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***Official Movies Thread*** (NSFW)



  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    In the early 90s, people bitched constantly about MTV not playing good music. So MTV started playing a lot of stuff like Nirvana and Dr Dre instead of their old pop. Then people bitched about that so they went back to The Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys. There was like a 5 year window where it was cool and people couldn't help but destroy it. That's exactly what will happen with comic movies. Eventually, producers will be like "Why am I wasting all this money trying to make this geek shit when all they do is bitch? Time for some romance-comedies! Get Julia Roberts on the phone. I think it's time for a comeback."
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    It's not my fault DC doesn't know wtf they're doing with movies. They're fine when it comes to tv shows. Although I must say Arrow went down the shitter real quick after season 2. Now it's essentially Felicity and Friends
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    I actually fucking hate their shows. They're just a bunch of pretty boy, soap opera shit. But I don't make it a point to bash them
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    No one complains about Marvels shit. Just sayin
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Arrow wouldn't be soap opera bs if they'd just kill that bitch off and leave her dead
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    No one complains about Marvels shit. Just sayin
    Not here, maybe. I see it all over Facebook. 
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    The main people I always see complaining about it think BvS was amazing lmao
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Fuck you mean. DC animated movies are amazing. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    The Killing Joke > Suicide Squad 
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    I saw this post in a nerd culture group on fb talking about how Rotten Tomatoes (I think) has the Iron Man sequels rated above The Watchmen. The point of the post was trying to point out that Marvel gets special treatment by critics. The ensuing argument was precisely what was wrong with geek culture. I get that it's usually a matter of tastes, but those Iron Man sequels are pretty bad. Along with The Incredible Hulk and Age of Ultron, they're the weakest in the MCU. I don't think Watchmen was the greatest movie ever, but the lack of respect for the property was totally pleb. Terry Gilliam spent a decade trying to get someone to fund that movie and couldn't find it, and he's a legend. The fact that it ended up getting made with a respectable cast and director and was allowed to be as faithful to the source material as it was is a gigantic win for purists. But in the little microcosm of that thread of Internet, which may or may not truly represent nerd culture, it was seen as "boring". The tepid response to properties like that one makes it that much less likely that we'll get to enjoy brainier comic fare like Sandman, which sticks out like a sore thumb now as a comic property primed for its live action debut. It bums me out right now that instead of celebration about potentially having the defining version of Spiderman coming soon, we have a fleet of dipshits complaining because Harley Quinn isn't decked out in a skin tight vinyl harlequin outfit. I get that the DC stuff has been off, but IMO it's not bad enough to complain about. I've kinda discussed this on MCs fb, but I feel like the Nolan/Bale Batman movies were a bit of a blessing and a curse. I think the fact that Batman found such huge success by being portrayed in such a real world context really hurt Superman. By constantly being bound together, Batman and Superman can't help but get into each other's way. Batman can survive in the grimdark urban squalor. Superman is more suited to be a "champion of earth" character allowed to function kinda like Thor does in the MCU. Marvel doesn't feel the need to force Thor into a team up with Daredevil. They know it would strain the tone. DC always finds themselves in position where they can't really avoid that because Superman and Batman are ubiquitous in most of DC lore. With the Batman style being forced on to Superman, it's made for some mixed results. Batman v Superman trying to tackle The Dark Knight Returns and the Death of Superman and introduce Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor all in the same movie is definitely biting off more than one can chew, but is it not sort of honorable that they had the balls to try it? You would think by how people act about it that it was worse than Batman and Robin. 
    The Killing Joke was a piece of shit foh facefuck
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    SATAN said:
    I saw this post in a nerd culture group on fb talking about how Rotten Tomatoes (I think) has the Iron Man sequels rated above The Watchmen. The point of the post was trying to point out that Marvel gets special treatment by critics. The ensuing argument was precisely what was wrong with geek culture. I get that it's usually a matter of tastes, but those Iron Man sequels are pretty bad. Along with The Incredible Hulk and Age of Ultron, they're the weakest in the MCU. I don't think Watchmen was the greatest movie ever, but the lack of respect for the property was totally pleb. Terry Gilliam spent a decade trying to get someone to fund that movie and couldn't find it, and he's a legend. The fact that it ended up getting made with a respectable cast and director and was allowed to be as faithful to the source material as it was is a gigantic win for purists. But in the little microcosm of that thread of Internet, which may or may not truly represent nerd culture, it was seen as "boring". The tepid response to properties like that one makes it that much less likely that we'll get to enjoy brainier comic fare like Sandman, which sticks out like a sore thumb now as a comic property primed for its live action debut. It bums me out right now that instead of celebration about potentially having the defining version of Spiderman coming soon, we have a fleet of dipshits complaining because Harley Quinn isn't decked out in a skin tight vinyl harlequin outfit. I get that the DC stuff has been off, but IMO it's not bad enough to complain about. I've kinda discussed this on MCs fb, but I feel like the Nolan/Bale Batman movies were a bit of a blessing and a curse. I think the fact that Batman found such huge success by being portrayed in such a real world context really hurt Superman. By constantly being bound together, Batman and Superman can't help but get into each other's way. Batman can survive in the grimdark urban squalor. Superman is more suited to be a "champion of earth" character allowed to function kinda like Thor does in the MCU. Marvel doesn't feel the need to force Thor into a team up with Daredevil. They know it would strain the tone. DC always finds themselves in position where they can't really avoid that because Superman and Batman are ubiquitous in most of DC lore. With the Batman style being forced on to Superman, it's made for some mixed results. Batman v Superman trying to tackle The Dark Knight Returns and the Death of Superman and introduce Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor all in the same movie is definitely biting off more than one can chew, but is it not sort of honorable that they had the balls to try it? You would think by how people act about it that it was worse than Batman and Robin. 
    Oh God Batman and Robin... 

    I honestly think the recent putting downs of The DCMU is because the MCU has been so good, and because people now look at the Nolan films as the definiative Batman. So exactly as you said, now that theyre trying to toe that line between dark and real, and fun comic book people arent happy.
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  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    FF, Killing Joke sucked. I was referring more to like Flashpoint Paradox or Son Of Batman as the goat animated DC stuff. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Here's my friends review of the movie (FYI, contains some spoilers) who's a massive DC fan. And when I mean massive I mean to the point where he has legs dedicated to the characters he grew up with and love (well over 24 hours put in).

    "Alright lets talk about this Suicide Squad thing.   I know some of you value my opinion on these movies though i don't really know why but here goes. 

    So i'm sure you saw all the reviews and all that shit about Suicide Squad and weren't really shocked that the majority were horrible .  Let me say this ... The movie was bad ... Yes ... But not really as bad as the reviews made it out to be .  Was it Green Lantern bad ?  Nope!  Really it wasn't even Batman v Superman bad .  There's all this info and speculation about how the movie got cut up and there was a lot of it we didn't get to see and thats why it seemed so disjointed and what not .... Man there is NO amount of cut scenes that could fix that plot .... At all .  It was lame and not well thought out and definitely not well written.  

    The plot was about as simple as an episode of power rangers ... Lots of parallels with that too if you think about it .Enchantress= Rita, her bother = Goldar, and they even had a putty patrol .... Seriously ... If you saw the movie let that sink in a bit. 

    I'm not gonna mess around here lets start with some of the bad shit . I read all this crap about how the joker was hardly in the movie ... Yeah well ... The movie wasn't about him ... He's a subplot at best .... But i saw more than enough of the dude to tell you that he doesn't live up to the hype. Tattoos aside Leto's Joker just sucks man ... Not sure what he was going for ... Kind of a flamboyant gangster pimp or something but it just didn't really translate well.  His performance made me cringe every time he showed up and said anything ....  Another over hyped character is Harley .... Margot Robbie nailed the accent but she wiffed on the delivery.

    Then you got "Deadshot" .... So do you like Will Smith with guns?  Because thats what you get .... You get Will Smith acting like he does in any other action oriented movie ... I said this as soon as they cast that dude and I was 100% accurate with that . 

    Ok lets get to the good .... Now the good won't mean much to most people because its supporting characters.  Katana ... She looked good and nailed her part ... She doesn't have many lines but thats Katana for you. 
    Captain Boomerang... With the exception of him looking like a homeless person and i'm not sure what was up with that pink unicorn .... He actually came across pretty good ... Flirts with the females ... manipulates Slipknot to try and escape so he could see what would happen... sneaks in drinks and silly quips here and there... But he was a supporting character and doesn't get much time and no one will care because .... He's captain boomerang.
    Diablo was pretty fucking cool ... No one cares about him and he's not a big character but they got a lot of miles out of him in this movie. 

    Amanda fucking Waller .... Nailed it! 100% nailed this character. She jumped straight out the comics and here she is. Awesome! 

    All the cool cameos and easter eggs ... Hey Flash was in this movie ... So was batman .... Total combined time probably 1-2 minutes but they were cool.

    A couple things that I really hated were  the little blurb that pops up on the screen that says that Harley is the one that killed Robin ...... Really? You assholes can't even get that right !?
    Harley origin thing ... So joker takes her to ace chemicals and talks her into diving in to a vat of acidic jizz .... Yes the stuff looked like jizz... And it bleached her out just like him ... He jumped in after her and this acidic jizz ate through their clothes liquifying them but didn't really hurt  joker or harley ... Just bleached em out. Oooookay then.  

    This movie probably would have been awesome had it come out pre Iron Man when people didn't expect much from comic films ... But thats not the world we live in .... This is 2016 where marvel puts out like 3 movies a year and atleast 2 of them are awesome.  Iron Man raised that bar years ago ... Warner Brothers better get their shit together and also keep the know nothing execs out of the movie making process . 

    Should you go see this ? Meh ... Wait and rent it .... But atleast give it a shot and form your own opinion. 

    Here's a picture of Will Smith with a grey tennis ball on his head *posts promo shot of smith*"
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,282 mod
    Saw Suicide Squad. The acting was really good as I figured it would be. Robbie >>>>>. Leto had very little screen time but from what he had to work it, I liked it a lot and wanted more. The story was very sloppy and it felt like something was missing. It was entertaining but ok at best. 

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
    Anyone see those new pop art dvds? Picked up the big lebowski and fletch. Gonna have to get some more. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,594 spicy boy
    Nick dude you really think the village is underrated? That movie is a flaming hot bag of ass. 
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    I love the parable. Keeping those kids in check with made up monsters is pretty much exactly what our govt does all the time. 
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Just got back from Suicide Squad. It's not as bad as  people are saying it is, but its definitely not a good movie. The narrative is unfocused, jumpy and often times just all over the place trying to do too many different things at once. It tried to tie it's core to a love story and that just didn't work for me. The opening bit was full of clunky exposition so it made it really hard to get into. Definitely a lighter tone which works for this kind of movie because I laughed out loud a lot. Few things at the end that just don't work for me. Like they throw some things at you that, knowing what we know about these characters, is a little outside the realm of believability. As for performances, I honestly can't say a Damn thing about Leto. He has 15 mins of screen time tops. Will Smith killed it though. Don't know why people are complaining about him, he was my favorite part of the movie. Margot was a mix for me. I feel like some of the stuff they did with her worked and some didn't. Overall, this movie is just kind of a mess. Entertaining enough for a $5 movie night, but I wouldn't pay full price for it. 5.5/10. @LEGEND @MetalCrusades
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