Her: "three days grace, devour the day, and finger 11 are playing 7 flags" me: "have fun going by yourself" her: "I bet we have different taste in music" me"yeah"
Was trying to cross the street on the sidewalk and this dude in a car wasn't moving and the guy behind him had his window down and yelled, "get the fuck out of the way dumbass" )
Friend: "you really have to stop that. just lemme know where I can help. I'm up for doin crazy stuff" me: "Lets go become vigilantes and kill gangsters on the weekends. Stop what?" (Referencing Hotline Miami) friend: "lets do it. I'll let you know what right now that I'm not wearing that strippy leather spandex shit" me: "Strippy leather spandex shit... :-? That would be fun though" .... Me: "Killing gangsters I mean!"
me: "have fun going by yourself"
her: "I bet we have different taste in music"
"I........................ Im sorry to hear that lauren."
at the bar at the table behind me
me: "Lets go become vigilantes and kill gangsters on the weekends. Stop what?" (Referencing Hotline Miami)
friend: "lets do it. I'll let you know what right now that I'm not wearing that strippy leather spandex shit"
me: "Strippy leather spandex shit... :-? That would be fun though"
Me: "Killing gangsters I mean!"
"Are you wearing a shirt that says legalise drugs and murder?..."
Lol'd but like any other retail store they lock the door when the store is closed
"Welcome Back to Fox News: Your home for evil"
Fear: oh no! Is it a bear?
Disgust: Bears don't live in San Francisco, you're an idiot.
Anger: I don't know, did you see that hairy guy earlier? He could have been a bear.