1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
"god listening to conscious rap is like having to listen to those kids at school who write poems with as much flowery language and off the wall words they know jus to sound smart bitch i wanna hear bout da skreets!!!!"
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Me: "[my girlfriend]'s pregnant." Dad: "You shut the fuck up. You know that's not true and you don't say that." Me: "You're not nearly as much fun to say that to as Mom is." Dad: "I stopped putting up with your crap a long time ago."
my friend: I know a lot of people And i talk to a lot of people I figure people out, that's kind of my thing I don't necessarily help unless I'm asked But I like to figure people out to a point where it's hard for them to surprise me I don't like surprises And I don't know about you yet. I feel like I'm missing a big piece of who you are
Jake: I want to get brofisted too.
Me: To the wrist or elbow?
Max: Shoulder
Jake: Knee. Go big or go home.
"Happy birthday to the best Momma in the whole world. ♥
I'm going to bake her a chocolate cake and on top it's going to read, "4/20 BLAZE IT FAGGOT."
Dad: "You shut the fuck up. You know that's not true and you don't say that."
Me: "You're not nearly as much fun to say that to as Mom is."
Dad: "I stopped putting up with your crap a long time ago."
My friend: "So what, you like white niggas?"
I know a lot of people
And i talk to a lot of people
I figure people out, that's kind of my thing
I don't necessarily help unless I'm asked
But I like to figure people out to a point where it's hard for them to surprise me
I don't like surprises
And I don't know about you yet.
I feel like I'm missing a big piece of who you are
me: does that scare you?
my friend:
It intrigues me.
i know a military guy who was her bodyguard for a bit when she was in NYC for New Years Eve