Ive been watching the last couple of time Biden has been in front of a microphone, and i generlly do not know if hes going to be able to make it until November.
I don't put too much stock in youtube videos becuase i know those can be doctored, but he recently gave a speach and was talking about meeting with the president of spain, who hasn't been the president since like 1995 or something like that.
It was a clear sign of dementia. Hes going downhill fast as fuck.
Me and my boss have been discussing how we think Michelle Obama could swoop in at the convention and steal the nod if she wanted to. Id be much happier with that option honestly.
I started staying with my grandpa cause he’s just getting old and I just noticed his pill thing he uses has my grandmas name on it still. Fuck getting old is gay as fuck.
Got a job interview scheduled for Tuesday. Its a retail job working at a tile store. So not ideal, but we'll see where it goes
Still being ignored for jobs that are actually related to my experience/degree/what I want to do/willing to pay me what Im looking for, for some reason though. Will probably just end up working the two jobs/60 hours forever at this point
Ive seemed to notice a trend that people aren't interested in degrees really any more unless its for doctor type shit. They seem to care more about experience these days.
Good Luck brotha. Taking interviews is good either way because it helps you be less nervous for the next one.
Ive seemed to notice a trend that people aren't interested in degrees really any more unless its for doctor type shit. They seem to care more about experience these days.
Good Luck brotha. Taking interviews is good either way because it helps you be less nervous for the next one.
Yea, that's what Im noticing too. College turned out to be a complete waste of time and money, and I regret going that route. Even though I have 8 years work experience, and am a manager at my studio, its not enough for most of these places. My options are: take a significant paycut and enter a new field as entry level and probably grind for another 10 years before I'll be able to make a living wage, or keep doing the multiple jobs thing and kill myself with work. Either way, everything in this gay life fucking sucks
Ive seemed to notice a trend that people aren't interested in degrees really any more unless its for doctor type shit. They seem to care more about experience these days.
Good Luck brotha. Taking interviews is good either way because it helps you be less nervous for the next one.
As it fucking should be. You shouldn’t have to put yourself in massive debt just to get a normal job
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
So we went to taco been the other day and she's not had a problem since
Still truck driving, got a local gig about a year ago with a carpentry wholesale warehouse so delivering plywood and finish and shizz
Still being ignored for jobs that are actually related to my experience/degree/what I want to do/willing to pay me what Im looking for, for some reason though. Will probably just end up working the two jobs/60 hours forever at this point
Good Luck brotha. Taking interviews is good either way because it helps you be less nervous for the next one.
Yea, that's what Im noticing too. College turned out to be a complete waste of time and money, and I regret going that route. Even though I have 8 years work experience, and am a manager at my studio, its not enough for most of these places. My options are: take a significant paycut and enter a new field as entry level and probably grind for another 10 years before I'll be able to make a living wage, or keep doing the multiple jobs thing and kill myself with work. Either way, everything in this gay life fucking sucks
Not yet, but I will in a month or two if I still keep getting negative feedback from these places