They fucking finally did right by Piccolo and Gohan. Thank you Dragonball Super: Super Hero. The movie takes a while to get started, first 15 minutes are a huge exposition dump (including two recaps of the Android saga lol) but the meta humor is fucking hilarious. The scene with Goku and Vegeta should have been cut. I get why it's there, because you can't dragonball without showing them, but it was pointless other than learning some kinda creepy shit about Beerus lol the animation is a little jarring and the fights feel a little less fluid because of it, but they're well choreographed and the end is some straight up Godzilla shit. But finally FINALLY, this really is Gohan and Piccolo's movie and I absolutely loved it.
They fucking finally did right by Piccolo and Gohan. Thank you Dragonball Super: Super Hero. The movie takes a while to get started, first 15 minutes are a huge exposition dump (including two recaps of the Android saga lol) but the meta humor is fucking hilarious. The scene with Goku and Vegeta should have been cut. I get why it's there, because you can't dragonball without showing them, but it was pointless other than learning some kinda creepy shit about Beerus lol the animation is a little jarring and the fights feel a little less fluid because of it, but they're well choreographed and the end is some straight up Godzilla shit. But finally FINALLY, this really is Gohan and Piccolo's movie and I absolutely loved it.
I need to see it. The movies have been really good lately. Far better than Super for sure. I loved the beginning of Resurrection F too, since it gave all the "non Goku/Vegeta" characters their moments. Like yea, Krillan might not be Saiyan strong, but he's still strong enough to fight hundreds of Frieza's henchmen at once now! I love that stuff.
I can’t watch it all the way through. I’m getting through it about 10 minutes at a time. It’s so painful to watch. It’s painful to listen to. I’m not even half way through it. God damn Sherri Moon Zombie is annoying.
how long before they just start making these movies with deep fakes.
I mean judging by that trailer that's already almost a reality. I can see old actors like Harrison Ford, Arnold, Stallone, or Mark Hamil signing a multi million dollar contract for their deep fake rights.
New Avatar was fucking incredible holy shit. Might honestly be my personal movie of the year. I wasn’t even expecting to like it like that either, I wasn’t like a mega fan of the first one or anything but it was dope enough, and then I damn near was feeling like I didn’t wanna go cause I got like no sleep so I was sitting there like “Damn I really gotta sit thru a 3.5 hour movie rn.” but I had already pre-purchased the ticket since it was IMAX so I basically needed to still make it lmao. But damn I’m glad I did. It was better than the first in every conceivable way. And it constantly moves 200 miles a minute so it didn’t feel like 3+ hours at ALL. The dead on accuracy of all the coral and reef scenes adds MAJOR bonus points for me personally as well, that shit had me nerding the fuck out lmao. Amazing film tho, definitely has me way more hype for the sequels and upcoming video game now too.
My replacement cases for the Criterion Collection for Godzilla arrived. My original case hasnt had any problems yet, but I heard the glue is notoriously bad on it, so I got replacement cases to be on the safe side. The replacements were from Etsy.
Garbage movie.
RIP Jason David Frank
if Brendan Fraser doesn’t win a Oscar for this imma be heated