>implying Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, My Bloody Valentine, Sleepaway Camp, Black Christmas, Child's Play, Scream, Happy Deathday, and other slashers dont have good stories
Been catching up on horror movies during quarantine.
Terrifier sucked dick. The clown was creepy and has the potential to be a horror icon but there is literally 0 story. Special effects and kills were cool too.
REC was really good. Found footage gets a bad wrap but this one was really good. Nice mix of likable and hateable characters and a nice twist on the zombie genre.
Train To Busan was amazing. Top 10 zombie movie imo.
>implying Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, My Bloody Valentine, Sleepaway Camp, Black Christmas, Child's Play, Scream, Happy Deathday, and other slashers dont have good stories
There are exceptions, any Wes Craven, or John Carpenter movie for example, but I'd argue even ones you mentioned dont have good stories.
Good stories was maybe a stretch on some, but I'll amend it to an interesting premise. Terrifier just felt lazy to me. The director has a special effects background and you can tell. Cool effects, cool killer design but lazy writing and bad dialogue.
Yeah I'm about to start binging Kaiju movies here in the next week in anticipation of Kong vs Godzilla. Besides the obvious ones like Kong Skull Island and the new Godzilla movies i also have Pacific Rim and Rampage on the list
I like giallos.
Lets gooooooo
Son of Kong was wack lol
Peter Jackson's is still my favorite Kong in terms of how he is designed/fights/moves.
Japanese Kong costume looks like crap lol
If you want something more obscurish, watch Yognary. Its basically Korean Godzilla. And throw a Gamera in there.
not going to be able to see it til the weekend, but LETS GOOOOO