My friend got acid one night in Chicago...but the kid giving it to him wanted to do it right then and there, after the show...leading to him tripping in the hotel. It'd been quiet for over an hour and India and I are basically falling asleep.
"Are....are guys are fucking with me right?"
" We're falling asleep"
"Alright. Just don't cause permanent brain damage"
I'm laughing remembering this but I also feel bad because dude just told me once we fell asleep, he realized were weren't in control of his trip like he thought we were and started to down a really bad mental path that led to no sleep.
Person on reddit commenting on how Cm punk performed in his first fight
"To be fair he did 100 times better than I thought he would."
"... Did you expect him to literally shit himself and have to call the match off once it actually started? Or slip and hit his head somehow and not make it to the cage? Or... ?"
I remember once when my dad gave me money to pay the electricity bill but instead i bought a raffle ticket for a brand new car. When i got home,i explained to my dad what i did and he beat the crap out of me. But the next day,when my dad woke up and opened the door,outside my house was a brand new car. We all cried especially me,because the car was from the electricity company,they were there to cut off the electricity, my dad beat the crap out of me again
"A guy steps into an elevator and there's just one attractive woman in it. He turns around to push the button for his floor and his elbow bumps right into her breast. He says, "Oh, I'm so sorry. If your heart is as soft as your breast, I hope you'll be able to forgive me." She looks at him a few seconds and says, "That's all right. If your penis is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room 204.""
"my roommates got into a huge fight, the biggest theyve ever had, and the next afternoon once aaron had moved all his stuff out, and after ronny left for the airport, aaron shit in the glass vase from the living room and stuck it in the dryer and started it. ronnys not back till next monday"
It was really big in Germany a few decades back. Good times.
heard that the other day lol
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
9 year old brother: Yeah know I can finally listen to Nickelback without feeling completely gay.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"Are....are guys are fucking with me right?"
" We're falling asleep"
"Alright. Just don't cause permanent brain damage"
I'm laughing remembering this but I also feel bad because dude just told me once we fell asleep, he realized were weren't in control of his trip like he thought we were and started to down a really bad mental path that led to no sleep.
"To be fair he did 100 times better than I thought he would."
"... Did you expect him to literally shit himself and have to call the match off once it actually started? Or slip and hit his head somehow and not make it to the cage? Or... ?"
"Im so deep in friendzone that she sents me nudes to approve before going out to other guys...pray for me
"Never did I think I'd see the day where you were passed out beside a bunch of water bottles"