact that in most combat scenarios, you are better off either hiding like a bitch or running away, which is not satisfying gameplay wise. Everything, even fodder enemies, take away at least a third of your entire health bar, and crafting materials (And the machines to even fucking craft shit.) are way too few and far between, and you usually only have enough to craft about one medkit and one or 2 boxes of ammo. You never have SHIT. And that’s on Normal. Even TLOU on the hardest difficulty wasn’t this bad as long as you were vigilant about looting everything. I keep reading bout how it gets so much smoother after upgrades and shit but I’m 10 hours in and a decent amount of upgrades deep and I still feel jus as powerless for the most part. It severely hurts the overall fun factor smh. The potential is there but idk it jus gets in it’s own way I feel like.
Started the Mass Effect trilogy. Never played these games before. The first definitely shows its age. Pretty clunky so far and there’s just really little shit that annoys me
FUCK That was the entire trilogy on there? I fucking tweaked not at least adding it to the library. 🤦🏻♂️ Was interested in the remasters as is but didn’t know if I’d ever get around to playing em again due to how much of a time sink they were. Could have at least added them tho to have em for free jus in case. I thought that PS+ one was jus the first game so I glossed over it. Goddamn it.
Yea I spoke too soon on Prey. It DOES take entirely too long to pick up and I know that would throw a lot of people off but now that it did the game is fucking incredible. Plays entirely differently once you can actually competently fight back lmao.
Matter fact, I’m actually enjoying it enough that I’m prolly bout to add one more unintentional detour game to the list and play Deathloop after this, cause it’s “free” for PS+ Extra and up. That whole aesthetic and distinct type of setting like BioShock, Dishonored, Prey, etc. is so fucking addicting once you sink into it, and Deathloop was one of those games that I was always on the fence about but ultimately skipped because of the time loop mechanic. But for free and what I’m reading is only a 15-20 hour Platinum, I might as well while I’m already in the mood for Arkane games wit Prey.
Prey on the other hand is pissing me off because it’s got so much fucking potential to be a classic because it absolutely nails the atmosphere and vibe, it’s a lot closer to BioShock than I thought it would be. It could literally be a spiritual successor and I love that, but you’re so underpowered and straight up USELESS that it’s an absolute slough and chore to play thru. I literally have not been able to play it longer than 2-3 hours at a time due to the fact that time CRAWLS by due to how it’s designed. It is not a bingeable game whatsoever. There’s survival games, and then there’s making you completely underpowered and effectively useless. It’s not “difficult” so to speak, but it’s the fact that in most combat scenarios, you are better off either hiding like a bitch or running away, which is not satisfying gameplay wise. Everything, even fodder enemies, take away at least a third of your entire health bar, and crafting materials (And the machines to even fucking craft shit.) are way too few and far between, and you usually only have enough to craft about one medkit and one or 2 boxes of ammo. You never have SHIT. And that’s on Normal. Even TLOU on the hardest difficulty wasn’t this bad as long as you were vigilant about looting everything. I keep reading bout how it gets so much smoother after upgrades and shit but I’m 10 hours in and a decent amount of upgrades deep and I still feel jus as powerless for the most part. It severely hurts the overall fun factor smh. The potential is there but idk it jus gets in it’s own way I feel like.