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***Official Video Games Thread***



    edited December 2020
    Indie game the movie is the closest thing I've seen. Although it's a little different because it's teams of 1 to 3 people instead of a giant studio. But it does go into the stress of meeting deadlines and all that. Hell, it even goes over the Super Meat boy devs getting fucked over by Microsoft a little bit. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    Does Fez have a documentary?
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Fez is actually in the movie Jake mentioned. I saw it a while back, it’s a great documentary.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Got back into the Mario collection. Can only play Cuphead like 30-60 minutes at a time lmao game is bullshit. So Mario is my main game for now, and holy shit Sunshine can be straight up punishing at points. I see why it’s considered the hardest 3D Mario and why I never beat it as a kid lmao. But what sucks is that a lot of the hard parts aren’t even hard cause of actual difficulty, but because of poor/dated physics, camera, and controls. Not as egregious as 64, but still. It could have used a remake as well for that reason alone. Graphically tho it’s fine wit the remaster, and doesn’t feel like I’m playing an ancient ass game like 64 did. The semi cel-shading made the graphics and art style timeless.
    Sunshine is glitchy as fuck, that's well known. It's not that hard though, save for a couple bullshit red coin levels. If you want 100%, good luck getting all the blue coins without a guide.
    Yea prolly not getting the blue coins lol. Not worth the grind.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    So, working from home i was able to dump 20 hours into cyberpunk from wed-Friday, and heres my takeaway. 

    Im only about 15 percent of the way through the story, but the cinematics and script are about as good as iv seen in any games ive played. The story is unique as far as it comes to video games. Cut scenes are pretty immersive as there isnt typically a loading screen and everything is done live, and not pre rendered. 

    The world they built is the best part though. Going from the sidewalk down a back ally to see a doctor to get some sort of implant feels real. The attention to detail in art direction is top notch. The roads/highways have been put together and designed well, and the verticality is awesome. 

    The bad: 

    It is glitchy. The more you play the more you notice, but that will be fixed with time. But the worst part is sometimes your way points on missions dissapeear and you have to select a different mission and then switch back to get it to pop up. 

    The AI for enemies is pretty dumb. Theres not much strategy to fire fights aside from whos strong/weaker and enemies generally run at you in straight lines lol. 

    The menus suck. They were designed with MAK in mind. They just need a lot of quality of life improvements, but the Witcher 3 was the same way at launch so im hopeful for that department. 

    As stated, the pause menu white noise in your ear is one of the stupidest shit iv ever dealt with in a game. id throw hands with the person responsible for that. 

    Another complaint i have is the clothing. With it being a RPG, clothing increases your armor ss more drops and you level up, but because of this i always look like a clown. I can never wear some fly shit that matches lol. 

    The driving isnt bad, it just feels sluggish in a car compared to a bike. 

    Overall, its a great game. Im interested to see where the story goes and how the choices i make affect the story. But its not without its current shortcomings. Something we are find too common now a days. 

    Fez is actually in the movie Jake mentioned. I saw it a while back, it’s a great documentary.
    Yup. It focuses on the development of Fez and Super Meat Boy, as well as a postmortem on Braid after its release (which was considered a success) Its one of my favorite documentaries 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    edited December 2020
    Another positive. For the most part the side mission are great. They aren't just all go here and shoot this. Some of them let you learn  more about Johnny silverhands backstory. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    A lot of my job is bouncing around the office to help on different projects. When im at home i can just answer the phones and emails and if im caught up im good. Its a slow time of year. Plus fuck um
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    I concede though. While i am
    very much enjoying the story and side missions, this game is a mess. Mostly on the AI point. Traffic AI. Enemy AI. NPC ai. Its almost non existent. Idk wtf they were thinking with that. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    Idk what they were thinking trying to release this on the OG’s. They shpuld have kept it to pc/ps5/xsx only. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    edited December 2020
    Beat Super Mario Sunshine. Prolly not grabbing the hub world shines, blue coin shines, or the 7 extra 100 coin shines, but I did grab all 10 main shines in each of the 7 outer worlds, and ended up wit 74 total (Grabbed a few in the hub world.) Normally I prolly would if this was a new release, but being that I still got the third game in the collection to get to, I don’t really see the point in grinding out the rest of the bonus shines when they don’t even unlock anything lmao. Finished at about 20 hours even. As I mentioned before, it’s definitely not the most polished Mario, and the subpar camera, controls, and physics were disappointing and made the game unnecessarily hard at points, so it really would have benefited from a remake, but overall I loved the game and it’s definitely better than 64. Odyssey is still the best Mario, but that’s such an extremely high ceiling to top. 8.5/10

    Hype to start Galaxy! I think originally I didn’t even play past the first world, so this is essentially brand new to me. Sunshine was basically the same, but originally I had at least played the first 2 worlds lol.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Holy fuck Galaxy is absolutely gorgeous.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Got damn I’m already obsessed wit Galaxy. Very first session stretched to 6 hours straight. Had to force myself to turn it off and lay down. Way too good and already my favorite of the 3. Makes me appreciate the series so much more too cause each game literally got progressively better and they never stagnated.

    Already plotting on how the fuck I’m gonna play Galaxy 2, which I never played whatsoever. It MIGHT get a remake or remaster, since Nintendo been doing everything else, but who knows. Literally might cop a Wii super cheap jus to play it lmao.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    When i was balls deep on cyberpunk i was about 10-14 hours in and it was mostly story parts. The story and characters are really awesome. Some of the most fun iv had with a game. The RPG elements are also there, but fuck this game is a mess. What the fuck were they doing the last 7 years. Holy fuck. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    Its not that the game doesn’t run well. It runs fine for me. Its the content. 

    The AI is so bad. You can go up to a top of a building and shoot and cops just start spawning behind you lol. Even though there is no way for them to get up there. 
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