Only issue I have with starting gow is idk if I should play the vita version that I have or get psnow n stream the ps3 one. I have good internets so I don't think lag/performance will be an issue.
Only issue I have with starting gow is idk if I should play the vita version that I have or get psnow n stream the ps3 one. I have good internets so I don't think lag/performance will be an issue.
If it works anything like XGP, then you don’t actually “stream” it. It downloads the game in full as if you own it and then the subscription works like a key for it.
Debating if I should dl persona 1 and 2 (innocent sin/eternal punishment) if the rumors are true. Sony doesn't do sale for older games anymore so it be $50. Already have 3,4, and 5 but never played em.
Damn, Sony really is shutting down the store. At least you can still download your stuff after the deadline. They better have 1 last sale for psp/vita/ps3
Man I never played this, but War Of The Monsters (Very similar game) was an essential staple of my childhood lmao. Played so fucking much of that game.
Finished the DOOM Eternal DLC 2 on Ultra-Nightmare (beat the entire DLC without dying on the hardest difficulty). Now to do the rest of the game on Ultra-Nightmare too
ive got about 27/28 hours into valhalla, and this game is just awesome.
So many things i like about it. I love how they changed side quests. They feel much more organic now. not so much the cycle of - talk to this person - go do something for them - go back and talk to said person. more exploration based now it seems. the game also looks beautiful on the series x. the story while not anything ground breaking, has kept me wanting to keep playing it.
The only real thing that im not a huge fan of is some of the combat is too easy. its less parry based like odyssey was, but more hack and slash. The kill sequences are sooo dope though. Im hoping i start to enjoy it more as i unlock more abilities.
the quick resume on this game is also fantastic. I can have my xbox unplugged for days and start the game up and within 15 seconds im right where i left off.
Where are you at in DMC?
Can be downloaded
So many things i like about it. I love how they changed side quests. They feel much more organic now. not so much the cycle of - talk to this person - go do something for them - go back and talk to said person. more exploration based now it seems. the game also looks beautiful on the series x. the story while not anything ground breaking, has kept me wanting to keep playing it.
The only real thing that im not a huge fan of is some of the combat is too easy. its less parry based like odyssey was, but more hack and slash. The kill sequences are sooo dope though. Im hoping i start to enjoy it more as i unlock more abilities.
the quick resume on this game is also fantastic. I can have my xbox unplugged for days and start the game up and within 15 seconds im right where i left off.
game is lit af. would definitely recommend.
all hail gamepass.