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***Official Movies Thread*** (NSFW)



  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Uncharted movie was fire I jus went to see it today. Loved all the lil Easter eggs and references to the games.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    I don’t even need to be on my desktop to know the lol is MC.

    I’ll also bet every dollar to my name he’s laughing when he hasn’t seen the movie himself and is basing his opinion on critics, even tho the Metacritic audience score is drastically different at 90%+. 😐😐
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    I dont give a fuck about critics. The casting was terrible, it looks like ass, and the few people I know that saw it said it was ass
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    >Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg as main duo
    >”Casting is ass”
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    I think Wahlberg is fine as Sully, I wish they got someone else for Nathan though. Haven't seen it yet but I was worried from the get go. I know Holland can pull off quippy very well but Nathan Drake is also a smart bad ass and I'm not sure if Holland can pull that off though obviously I'm just expressing a fear, ill reserve judgement until I see it. Drake is beautiful in his simplicity because we've seen that character a dozen times but he's so suave and sarcastic and legit one of my favorite video game characters ever. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    >Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg as main duo
    >”Casting is ass”
    I mean I dont like Tom Holland. But they're both miscast as fuck. Neither look like their characters, nor do they exude the same personality. And theyre both too young for their characters. 
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  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,652 moneytalker
    Yeah cuz those characters were only one age their whole life. And it’s not like they would want them to be younger to start the franchise so the actors can age with it over the next decade. How dare they plan ahead. 

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    >Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg as main duo
    >”Casting is ass”
    I mean I dont like Tom Holland. But they're both miscast as fuck. Neither look like their characters, nor do they exude the same personality. And theyre both too young for their characters. 
    Again, you didn’t even see it. Yes they don’t look like them and that threw me off as well at first, but the personalities are spot on, which made me forgive it. As far as age, Tom Holland jus looks young period. Realistically he’s about the same age as Nathan in the first game, cause he was like early-mid 20s. As far as Sully, yea Mark is a lil too young, they could have dyed his hair gray for the role and it would have been more fitting, but again, that’s nitpicking. He was great at the role.
    edited March 2022
    Scream/Scream 5/5cream whatever you want to call it, WAS GREAT!
    SO GOOD. Excellently meta. Great jabs at A24/artsy/"elevated horror", requels, reboots, naming conventions, fandoms, even Star Wars - with some great, fun kills, and excellent practical gore. 
    Very happy with it. 
    I didn't like it that much. Just watched it
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    Scream/Scream 5/5cream whatever you want to call it, WAS GREAT!
    SO GOOD. Excellently meta. Great jabs at A24/artsy/"elevated horror", requels, reboots, naming conventions, fandoms, even Star Wars - with some great, fun kills, and excellent practical gore. 
    Very happy with it. 
    I didn't like it that much. Just watched it
    Its ok. I respect your opinion even if I dont agree
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  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    In the words of Erik…the Batman was cold as fuck. Dragged a little in the middle but the first half was damn near masterpiece levels. Riddler was awesome and so was penguin. Hush would definitely work and be amazing in this universe.
    Scream/Scream 5/5cream whatever you want to call it, WAS GREAT!
    SO GOOD. Excellently meta. Great jabs at A24/artsy/"elevated horror", requels, reboots, naming conventions, fandoms, even Star Wars - with some great, fun kills, and excellent practical gore. 
    Very happy with it. 
    I didn't like it that much. Just watched it
    Its ok. I respect your opinion even if I dont agree
    Fight me
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    Scream/Scream 5/5cream whatever you want to call it, WAS GREAT!
    SO GOOD. Excellently meta. Great jabs at A24/artsy/"elevated horror", requels, reboots, naming conventions, fandoms, even Star Wars - with some great, fun kills, and excellent practical gore. 
    Very happy with it. 
    I didn't like it that much. Just watched it
    Its ok. I respect your opinion even if I dont agree
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    Yeah thats faggot talk
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    Watched Uncharted tonight. It was..okay. I actually liked Tom Holland as Drake and I LOVED Chloe in this movie so much. I was worried they were gonna take the Lost Legacy approach and maker her a crybaby but they stuck to her original Uncharted 2 and 3 version of being a bad ass. The set pieces were dope as well. Absolutely nailed them especially the cargo plane from 3. That being said, and it sucks to say, but the Drake/Sully relationship was fumbled pretty bad. They had no fucking chemistry. Villain was weak as shit too and the movie seemed weirdly paced/edited. Lot of jumping from scene to scene for like 30 seconds then back again made it feel kind of incoherent at points. Think my biggest gripe is outside of a couple of notable set pieces this really could have been any action film, the Uncharted namesake was just to sell tickets. Didn't mind that they pulled some stuff from all the games though, much better than just scripting a specific game out. Nolan North cameo was the best part. 
    Watched a horror movie on Hulu called "Fresh" with Sebastian Stan. It was decent
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    edited March 2022
    Be My Cat - similar to Creep movies on Netflix. Guy is obsessed with Anne Hathaway and wants to make a movie for her.

    yellowbrickroad - group of hikers go crazy looking for an abandoned village

    Climax - artsy fartsy horror film. Dance practice goes wrong. Has a 40 min long take

    LUZ - German artsy fartsy. Kinda horror and only an hour long. Lo fi aesthetic with a ton of small details

    Society -  80s af we live in a society. Go in blind cuz Google spoils with pictures if you look it up

    Deputy_Cheeze's Profile Page Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Jus saw the new Scream. It was decent. Never saw the original movies so didn’t catch the references to past movies, but it’s not like it’s anything deep and complex, so was still able to follow along. Didn’t exactly like how fourth wall breaking it was. Like they overdid the whole “We need to keep reminding you that we know we’re in a Horror movie every 5 minutes.” thing. Idk if the originals were like that, but it’s not my thing. I love a clever 4th wall moment, but not when the entire movie is basically based on it. Made the whole movie damn near feel like a “Scary Movie” level spoof.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    Thats the point of Scream. Its built on being a meta commentary of the horror genre. Its self aware and plays up tropes while also subverting those tropes. Honestly a genius movie franchise. 

    The shows are ass though. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    The first one is a commentary on slashers as a whole, the second and third are commentaries on sequels, the fourth is a commentary on reboots/remakes, and the fifth is a commentary on the horror genre in general, toxic fandoms, and the new wave of horror reboot-sequels like Halloween and Candyman. 
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