I never had much hw in my previous music history classes so I'm just hoping he doesn't assign stuff often. but if this becomes a weekly problem I'll have to talk with him
>Books a show with Solstice >gets a good response from people who would be attending >Sunn O)) gets first FL in fuck knows how long on the same day literally 20 minutes away >...
tickets for atg are fucking $40. such goddamn bullshit. this venues prices have gone up so much since the renovation, which almost did more harm than good tbh (who the fuck wants two big screen tvs showing whats going on on stage RIGHT NEXT TO EITHER SIDE OF THE STAGE?.) glad I rarely go to any shows here anymore at least.
An article on campus rape. Which is a problem, but isn't as big of a problem as people make it out to be. Its more like 1 in 50 women are exposed to sexual assault, not 1 in 4 - which is still an issue, but not as drastic as people claim.
What irritated me is that we have people on there defining consent in really complicated ways (you can consent to one thing, but not all. you need to continually ask for consent every 5 minutes while having sex to make sure its still ok. if she's consented all night, and you take a break, you need to consent again even for something as simple as a hug. even if she verbally says "yes" or physically goes along with sex, that doesn't mean she's actually consenting because she might be scared - shit like this).
And when people say something like "we should make sex contacts then to protect people from false rape accusations" or "this makes consent and sex more complicated and confusing than it should be", these people are attacked with comments like "if consent is that complicated, you shouldnt be having sex"
You motherfuckers are making it complicated for everyone else.
I dont even have or like sex, and im pissed off.
I just fucking hate SJWs man. Their ideology has hit religious levels, and its affecting everything. And ignoring them instead of challenging their regressive ideology and hypocrisy just gives them more power, because they are unchallenged.
But being completely honest, I'm probably carrying over some rage from last night after watching the vid I posted above. Even atheism and science isn't safe from the SJW crusade.
>gets a good response from people who would be attending
>Sunn O)) gets first FL in fuck knows how long on the same day literally 20 minutes away
Two loads, $1.75 for washer $1.75 for dryer, each. Just spent $7 on fucking laundry.
For reference. CEDA clips start at 6:45. @Satan This shit is straight out of Idiocracy.
Hold on a minute!!!!!
You wash your clothes!?!?!?
Ignoring these people makes it worse
What irritated me is that we have people on there defining consent in really complicated ways (you can consent to one thing, but not all. you need to continually ask for consent every 5 minutes while having sex to make sure its still ok. if she's consented all night, and you take a break, you need to consent again even for something as simple as a hug. even if she verbally says "yes" or physically goes along with sex, that doesn't mean she's actually consenting because she might be scared - shit like this).
And when people say something like "we should make sex contacts then to protect people from false rape accusations" or "this makes consent and sex more complicated and confusing than it should be", these people are attacked with comments like "if consent is that complicated, you shouldnt be having sex"
You motherfuckers are making it complicated for everyone else.
I dont even have or like sex, and im pissed off.
I just fucking hate SJWs man. Their ideology has hit religious levels, and its affecting everything. And ignoring them instead of challenging their regressive ideology and hypocrisy just gives them more power, because they are unchallenged.
But being completely honest, I'm probably carrying over some rage from last night after watching the vid I posted above. Even atheism and science isn't safe from the SJW crusade.