Teacher:"i have a friend who is getting married. I dont think she should have kids. She was beaten and raped when she was young, and she never experienced love. She only felt loved when engaging in sex and eventually turned to porn. If you google her you see the pics. Who would want to hire her now?"
Honestly shit like that turns me off so much.. I hate hearing stories of girls being fucked up cuz of childhood sexual assault.. Believe I'm all for porn lol but some girls just need to get help and stay away from that kinda stuff it's sad
Tripping balls at 1am watching this guy with a light up hula hoop go crazy, he gets done and we go to talk to him and ask him how the fuck he did it. This dudes tripping hard and goes
"I dropped acid. I saw Paul McCartney last night. Suddenly I knew moves I never new before. Theres not a single person whose life wasnt changed last night"
Bianca: I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP OK. Me: What program or whatever was it for? Or is it just a general thing? Bianca: its from the school of environmental and boob sciences Me: Boob sciences? Didn't know RU had that. Should've known. Bianca: Biological.
Mom: That looks disgusting. Me: Wut. It's eggs without the yolks... Mom: Still looks wrong without the yellow in there. Me: Strong logic. Mom: That shit looks like cooked cum.
) I fucking lost it. She's never said anything like that. )
Mom: That looks disgusting. Me: Wut. It's eggs without the yolks... Mom: Still looks wrong without the yellow in there. Me: Strong logic. Mom: That shit looks like cooked cum.
) I fucking lost it. She's never said anything like that. )
You should be more concerned by the fact that your mum knows what cooked cum looks like!? :-S
Rey (mexican): Hey Lynn you like Oreo's? Lynn (black): yeah why? Rey: They said on the radio theyre making watermelon flavored Oreo's. Lynn: lol, man thats racist man. Rey: LOL, no im for real they are! Lynn: So why you ask me of all people? Rey:LOL Chris (black): Man I like both I gotta jump on dat!
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
>still tries to quote it
Teacher:"i have a friend who is getting married. I dont think she should have kids. She was beaten and raped when she was young, and she never experienced love. She only felt loved when engaging in sex and eventually turned to porn. If you google her you see the pics. Who would want to hire her now?"
but nonetheless, its like they say in the adult entertainment business...
the harder they fall, the bigger they cum
"I dropped acid. I saw Paul McCartney last night. Suddenly I knew moves I never new before. Theres not a single person whose life wasnt changed last night"
Me: What program or whatever was it for? Or is it just a general thing?
Bianca: its from the school of environmental and boob sciences
Me: Boob sciences? Didn't know RU had that. Should've known.
Bianca: Biological.
Mom: That looks disgusting.
Me: Wut. It's eggs without the yolks...
Mom: Still looks wrong without the yellow in there.
Me: Strong logic.
Mom: That shit looks like cooked cum.
Me " um nah you don't pay me enough to climb ladders"
You should be more concerned by the fact that your mum knows what cooked cum looks like!?
Woman (faintly): Oh...oh...oh...
Woman (audibly): Fuck you, that was only like 2 minutes long
Rey (mexican): Hey Lynn you like Oreo's?
Lynn (black): yeah why?
Rey: They said on the radio theyre making watermelon flavored Oreo's.
Lynn: lol, man thats racist man.
Rey: LOL, no im for real they are!
Lynn: So why you ask me of all people?
Chris (black): Man I like both I gotta jump on dat!