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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    But it probably is a piece of shit
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    From Those Ashes new album confirmed WOAT release of 2022 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Bad negative ass mindset to have tho that results in nothing but a lot of missing out. For example, I gave less than zero fucks about Shang-Chi before I saw it. I skipped it in theaters, and my only motivation to see it was the fact that I seen everything else MCU and wasn’t gonna change that now. Ends up being a sleeper hit and exceptionally good when it had no business being that interesting lmao. I coulda said “I know I won’t like it so fuck it.” and missed a fire ass movie because of it.
    I fucking hate FPS games and multiplayer games for the most part but put close to 2000 hours into Overwatch lmao. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Oh well
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  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    I fucking despise ska. 
    Heard u wanted to fight 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    I fucking despise ska. 
    Heard u wanted to fight 
    Ska to the lions
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Finally finished Dark Souls 2. It definitely crossed over into "too long" territory. It still a good game, but should have been shorter. It was much harder than Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1. And needing to level your rolling was bullshit. Plus it's hard to farm in this game because enemies despawn after you kill enough

    It has a rough, unforgiving start. Definitely not friendly. But as the game goes on, it gets enjoyable. Armor is pretty useless in this game though. 

    Thank GOD this game had fast travel from the start though. The most tedious element of DS1 was fixed. 

    Onto DS3
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    edited July 2022
    Gran Turismo 7 was sposed to be like a lil 20-25 hour detour/in-between game.

    I am now damn near on hour 50 cause of all the need to replay. 😐

    But I’m finally almost done. On the final 2 races so Im’ma finish those tonight, then I can finally put an end to the rage smh.
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Jw,  is the goal to platinum every thing you play or do you play and just go "I think I can 100% this" like mod way and go for it?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    I’m not even Platinuming GT7 lmao that’s been strictly to beat the base campaign. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ 

    But that also kinda answers your question all in one lol. I’m selective wit what games I’ll Platinum. I basically always skip them on racing games. WAY too tedious of a trophy list every time.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    GT7 overall has been fun as fuck tho, but there’s definitely shit about it that I absolutely hate, especially the fact that it gets as close as you can possibly get to FORCING micro transactions, without actually full blown forcing them. First off, you get these roulette tickets that reward you, and there’s a “possibility” of 5 different rewards, from straight up free super cars, to massive amounts of money, or jus money, but the lowest available. No joke, in almost 50 hours of playtime, I’ve gotten NOTHING but the absolute lowest reward available every single time. It’s to the point that I jus look at whatever the lowest reward is and say “That’s what I’m getting.”, and that’s what I get, every time. 🤨 Either I have the world’s worst luck, or there’s no luck involved at all. And then why does it cost a combined total of 300,000 DOLLARS if I want to strip the engine and body to respec the car? That’s literally more than a lotta brand new cars in the game, and if I already paid for all the parts, I should be able to swap them and take them out as needed. Literally every other racing game is like that. You can’t sell extra unneeded cars for extra money either, and again, literally every other racing game has that. So I been at a point where I basically barely been scraping by. Been able to save up enough to keep me going and cop upgrades as needed, but copping expensive cars outright requires either a stupid amount of grinding, or straight up buying virtual money. That shit is nauseating. At least in Forza Horizon 5, you could sell whatever cars you wanted and trade up to the dope shit you actually wanted.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Getting the car IRL would probably be cheaper
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Finally finished GT7. Half hour short of 50 hours smh. Overall had fun wit it, but the extreme difficulty spike jus made damn near the entire second half of that playthrough a straight up stressful ass chore. To the point that I couldn’t wait for it to be over, which isn’t a good thing. I been full blown fucking losing it at this game harder than I have at any game in a long ass time. That simply ain’t fun. The game has all the perfect ingredients to be rage inducing. A: Impossibly high expectation of absolutely flawless perfection. B: Bullshit handicaps, like starting you 45 seconds behind 1st place, as mentioned before. And C: All later game races are stupid long and 5 laps minimum, so combine that wit A, and you’re looking at wasting 15-20 minutes at a time, because you make the slightest late race mistake and lose a second or 2, and you already know you won’t be able to make it up in time and have to hit restart. Nothing fucking worse than being 15 minutes into a race and driving perfectly, only to know it’s a death sentence the second you have an imperfect turn or some shit.

    Like I said tho, the wheel support is definitely second to none, other than the off-road races, which handle like absolute fucking garbage, even on controller. So that alone is what kept the game satisfying to play, even thru the other bullshit, but Forza Horizon 5 is still the superior racing game imo, even wit Forza’s poor wheel support. Literally everything is better on there except the wheel support, and that game combined wit GT7’s wheel support would be the ultimate racing game. FH5’s courses especially completely shit on GT7’s. There’s too many fucking irritating courses on GT7 that point blank period are not fun or satisfying to drive. I play in first person for the immersion and simulation, but there were a good handful of courses where I HAD to switch to third person, because there was constant change in elevation in the courses, which caused hills and shit to obstruct view completely, and the only way to properly see the upcoming path, was to have it in third person. That’s poor ass course design, no way around it. And there was bullshit like Nurburgring, which the game makes you replay way too many fucking times, (Including a double lapped 20 minute version of it as the final course.) where it’s nothing but CONSTANT turns where you constantly have to slow to a crawl jus to properly make the turns and not spin out or drive onto the grass, and you jus never get to really hit the throttle. Makes it almost impossible to actually catch up because you can never straight up hit the gas. That’s not satisfying in a RACE.

    When it’s good, it’s great, but there were too many inconsistencies. Prolly like 7/10.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Been hardcore tilted in rocket league. Fell down to d2 for a few weeks after choking on my match getting into champ and just finally clawed my way back into D3.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Been playing more of WWE 2K22 career mode, been putting in lil sessions here and there in between my main games. It’s a lot better than 2K20 but man it’s still so flawed and it’s a damn shame. It’s jus wonky and unpolished and it shows most prominently in the controls. Way too often, you’ll have bullshit like trying to Irish Whip somebody into the turnbuckle and you’ll aim the stick diagonally, but you’ll Irish Whip them horizontally or vertically into the ropes instead. Or you’ll run directly to the turnbuckle to climb on top, but last second the game decides that you’re running towards the rope and bounce you off the rope, sending you running the other way. And weapon matches of any kind are a mess because it’s a 50/50 chance that you actually properly pick up a weapon or place it how you want to. Did an Extreme Rules match and it took me bout 10 minutes to properly set up and put Corbin thru a flaming table lmao. Not because it’s actually difficult to do so, but because shit kept going wrong and bugging out and not working correctly. So due to shit like that, it’s nearly impossible to throw together a full match that has a natural real life flow to it from start to finish. There’s always some weird buggy shit going on that makes it very clear it’s a video game match lmao. It’s still overall pretty fun to play, but the lack of polish is crazy to me, especially compared to NBA 2K. Hopefully the AEW game has better flow to it and controls better. Graphically it honestly looked like shit in that recent gameplay trailer lol but I can look past that if it plays well.
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Poll time. Finally getting into playing games again. I'm mid way through Ghosts Of Tsushima (first play through) and have quite a back log since I haven't played anything new in years. After Ghosts, I have the following which I've never played. Where do I go from here: 

    God Of War (2018) also shut up, MC
    Days Gone
    Final Fantasy 7 Remake
    Bioshock Collection 
    Borderlands Collection 
    The Last Guardian
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Dime2 said:
    Poll time. Finally getting into playing games again. I'm mid way through Ghosts Of Tsushima (first play through) and have quite a back log since I haven't played anything new in years. After Ghosts, I have the following which I've never played. Where do I go from here: 

    God Of War (2018) also shut up, MC

    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
    Dime2 said:
    Poll time. Finally getting into playing games again. I'm mid way through Ghosts Of Tsushima (first play through) and have quite a back log since I haven't played anything new in years. After Ghosts, I have the following which I've never played. Where do I go from here: 

    God Of War (2018) also shut up, MC
    Days Gone
    Final Fantasy 7 Remake
    Bioshock Collection 
    Borderlands Collection 
    The Last Guardian
    Last Guardian
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