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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Dime2 said:
    Xeno said:
    The fuck? Was rex talking shit about it?
     Yee lol I believe Jake wasn't a big fan of it either. Ironically, MC liked it lol
    yea. I played it on Xbox, and it was buggy as fuck. And some of the backtracking got annoying to me. But overall super solid game, and really good story. 
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  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Got the platinum in Star Wars today
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Yeah I had a couple bugs but nothing game breaking. Could have definitely used a little tightening up. The planets were super fun to explore for me personally so the back tracking never bothered me
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Fuck man the releases need to slow down. I’m literally never gonna fully catch up on the backlog. The rest of this year alone, there’s 10 more games I need to cop. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Then 2023 already has Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space remakes, SpongeBob, Pikmin 4, Zelda, Hogwarts Legacy, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Suicide Squad, Hellblade 2, etc., and that’s only as of right NOW before the year even started.
    Hogwarts Legacy looks lit
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Kirby thoughhhhhh
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,969 spicy boy
    Yeah we're about to enter a new Era because they are going to stop holding games back for last gen systems
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    This gen isnt going to be any different than last gen. 
    All we'll see is better frame rates. We've hit peak diminished returns
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    When Goldeneye remastered drops any one of y'all can get the smoke you know where to find me 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Got the Platinum on Stray. Only took 10 hours, but took so long cause the last couple weeks I been grinding out this last season of Vanguard jus so I can be done wit it lol.

    But Stray was dope. Definitely a nice change of pace and unique if nothing else. The whole creepy post apocalyptic Cyberpunk vibe they got going on is a nice offset and prevents the game from being jus a cute gooey cat game in the same vein as Nintendogs or some shit lol.

    Platinum was pretty easy but Can’t Touch Me took over an hour and had me fucking heated ready to say fuck the Platinum. I Am Speed (Beat the game in less than 2 hours, had to do a separate playthrough for this afterwards.) was tedious as fuck too but luckily you can back your save up if you fuck anything up. I did and had to replay the last 40 minutes AGAIN because I clocked in literally like a minute over 2 hours. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

    But definitely enjoyed this, I kinda feel like it was TOO short and coulda did more, but at the same time, 20-30 hours of this woulda got grating real quick. But being a cat game, I can’t believe there was essentially ZERO combat. It could still be jus a normal, non-superpowered cat as it is, and they could still incorporate clawing, biting, pouncing, etc. Entire fucking cat family are all natural efficient predators wtf lmao.

    But overall was a very relaxing lil detour. 7.5/10

    Dawn Of Ragnarok Valhalla DLC now then Pac-Man World Re-Pac. 😤😤
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Guess I might like Assassin’s Creed a lil more than I thought cause I jus preordered this lmao. Idk that statue is jus fucking dope tho.

  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    edited September 2022
    Beat Little Nightmares. Not a bad game. Controls are a little clunky but I beat it in like 3 hours. It's aesthetically gorgeous and there's so much detail to the world. It also managed to be sufficiently creepy and disturbing lol quite a few bits that freaked me the fuck out. Not a masterpieces or anything but worth a play through. Think Limbo. 
    Post edited by Dime2 on
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Holy fuck the Modern Warfare 2 Beta is actually niiiice. Pleasant surprise cause it’s not like I wanted to hate it like MW19 lmao, jus had extremely low expectations. They improved everything they needed to from that steaming pile of dogshit. Movement is better and faster, maps so far are a lot more varied and unique instead of all desert maps, presentation and aesthetic is super clean, graphics are gorgeous, etc. On top of that, the beta feels REALLY polished as if it’s the final game which is a very good sign. I remember the Vanguard beta was a broken piece of garbage and it was chalked up to “Well it’s the beta, they got time to fix it.”, which they never fully did over the course of it’s year long lifespan lmao.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Bloodborne is such a weird game. It has very good aesthetic and atmosphere, but also lacks significant environment variety. Everything kind of just looks the same. It feels familiar and similar to DeS/DS1-3, but at the same time has significant changes to how those familiar systems operate, making it very hard to get used to. And then in some cases, it feels like the easiest of all the Souls games, yet has the hardest bosses, and most tedious boss run/level structure. I'm very mixed on it so far.
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Been knockin out some Switch shit finally. Finished World Of Light on Smash Ultimate and finally got everybody unlocked, also copped Banjo & Kazooie, Sephiroth, and Sora. And then I finally picked Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze back up and finished the 6 main worlds, going back now to grab the KONG letters that I missed to unlock all the bonus levels.

    And then I played the Kirby & The Forgotten Land Demo and that is now a MUST cop. That shit was fantastic, it’s like junior Super Mario Odyssey essentially. Can’t believe I had skipped it initially.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Beat Dawn Of Ragnarok and got all trophies. Took 20 hours flat so definitely the longest of the DLCs. It’s simultaneously the best and most tedious of the 3 paid DLCs. Although the tedious part goes out the window if you’re not doing 100% and clearing the open world side shit. 

    On one hand, the world and aesthetic itself were pulled off phenomenally, so even though the story wasn’t anything insane, the actual campaign missions of the DLC were fun to play thru due to the setting alone. Although too many of the earlier missions were follow missions where the NPC walks as slow as fucking possible so those ones got old quick but the pace definitely picks up. The fantasy parts of the base game like Asgard and Jotunheim were extremely disappointing and honestly some of the worst parts of the map, they finally did it right on this DLC, and a lot of it reminded me of Immortals Fenyx Rising, even tho that game is based on Greek mythology instead of Norse. 

    But on the other, my GOD was the open world shit horrible. Not only did it feel like more of it was packed in per square inch of the map compared to the base game when this map is already pretty large, but to pad the length even further, they made almost every single one of them completely out of your way. So not only was there a shit ton of traveling to get to each one, but less than half of them were simply “Get there and pick it up.” Too many of them were hidden or underground or involved some kind of puzzle jus to get inside and grab it. That would be fine if there was about half the amount of em, but wit the sheer volume considered, they should have been simple to grab because every single one was making me make a loud ass sigh every time I saw what was involved to grab it lmao. But again, this was self inflicted. Jus a shame cause it coulda been made enjoyable if done right.

    Other than that, the powers system pissed me off and idk how they managed to fuck it up. The powers themselves were cool and did enough to further separate the DLC from the base game, but to switch which one you wanted to use, (You can hold 2 at a time out of 5 total, or 3 if you upgrade the inventory.) you had to find an NPC that was carrying it, kill them, and absorb it from them….every time. That makes zero sense in a game where all the other abilities can be swapped at will from the pause menu. This should have worked the exact same and it makes zero logical sense why they made it so out of the way to do.

    Overall prolly like 7/10 but could have easily been a 9 without the annoying shit. Was still the best of the 3 paid DLCs. Valhalla is finally 100% done for me except for a few extra hours when they drop that “The Last Chapter” free DLC. It’s being advertised as simply a “quest line” like Isle Of Skye, so I can’t see it being any longer than 2-3 hours. In total between base game and all DLCs, this shit took me 175 hours, effectively becoming the #1 longest length of time I ever spent on any single player game. Jesus Christ.

    Finally started Pac-Man World Re-Pac tho. 🤘🏻🤘🏻
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Good to know the follow bullshit is just the beginning. I started it last week and didn't even get through the mission following the two hobbit fuckers because I was so bored. I'm not 100%ing it but I agree about the whole puzzle piece. They aren't well done like Tomb Raider or Uncharted, way too many fucking main objectives from even the main game are hidden inside locked huts where the answer is either find the right angle to shoot the lock with your bow or find another entrance
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Yea it gets a lot better, most of the missions after that are all action oriented.
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