Real shitty situation but you couldn’t have used the taser or fired a warning shot? His life wasn’t even in danger. Fuck outta here.
Facts. Coward shot to kill. Seeing a weapon get pulled and pulling the gun is one thing, but he didn’t shoot to disable. 4 shots straight to the chest. He shot to murder. As usual.
Are you for real? The cop had no chance to defuse the situation. He got out of the car, walked up, asked what was going on, and chick came flying in with a knife.
And eric, you are wrong. Cops are trained to use deadly force when someone is commenting a felony that could either hurt the policy officer, or could hurt or endanger someone else.
that girl could have killed someone. Based on what ive seen so far, she probably deserved to be shot.
Yes, there are a lot of unjustified killings by police. But we cant assume every one is unjust.
Warning shots also don't exist lmao. So you want this cop to shoot in a random direction or up into the sky? That bullet can come down and kill a random person a few blocks away.
I am a proud gun owner even have my CPL so don’t talk out of your ass. Him firing his gun recklessly like he did could have ended up with both girls dead.
Warning shots also don't exist lmao. So you want this cop to shoot in a random direction or up into the sky? That bullet can come down and kill a random person a few blocks away.
I don’t want him to fire his gun at all. Why do cops have to always resort to lethal force? Don’t they all have tasers?
Warning shots also don't exist lmao. So you want this cop to shoot in a random direction or up into the sky? That bullet can come down and kill a random person a few blocks away.
I don’t want him to fire his gun at all. Why do cops have to always resort to lethal force? Don’t they all have tasers?
You're upset because a cop used lethal force on a person using lethal force on another civilian and the cop put a stop to it?
I am a proud gun owner even have my CPL so don’t talk out of your ass. Him firing his gun recklessly like he did could have ended up with both girls dead.
And if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle. One girl ended up dead, and it was the knife wielding lunatic that ignored police instructions. He literally did nothing wrong
I am a proud gun owner even have my CPL so don’t talk out of your ass. Him firing his gun recklessly like he did could have ended up with both girls dead.
Also how did he fire his gun recklessly? All 4 shots hit their target and no one else was harmed.
Tasers are 1 shot and are for 1 on 1 situations. So who is he picking to save? Dude was about to bash one chicks head in and the other was about to get stabbed in the fucking neck. Why didn’t she stay in the house till cops showed up? Everything was stopped when the cops showed up and then this chick comes raging out like a bull and pushes the other one to the floor and then goes after the other chick. Come on now lol
that girl could have killed someone. Based on what ive seen so far, she probably deserved to be shot.
its sad for sure, but that doesn't make me think the cop was out for blood.
Erik and Ed know jack shit about guns confirmed.
there is no such things as shooting to wound/disable lol.
Yeah this is gonna blow up cause of her age and race, but it's honestly not even newsworthy IMO