how the fuck would you know MC? you and most of your friends don't even associate with chicks
I read. There are a lot of false rape accusations that make headline news. Most famously, that story where that girl carried a bed around with her protesting her school and police who said he was innocent.
Its a feminist narrative to push this whole "if you were drunk, he raped you" "if you regret it, he raped you" idea. And a lot of college age millennial women buy into that. They define sexual assault as literally touching somebody when they didn't give you permission.
I've seen stats ranging from 2% to 43% as far as how many rape accusations are false, so there isn't an accurate gauge. But I do know that its a problem.
Rape is massively under reported because most of the women are ashamed and scared. So yeah im sure there are quite a few fake rape accusations reported. but 43%
The whole feminist 'if i was drunk" thing isn't actually taken serious by the majority of sane individuals.
and if you're reading stories and the states range as far apart as 2% to 43% how can you take any of them seriously? thats way to big of a discrepancy.
Normal women in every day life aren't out there accusing normal every day dudes of rape because they are embarrassed about their choices. If they were going to do that they would do it with someone rich.
you need to get as far away from that college campus as possible.
Yeah it can be pretty irritating but at least you won't have to deal with it personally
Like, its one of the things keeping me from trying to date again. So it indirectly applies to me. I'm scared of falling for a girl again and pursuing a relationship, only to be hit with a rush of "consent" bullshit - y'know?
And I'm scared for my friends and family who do date.
If that were the case then you would be more worried about the starte of foreign affairs and how the advancement of technology is going to doom the human race. Not what some cunts opinion on the Internet.
these are practically issues invented by the internet mc. yeah fake rape accusations happen and its an issue but its not becoming a blight on society. you're searching for rationalization for your anger and social actions
Iv also never had a friend get accused of raping anyone.
Its a feminist narrative to push this whole "if you were drunk, he raped you" "if you regret it, he raped you" idea. And a lot of college age millennial women buy into that. They define sexual assault as literally touching somebody when they didn't give you permission.
I've seen stats ranging from 2% to 43% as far as how many rape accusations are false, so there isn't an accurate gauge. But I do know that its a problem.
I don't trust millennial women at all right now.
Some sources. They aren't perfect, but paint a picture. Also watch any of Christina Hoff Sommers videos on Sexual Assault Myths and Rape Culture.
(incredibly biased source, but lists some examples of false rapes accusations)
The whole feminist 'if i was drunk" thing isn't actually taken serious by the majority of sane individuals.
and if you're reading stories and the states range as far apart as 2% to 43% how can you take any of them seriously? thats way to big of a discrepancy.
Normal women in every day life aren't out there accusing normal every day dudes of rape because they are embarrassed about their choices. If they were going to do that they would do it with someone rich.
you need to get as far away from that college campus as possible.
Of the 4 men, only one of them had sex while living in our condo. And it was only 1 time.
Of the women, all 4 of them had sex regularly, almost daily. And one of them was fat and ugly.
And women say they dont have it easier.