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The healthcare reform debate thread



  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    You said i should vote for who I thought was best for the country and I did. That's all I meant.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    best for our country as in diverting billions of dollars into a war with no end in sight and responsible for the killings of americans? im pretty sure weve killed just as many innocent iraqis now as sadam.
    I dont know about you but i think its in the best interest for our country that our people stay alive...
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    I agree to an extent. If the US pulled all it's troops out of the middle east as early as alot of people wanted then chaos would have ensued. One American life is too high of a cost for any reason but you have to understand that these soldiers VOLUNTEERED to join the armed forces and they beleive in what they are doing. Any citizen here who protests what they are doing is really doing our military a great disservice.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Yes they volunteered, but alot of them didnt know what they were getting into. They were forced to extend their tours and their duties due to the lack of recruiting after the war had started so i find it hard to believe that most of them were willing to die to fight a war that was started on lies...
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Nobody was forced to join or re-enlist. If you join the military you have to know that there is always a possibilty of combat, after all they do issue you a gun. What do you think that's for?
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Nobody was forced to join or re-enlist.

    I really dont think this is true, I have heard from soldiers personally about this being an issue and they were very outspoken about it. I know that they have to realize the possibility of combat but dont you think its odd that people stopped enlisting after the war was getting out of hand? This to me makes me think that the soldiers who initially signed up were more screwed than onboard with this war.
  • Shanez_WifeShanez_Wife Posts: 2,008 just the tip
    I was watching Oprah one day and a few countries have it where they have healthcare for everyone. You pay a shitload of taxes but everyone's healthy, hardly anyone's homeless, and no one is starving. Fuck, If I got rich and had over $50,000 in the bank, I'd gladly give up $20,000 or more if it meant that I never had to go through the shit again that I had to go through w/ my leg.

    The only people that seem to be against it are ones who grew up w/ health insurance and never went a day in their life w/out it. I'd like to see people who have had unfortunate situations first hand or had to see a love one get hurt and never be able to walk again or die and say they are against this bill. How about the ones who have been dropped from health insurance solely cause the insurance doesn't want to pay for their conditions? People seem to think more on the basis of "I have to pay more taxes" rather than one day they might just need this bill if they get really sick. I bet if you were in the hospital dieing of pneumonia cause you got sick and couldn't afford to go to the doc soon enough, you'd change your mind.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    you're wrong Judy. If you are really sick and in an emergency, a hospital will not turn you away because you have no insurance. You have to do a bunch of paperwork. Obamacare is a carryover of Kennedy's massachusetts plan. We have had it here since 2006. My medical expenses have skyrocketed. Like i said above, i have $4000 in doctor bills that i wouldn't have had with my old insurance. Middle class america is getting porked with this plan
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Judy, I have insurance and I still have to pay a metric fuck ton for my wife's cancer treatments. I agree that people should have medical care at little or no cost but it is absolutely unconstitutional to require me to buy the governments version of coverage. I may want more coverage or less but that should be my decision as a consumer and not Fedzilla's decision. This new bill is going to cost EVERYONE more money and in some cases their jobs because smaller companies won't be able to afford the extra taxes that come with this bill. But that's ok. We don't want to overwhelm Obamacare with little details like that.
  • Shanez_WifeShanez_Wife Posts: 2,008 just the tip
    Hospitals turn me down left and right if I go in about my leg. Why? Cause the circulation is fine in it most of the time. The only one who has seen it turn purple is my regular doc. Can't walk, can't have any real "pain free day". They won't do the surgery that can make me walk again. They just say "go to a specialist". NO specialist will take me and they do have a right to turn me down apparently.

    So, something that can be fixed, no insurance company will help w/. I even had to pay hundreds of dollars out right to a foot/leg specialist for her to tell me, "I won't take you cause I won't touch anything related to nerves, it's too risky and if I do one wrong move, you're permanently paralyzed and I get sued."
  • Shanez_WifeShanez_Wife Posts: 2,008 just the tip
    Alec, I understand the whole "choice of what to buy" situation and I understand doc bills all too much. What I don't get is docs now have a right to turn me away solely on the basis of not having insurance. I even asked a specialist "How much is it in cash? I will come up w/ the money" and they still had a right to turn me down.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    Judy, i don't think your problems will change with this bill.

    In Mass, they have a law that no one can be turned away from a hospital. They would rather lose money on seeing people than risk being sued
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    The malpractice insurance that doctors are forced to carry is absolutely outrageaous. I know because I work for a company that sells them that type of insurance.
    I agree with you Judy that you should be able to receive the care and treatment needed to make you whole again. No it is not legally required for a doctor to accept a patient and I don't agree with turning anyone away but this new bill ain't going to make it any easier for you to get treatment. Fedzilla doesn't do anything in a hurry. The cost of treatment is most definitely going to go up for all of us. That is a direct result of the new taxes being imposed on the insurance companies, drug makers, medical equipment makers, etc. They have to pass that additional cost on to someone. Guess who that is?
  • Shanez_WifeShanez_Wife Posts: 2,008 just the tip
    Stupid government. (That's really all I can think right now).
  • PrimalScream31PrimalScream31 Posts: 3,544 mod
    photo mayhemsignature2013_zps1209e6fd.jpg I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    "Stupid government. (That's really all I can think right now). "

    That's all I ever think, Judy.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    BTW Judy, hope everything gets better. i have my own issues i have been working with and it sucks to not figure out what exactly is going on
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    all i know is that pre-existing condition shit should have been illegal a long time aoi
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    I beleive it is in alot of states, Shane. Most states get away with it if a person never had insurance instead of just changing insurance. I think the general rule of thumb is that if another carrier covered it then the new carrier would have to cover it as well. Some states have a "waiting period" for coverage on pre0existing stuff but then they cover it too. Not sure exactly what the laws are there in NC as we don't do business there.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,599 spicy boy
    john is right.....all this bill is screwing the middle class, and helping out all the big company's
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