If anyone is interested in seeing any of the new movies from Universal like The Invisible Man, The Hunt, etc. They are being put on rental sites as soon as Friday due to the Coronavirus. Pretty cool imo.
If anyone is interested in seeing any of the new movies from Universal like The Invisible Man, The Hunt, etc. They are being put on rental sites as soon as Friday due to the Coronavirus. Pretty cool imo.
so we just needed a little corona to prove that movie theaters are completely useless
I'll give a quick recap for Invisible Man. Nothing happens for the first hour. Then the second hour two cool things happen. It ends predictably and it's not scary. The end. Good bye money
Alot of people I know that saw it loved it. I personally found it to be boring as all hell though. If I'm being honest, it wasn't a bad movie it just put me to fucking sleep
Been catching up on horror movies during quarantine.
Terrifier sucked dick. The clown was creepy and has the potential to be a horror icon but there is literally 0 story. Special effects and kills were cool too.
REC was really good. Found footage gets a bad wrap but this one was really good. Nice mix of likable and hateable characters and a nice twist on the zombie genre.
Train To Busan was amazing. Top 10 zombie movie imo.
Been catching up on horror movies during quarantine.
Terrifier sucked dick. The clown was creepy and has the potential to be a horror icon but there is literally 0 story. Special effects and kills were cool too.
REC was really good. Found footage gets a bad wrap but this one was really good. Nice mix of likable and hateable characters and a nice twist on the zombie genre.
Train To Busan was amazing. Top 10 zombie movie imo.
Been catching up on horror movies during quarantine.
Terrifier sucked dick. The clown was creepy and has the potential to be a horror icon but there is literally 0 story. Special effects and kills were cool too.
REC was really good. Found footage gets a bad wrap but this one was really good. Nice mix of likable and hateable characters and a nice twist on the zombie genre.
Train To Busan was amazing. Top 10 zombie movie imo.
Been catching up on horror movies during quarantine.
Terrifier sucked dick. The clown was creepy and has the potential to be a horror icon but there is literally 0 story. Special effects and kills were cool too.
REC was really good. Found footage gets a bad wrap but this one was really good. Nice mix of likable and hateable characters and a nice twist on the zombie genre.
Train To Busan was amazing. Top 10 zombie movie imo.
Terrifier lit
Overrated af. Like i said, the actor that portrays the clown is brilliant but the story is non-existent
The ending was a little weird, and there were plot holes galore. But not a bad flick. 6.5/10
Terrifier sucked dick. The clown was creepy and has the potential to be a horror icon but there is literally 0 story. Special effects and kills were cool too.
REC was really good. Found footage gets a bad wrap but this one was really good. Nice mix of likable and hateable characters and a nice twist on the zombie genre.
Train To Busan was amazing. Top 10 zombie movie imo.