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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Was streaming Far Cry 6 yesterday on Twitch and some kid from Germany commented and asked if he could join my session and do co-op, so we did. I ended up telling him I was having connection issues after about an hour cause his English was really broken plus he had a bad mic so I started feeling bad not really being able to properly respond to him lmao.

    But it was a dope spur of the moment type thing wit someone all the way across the globe. Obviously I play wit people all the time on COD and Halo, but those servers 99% of the time match you up wit US players.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Got damn Infinite’s challenges have been complete dogshit lately. This week’s ultimate challenge is to win 3 Capture The Flag matches. That in and of itself is fine, except it’s yet another challenge left completely up to chance like last week’s 3 Killjoys, since you can’t fucking select to play CTF. You can easily go 4-5 matches without landing on it on quick play. And then you gotta pray you don’t get a garbage team when you do finally land on it. That one challenge could easily take 8 or so hours and that’s no exaggeration. Luckily the ultimate reward is trash this week and not even worth it, it’s jus a flag that you can use as your icon lmao. But challenges that you can’t even actively play towards need to GO.
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    Bought a gigabit Ethernet switch. Now I can connect errythin in my room with only 1 long ass cable going to the modem.
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  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    Does Kingdom hearts get better or is the 1st one just rough?
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  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,935 jayfacer
    First one is the best one lmao but people generally say KH2 is the best 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,935 jayfacer
    What the fucks wrong with one fucker?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Basically finished Far Cry 6. Got 2 final trophies to mop up for the Platinum which should only take about an hour or two more, but otherwise finished.

    Fantastic fucking game. Jus replaced Resident Evil Village for the number 5 spot on my 2021 list. 

    I saw in a lot of reviews that one of the main complaints was that it was too similar to 4 and 5. That may or may not be true, but I never played those. My last Far Cry was 3. So if I had played the last 2, then I might have felt the same, and it could have soured the experience, but it was all fresh to me. I also don’t know what people expect. In any game series, all the entries are fairly similar without major day and night changes, other than spin-offs that are a whole different genre, like Halo Wars. Uncharted was basically the exact same game 4 times in a row, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the best franchises of all time. You either like the formula enough to keep coming back, or you don’t. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 6 games in, you know what to expect.

    The open world is extremely well made and was fun to explore, this series works really well in a more tropical setting like this. 

    Graphically, this was kind of all over the place. It overall looks good, but it’s kinda 50/50. There’s some shit that looks really good, and other shit that’s kind of ugly in comparison to how good the game can look at it’s best. The biggest “wow” moment is when you’re flying either a helicopter or a plane and you can see the whole map, the draw distance is actually impressive as fuck wit hardly any pop-in. But then people and faces can look rough. Some look very good, but others are stiff wit weird textures. It’s almost as if some were mo-capped and others weren’t. But even that can be a lil off. For instance, Giancarlo Esposito facially is spot on and looks good, but when he talks, the lip movement is very jagged and stiff. The contrast made it very noticeable. There was also a lot of screen tear throughout my entire playthrough which was annoying. Game can’t handle any rapid movement apparently lmao. Any time I would turn fast either on foot or in a vehicle, I would get screen tear. Also, noticed while driving or flying that my hands and dashboard would blur in and out. Kept the open world crisp as you sped thru it, but made everything nearest to you take a graphical hit smh.

    Performance was overall good tho other than the graphical hiccups. Idk how it was at launch since I played this about 4 months after release, but I encountered zero bugs or glitches other than 2 hard crashes in 54 hours of playtime. Oh and I guess another minor glitch is that sometimes when I would go to fast travel, it would say I couldn’t fast travel cause I was in combat, when I was nowhere near any enemies lmao.

    Story was overall dope and actually had me invested. There were a few points near the end where I felt that the cutscenes were actually rushed, to the point that I thought I hit a button or something to skip the rest of the scene, and had to double check on YouTube that I saw the whole thing lol. But overall it was delivered pretty well. The twist at the end was cold as fuck and was completely unexpected. I actually predicted the complete opposite of what happened lol. Esposito fucking killed it as a villain as usual. Obviously brought Gus back to mind as a Breaking Bad fan. Different character for sure but still that same stone cold sociopathic delivery to it. I saw complaints that he didn’t get enough screentime in the game, and that might be a lil true, but he killed every scene he was in and it didn’t ever feel like he was “barely” in the game. Only thing that bothered me story wise was that there’s this cryptic off-screen conversation that you hear post credits, it hints at something huge about one of the other main characters, but leaves it completely up in the air. Normally that would be fine, but each Far Cry game is it’s own story and set of characters, so it’s not like Far Cry 7 is ever gonna pick that back up and explain it further. It’ll most likely forever stay unanswered smh.

    Another lil mechanic that I really enjoyed was the Amigo system. Which is 5 different companion animals that you can bring wit you. A crocodile, a rooster, a panther, a big dog, and a small handicapped wiener dog in a wheelchair lol. They’re all actually pretty useful beyond the aesthetics. The panther is actually stupid OP cause it can stealth kill enemies fast as fuck. You can have it wipe out half of a base without ever even having to go in yourself lmao. But even the wiener dog is useful cause his whole purpose is being a distraction so all enemies shoot at him first before you by default, and he’s actually a bullet sponge and basically only ever gets downed if he gets ran over by a car, which is hilarious. Oh and the rooster somehow kills mfs 3 times quicker than the crocodile. The crocodile is actually the most useless one honestly. Overall tho the whole system added a companion Pokemon type of feel to the game like how your lead Pokemon can follow you in some of the games. The 2 dogs and the rooster even hop in the car wit you when you drive lmao.

    Speaking of the cars, one minor complaint I have is the music. It’s literally all Spanish music. Which is cool because it fits the setting since the game is in a fictional version of Cuba, but you do spend a decent amount of time traveling in vehicles, so it woulda been cool to be able to change the station and play music I like or at the very least, know. Like GTA. Game is set in 2021 so it’s not like Cuba doesn’t have international radio stations that play other types of music lmao.

    Another small issue I had was the fact that there’s like 100 or so different guns, but there was never really much of an incentive to use any of them besides my main load out. You get to hold 3 primaries and a sidearm, so I had my sniper for long range kills to clear out camps stealthily, my main tactical rifle for full firefights, my explosive bow for choppers and tanks, and then my auto pistol. They were so efficient for the entire game that there was no real reason to ever try any of the other ones, even as many as there are.

    The side missions were mostly all dope, some were annoying. One thing I noticed is that the side missions is where Ubisoft really flexes and gets funnier, looser, and more creative wit the lil stories. Like one of the missions, this dude is breeding a line of gigantic killer roosters for cockfighting, but they start killing humans, so you need to go to their farm and light that bitch up lmao. And ridiculous shit like that is where the game truly shines. So while I did fully enjoy the serious main storyline, I also think the series could really benefit if they were to go more off the wall like that for the main story and jus get ridiculous wit it. Kinda like what Saints Row did, although they wouldn’t have to go THAT far lol.  It’s not like the Far Cry series is known or liked for realism anyways. 

    I definitely typed a lot, but I jus spent 54 hours on this bitch, so there’s a lotta game here. I think Ubisoft catches a lot of unnecessary flack. I’ve never played a straight up 10/10 masterpiece from them, but they’re overall consistent and solid. I’ve enjoyed every game I ever played by them. Do they have a certain formula that they stick to for their open world games? Yes, but at the same time, Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and Watch Dogs, are still all completely different experiences, and I enjoy all 3 series for different reasons. Plus, you look at these open worlds and fully explore them and spend a good amount of time in them, and you can’t help but notice that a lotta care, love, and time was put into them. The size, the lore, the details, etc. They’re far from a bad or lazy developer. Me personally tho, I actually really enjoy the open world grind, and open world games are overall prolly my favorite genre. Can it get tedious? Of course. Do a lot of open world games do the same kinds of side quests and tasks? Yes, but I find all of that to be extremely relaxing. Matter fact, I was 20 hours into this game and was only like 4 missions deep into the main story lmao. I spent all of that time clearing up the map and getting trophies done. And it actually flew by. 

    Last thing, something that knocks off points for me is most of the Maximas Matanzas story line. There’s 3 different camps, and all 3 have a different crew wit their own separate storyline, goal being to finish everything for them and get them to join you. So 2 of those 3 camps mission lines were mostly excellent. Maximas Matanzas tho was fucking irritating from the missions and gameplay, to even the story itself. I found myself annoyed as fuck most of the time jus counting down til it was over. It’s really a shame because the other 2 camps were fun as fuck to finish. It literally feels like this one came last in the development cycle and they rushed to finish it and get it over wit.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Overall tho, a great experience that completely flew by, even as long as it was. Like I said, I’ve only played 3 and 6, but so far they’re 2/2 for me. Definitely wishing I didn’t skip 4 and 5. Might even eventually go back and play them now. Who knows. Either way, definitely playing 7 now whenever it drops. 8.5/10

    ^^Original post was too long apparently. Had to cut this part off lmao.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,038 spicy boy
    Does Kingdom hearts get better or is the 1st one just rough?
    2 is my fav, but 1 is still a 10/10 game for me
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,038 spicy boy
    Whats your issue with it?
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  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    Idk, I'm only few hours in but the camera, sliding off when you jump n land if you don't land in the middle. Never played any of them so maybe i just need to get used to the controls. Like I didn't have any issues when I played the dmc1 n it's old school controls
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,038 spicy boy
    Idk, I'm only few hours in but the camera, sliding off when you jump n land if you don't land in the middle. Never played any of them so maybe i just need to get used to the controls. Like I didn't have any issues when I played the dmc1 n it's old school controls
    are you playing the PS2 version or the PS3/4 remaster?
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Got damn bro I jus took a trip down not so distant memory lane. Vanguard removed Das Haus/Shipment/Ship Haus 24/7 like complete retards which is the only tolerable and decently fun part of their bullshit game, so the squad hopped back on Cold War for the night. And got damn I was reminded so quick exactly why I put so much time into that game.

    We played damn near every mode. “Oh let’s try this again, let’s hop on that for a change.” All of it was a blast. It’s not like that in Vanguard. We play Ship Haus 24/7 over and over again because literally none of the rest of the game is fun or anything above average and mid.

    I’m not a COD fanboy at all, not even Black Ops, but I’m undoubtedly a Cold War fanboy. Got damn I love that fucking game and there’s jus something about it that hits perfectly in every single way. Immediately went back to dominating almost every single lobby and letting my dick swing. Really found my fucking element wit that game and no amount of time away from it changes that lmao. Man fuck Vanguard I still wish they jus did a 2nd year of Cold War. And I’m not overly hype for any COD entry until the next Black Ops/Treyarch entry. They the only ones that do it right. Mfs dickride Infinity Ward because COD4 was a classic, but they dropped nothing even close ever since, and MW 2019 is the most atrocious COD ever made. And then Sledgehammer is the adopted lil brother.

    So many mfs that don’t even play the COD games say how each game is the exact same thing and it’s all a copy and paste, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Cold War and Vanguard are so extremely different that they might as well not even be the same series. And playing them back to back like that really reminded me how much of Vanguard makes me sick to my fucking stomach and exactly why I gravitated over to Halo so heavily. But playing  Cold War again was a warm feeling that felt like returning to home. That game is special man.

    I even ended up playing like 3-4 hours straight after my guys got off, even tho it didn’t contribute towards any prestige, weapon camos, etc., since I’ve had everything done for a minute now. Jus purely playing for the enjoyment of it without any progression. Vanguard hasn’t been like that for me ONCE.

    Side note, Knife Fight 3v3 is an iconic fucking mode and the ultimate trolling destination. Any COD that doesn’t have it is fucking garbage by default. 💯💯
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Broke my previous personal record, which was 129. Disgusting I got 4th place when 2nd place was literally 47 kills behind me, but I went retarded regardless.

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    edited February 2022
    So it’s confirmed that the PS4 version of Horizon Forbidden West can be upgraded to the PS5 version for free. I don’t see why they want to keep charging the extra $10 for the PS5 version if they’re gonna keep doing this. Because everybody in the know will jus cop the PS4 version and do that anyways, and at that rate, you are literally paying for nothing but a different colored label at the top of the box art smh.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Man I’m salty as fuck. I gotta wait til next Monday to get the last trophy I need on Far Cry 6 for the Platinum. You need to kill 3 Insurgency Leaders, which specifically only spawn post game, only one per week. I got 2 of them done naturally, one near the end of last week, one jus now since they reset yesterday. There were 2 exploits before where you could either abuse reloads or the console date and time, but both were patched now and do nothing. So even tho it’s only 30 minutes max of actual game time, I can’t complete it until next Monday. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    In the meantime tho, my next game is Immortals Fenyx Rising finally, which I’ll be starting today. I almost don’t want to wit Horizon Forbidden West dropping on Friday which is definitely my most hyped game in a while, but I guess I’ll knock out Immortals Fenyx Rising first since I have a head start on that and then jus play Horizon Forbidden West immediately afterwards.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,109 master of ceremonies
    Just heard Royal Blood's new single in Horizon 5. RIP to a fun band
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Jay don’t post anymore but that disagree lmao

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