Tidying up in the kitchen in my dad's house today and emptying out all the spare cutlery I'd bought from my home to use at his place My mother finds all these knives with burnt ends and says "oh look at all these knives....they must have been used in a fireplace for marshmallows or something"
Last time I saw Skeletonwitch after the closing song, the vocalist shouted "Drink Beer, smoke weed, and eat pussy." I think they turned it into a shirt too.
I have that shirt. It's definitely an attention grabber. At festivals I got a shitload of men and women alike wanting to take pictures with me...or rather the shit. I wore it on bourbon street....yeah long story.
Anyway last night I saw Pond, the little brother band of Tame Impala consisting of the live and former members of Tame, and a few other friends and crew. I talked to Joe, who runs lights and sound for Tame, and plays guitar for Pond
Joe: "Yeah I'm basically Kevin's bitch. Bright side of being the sound guy is that I know the combination for the lockup in LA with all of the Tame equipment. Didn't even tell him, we just picked em up and took off."
There's an episode if hey arnold where his grandpa kicks hitlers ass. Nothing outright wrong with it, but you can just tell it wouldn't be put in a kids cartoon
Was watching "Dragonball Z: Fusion Reborn" and in it a bunch of villains escape from hell and shit. So Hitler also escapes and is fought by two of the younger kids (Trunks and Goten). So they go Super Saiyan and defeat him and Hitler goes "Uch, Blonde hair and blue eyes, I should be recruiting them." ) Fucking died. Was such an unexpected line.
My mother finds all these knives with burnt ends and says "oh look at all these knives....they must have been used in a fireplace for marshmallows or something"
"DC can't even make Super Man popular. Super Man. You know who the most popular character of the year was? A talking tree who said three words."
Anyway last night I saw Pond, the little brother band of Tame Impala consisting of the live and former members of Tame, and a few other friends and crew. I talked to Joe, who runs lights and sound for Tame, and plays guitar for Pond
Joe: "Yeah I'm basically Kevin's bitch. Bright side of being the sound guy is that I know the combination for the lockup in LA with all of the Tame equipment. Didn't even tell him, we just picked em up and took off."
"Are you maggots or faggots?"
"Excuse me ma'am, is this abrasive negro bothering you?"