Didn't even play shit cuz I had to download updates for everything I wanted to play and it took like 3 hours. Didn't even feel like playing after that.
Its a subscription service you can add to xbox live. You pay a fee and have access to a large library of games, even new releases. Outer worlds was one of them.
You are a post release hype machine though. You like pretty much everything. Im going off of streams, twitter, friends that I trust their opinions.
The game looks pretty. But there seem to be some issues with the camera during combat. Other things iv heard along those lines. The cut scenes look bad with the people remaining basically completely stationary.
But iv heard the gameplay is fun.
Thats why im asking yall, more people that iv know who played it.
Maybe explain how you feel about it rather than taking the keyboard warrior approach.
There are like 1 and a half from the Xbox one.
It sold a lot of copies, but every one iv talked to has said other than the pretty world/ combat being fun sometimes, its pretty disappointing.
Soooo true. Ps1/n64 era did not age well.