my cousin: 'THis product allows to get those hard to reach plants. Who tha fuck would make their plants hard to reach?! That seems so very mean. I will throw water at you. Hopefully they will never invent a product before you shrivel and die. Think like a cactus!'
me: are you high?
it didnt occur to me until after i sent that its from Mitch Hedberg
"I'm Will. I'm 19. I can't really write about myself, but I'm awesome. I love to smoke hookah, and music is a big part of my life. My favorite genres are Death and Black Metal, but I also love all kinds of other types of music (gothic/industrial being my other favorite genres).
I love to smoke hookah, play video games, and chill and relax. I'm very laid back in general, and don't like to be bothered with much.
I'm just a young gothic metalhead trying to do the best I can."
LOL did this fucking faggot actually say this? Where?
It's worse that he actually labels himself that. Actual goths are just naturally like that and hate the label. Hate the word, but what a fucking poser, literally.
It's worse that he actually labels himself that. Actual goths are just naturally like that and hate the label. Hate the word, but what a fucking poser, literally.
pot calling kettle black, fukkin erik ure the biggest p0z0r ever wantin to be black fukkin faggot
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"When I go to shows, I go to see dudes rock out. Like light shows are cool and shit, but I just want to see some guys go onstage and kickass. And us, we're fucking small so we don't get like light guys and shit. But we're on tour with Clutch right now and I'll get some dude after the set like "So how was it" and I don't have a fucking clue what their talking about and then I realize it's the light guy. But I don't see that shit when I'm onstage. Honestly...I could see the keys. There was light on the keyboard. I'm GOOD. Awesome job on the lights"
Fun fact: Christian missionaries first came to america to teach the Indians the proper way to have sex. In return, they taught us the proper way to sit when you're in 2nd grade.
category was famous movie quotes
haley joel osmond's famous line i see dead people
chicks answer what is the exorcist <____>
my cousin: 'THis product allows to get those hard to reach plants. Who tha fuck would make their plants hard to reach?! That seems so very mean. I will throw water at you. Hopefully they will never invent a product before you shrivel and die. Think like a cactus!'
me: are you high?
it didnt occur to me until after i sent that its from Mitch Hedberg
LOL did this fucking faggot actually say this? Where?
It's worse that he actually labels himself that. Actual goths are just naturally like that and hate the label. Hate the word, but what a fucking poser, literally.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Rock On The Range sucks. Go to a real concert like Vans Warped Tour.
why do all the lesbians around here have to be fat