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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    Idk how you could buy it for that system and expect it to run well. 

    You dont buy new games with an 8 year old video card and expect them to run at their best. 
    Tell that to Red Dead Redemption, Ghosts of Tsushima, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, etc. Piss poor excuse really
    I never played any of those games on anything except a 1X and they were fine. 

    But i also know most games suck on the og xbox one/ps4 comparatively because ive watched games on those consoles and they are dated. 

    This game wasn’t made for those older systems. They probably should have marketed it that way, as it would suck to be playing on them, but I suspect that has more to do with their deals with Sony/Microsoft and those companies that all their games get released on both systems, than it does with cd trying to release a shit game. 

    Regardless they built an amazing city with lots of cool stuff to do and im going to enjoy it. 

    I suspect MC would too. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    Their saving grace right now is GOG
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    Idk how you could buy it for that system and expect it to run well. 

    You dont buy new games with an 8 year old video card and expect them to run at their best. 
    Tell that to Red Dead Redemption, Ghosts of Tsushima, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, etc. Piss poor excuse really

    I suspect MC would too. 
    If they fix it for PC, I'll get it down the line. My brother has it, and he's played like 3 hours so far, and thinks its cool. But yea, they deserve the same shit Ubisoft and EA get for releasing the game in this state. 
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  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Idk how you could buy it for that system and expect it to run well. 

    You dont buy new games with an 8 year old video card and expect them to run at their best. 
    Tell that to Red Dead Redemption, Ghosts of Tsushima, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, etc. Piss poor excuse really
    I never played any of those games on anything except a 1X and they were fine. 

    But i also know most games suck on the og xbox one/ps4 comparatively because ive watched games on those consoles and they are dated. 

    This game wasn’t made for those older systems. They probably should have marketed it that way, as it would suck to be playing on them, but I suspect that has more to do with their deals with Sony/Microsoft and those companies that all their games get released on both systems, than it does with cd trying to release a shit game. 

    Regardless they built an amazing city with lots of cool stuff to do and im going to enjoy it. 

    I suspect MC would too. 
    I know I would enjoy it if I got it and I plan on it down the road on sale. But you're using your enjoyment of the game to defend really stupid shit lol
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    I guess im just surprised that people didnt expect it to play like shit on those consoles. 
    Idk how you could buy it for that system and expect it to run well. 

    You dont buy new games with an 8 year old video card and expect them to run at their best. 
    Tell that to Red Dead Redemption, Ghosts of Tsushima, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, etc. Piss poor excuse really
    I never played any of those games on anything except a 1X and they were fine. 
    You definitely didnt play Ghosts of Tsushima on an 1X. Secondly, you completely missed my point. Those games looked and ran beautiful on base ps4 and xbox one, why couldn't Cyberpunk? 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    Lots of reasons im sure. GoT was developed just for the ps4, so i imagine that made optimization easier.

    Like i said though they probably should have disclosed how it was running especially on those consoles. Its a shame, but im willing to give them a couple months and a few patches and just enjoy what it is now. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    edited December 2020
    One thing i fucking hate about the game is the sound it plays in your headset when its paused. Idk who’s fucking idea it was to put white noise in there but they need to be beat to death.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    I think the witcher 3 had a lot of issues at launch too. Pretty sure the pc version was a mess 
    Lots of reasons im sure. GoT was developed just for the ps4, so i imagine that made optimization easier.
    Red Dead and Final Fantasy are multi platform. Whats your excuse for those looking great on the base consoles? 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Rex. Dude. Come on. When you buy a game FOR PS4/XBONE YOU EXPECT IT TO WORK ON THAT CONSOLE

    If it doesnt work, its a failure. 
    Not to mention, separate PS5/XSX versions of the game are getting released. So while the game may perform better on a PS5/XSX, this ain’t even the actual next gen version, meaning it’s priority console is the PS4 and XB1. Most people don’t even have next gen yet and they knew people wouldn’t by time the game dropped, being that it’s less than a month after the release of the PS5 and exactly a month since the XSX.
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    If Id can get Doom Eternal running at a steady 30FPS on the Switch, CDProjekt Red should have gotten Cyberpunk to work on its INTENDED release consoles at AT LEAST a steady 30FPS with minimal bugs. Especially after the delays. 
    I mean 30FPS on 720P scaling and they planned for a switch port at the beginning so it’s not that impressive lol. 

    So far no bugs for me in Cyberpunk but im playing on PS5 with a OLED tv so it doesn’t look that terrible. Glad I didn’t get it for ps4 system. I was gonna wait for a ps5 release but I’m impatient and want to play it cause who knows when that version is coming. 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    I guess im just surprised that people didnt expect it to play like shit on those consoles. 
    I think you're continuing to miss the point that you're playing an Xbox One game, not a XSX game
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Got back into the Mario collection. Can only play Cuphead like 30-60 minutes at a time lmao game is bullshit. So Mario is my main game for now, and holy shit Sunshine can be straight up punishing at points. I see why it’s considered the hardest 3D Mario and why I never beat it as a kid lmao. But what sucks is that a lot of the hard parts aren’t even hard cause of actual difficulty, but because of poor/dated physics, camera, and controls. Not as egregious as 64, but still. It could have used a remake as well for that reason alone. Graphically tho it’s fine wit the remaster, and doesn’t feel like I’m playing an ancient ass game like 64 did. The semi cel-shading made the graphics and art style timeless.
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    edited December 2020
    Got back into the Mario collection. Can only play Cuphead like 30-60 minutes at a time lmao game is bullshit. So Mario is my main game for now, and holy shit Sunshine can be straight up punishing at points. I see why it’s considered the hardest 3D Mario and why I never beat it as a kid lmao. But what sucks is that a lot of the hard parts aren’t even hard cause of actual difficulty, but because of poor/dated physics, camera, and controls. Not as egregious as 64, but still. It could have used a remake as well for that reason alone. Graphically tho it’s fine wit the remaster, and doesn’t feel like I’m playing an ancient ass game like 64 did. The semi cel-shading made the graphics and art style timeless.
    Sunshine is glitchy as fuck, that's well known. It's not that hard though, save for a couple bullshit red coin levels. If you want 100%, good luck getting all the blue coins without a guide.
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  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    Rex is acting like people are trying to play the game on a ps2 lol. 

    A behind the scenes series of these game designers and companies as games are being developed would be amazing. Similar to the football shows and what not where you follow a team through a whole season. Everyone knew it was fucked. Half the team cared. Some checked out. There must have been some amazing meetings with corporate suits going on. 

    “The investors say push it through”
    ”It’s not ready yet”
    ”We don’t care, the fiscal quarter is closing and we need a two point bump”

    managers go back to their team 
    “suits say we’re done”

    “oh c’mon that’s bullshit! What the hell. It’s not even done yet!”

    I’d watch. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    I know some indie devs that do stuff like that  

    Hugo Martin, director of Id, does Doom live streams where he talks about stuff like that too during his streams 
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  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    We always hear the stories, but it would be cool to have it all on video like a sports documentary. Record all the meetings, deadlines, programmers etc. Follow the different departments. Like American Chopper used to show the commission of a project, the meetings, the fabrication, the paint shop, final assembly and presentation of the final product, plus all the drama along the way.  We kind of follow along with that crap anyway, to the extent that social media and interviews allow, but it would be cool to see the game being made and what the people making it go through from start to finish turned into a movie or video series. I want to see some of these meeting where terrible decisions are being made. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    We always hear the stories, but it would be cool to have it all on video like a sports documentary. Record all the meetings, deadlines, programmers etc. Follow the different departments. Like American Chopper used to show the commission of a project, the meetings, the fabrication, the paint shop, final assembly and presentation of the final product, plus all the drama along the way.  We kind of follow along with that crap anyway, to the extent that social media and interviews allow, but it would be cool to see the game being made and what the people making it go through from start to finish turned into a movie or video series. I want to see some of these meeting where terrible decisions are being made. 
    yea I'd love to see that. 
    Closest thing I can think of is the dev documentaries in the old God of War games. 
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