Britt, you can come over and chill and watch American Horror story with me and Alex if you want i think Erika is done studying for the night i would have texted but i dont feel like reaching over Alex to get my cell
Alrighty. It's cool. I'm probably caffenated enough for all of us. I'll come over a bit later. Might bring my laptop so I can maybe try to do my reading. Jill and Saleena are being loud as fuck.
i think Erika is done studying for the night
i would have texted but i dont feel like reaching over Alex to get my cell
forgive us if were a bit lethargic
its been a long day
Friend - "the worst part about metal is the international appeal and all the brown people"
New age lingo speak
Young peeps nowadays huh? :-??
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"For most people when you lose their "khakis" you've lost your pants. When you're from Boston and you lost your "khakis" you can't start your car."
socially naw red states are fucked up
while talking to a hot girl...
hot girl: What's your name?
hot drunk girl: His name is Penelope
hot girl: (talking to me) Well, Penelope...........