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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    Your brain is fucking fried bruh
    Keep riding my cock bruh.
    Case in point.

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    edited July 2021
    Oh btw, not that I even want to put in the effort of giving your faggot ass any kind of real response since all you do is ride my cock ever since I insulted your precious pig friends, but the vaccine is not at all what I was referring to. And even in that case we are not the same. I got it only cause it’s a freedom card for public events. And in the event that a vaccine was not needed for that, you can bet your last dollar that I never would have gotten it, because the fear mongering never worked on me and fear of COVID has nothing to do wit why I got it. Hence why I was unbothered by getting the “least effective” one cause it’s all bullshit anyways. You got it because you drank the Kool-Aid and were scared of this shit when it’s been bullshit from the get go. You got mfs on here talking bout still being paranoid to go in public which is laughable at best. That was my point. Media did their jobs well tho when it comes to that I guess. Who’s brain is fried tho? Keep riding my cock tho faggot.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,528 moneytalker
    Sounds like what a sheep would say. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
    The fear mongering did work on you though. You were mortified of a vaccine even though you've been vaccinated since birth. You called it poison, said it had scary technology in it, said it has microchips in it, said it caused people to magnetize, etc. 

    ...yet you still took it. That's my point. You talk all that shit yet you're so hypocritical. Every subject with you is a one track lizard brain where you triple down on one point and you're right and everyone else is wrong and say fuck it to any sense of nuance. You sound like most Trump supporters I know to be honest. Go join a Qanon forum they should be right up your alley of beliefs bruh. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,707 spicy boy
    "The scientists accurately conveyed that this deadly disease with long term effects should be taken seriously, and you listened to the experts, got a vaccine, and wear a mask!?"

    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,707 spicy boy
    Like, do the long term lung issues and brain damage after affects not bother you in the slightest? You know Covid literally eats away your brain right? 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    edited July 2021
    The fear mongering did work on you though. You were mortified of a vaccine even though you've been vaccinated since birth. You called it poison, said it had scary technology in it, said it has microchips in it, said it caused people to magnetize, etc. 

    ...yet you still took it. That's my point. You talk all that shit yet you're so hypocritical. Every subject with you is a one track lizard brain where you triple down on one point and you're right and everyone else is wrong and say fuck it to any sense of nuance. You sound like most Trump supporters I know to be honest. Go join a Qanon forum they should be right up your alley of beliefs bruh. 
    Because I don’t trust anything government issued/mandated, period. Covid never scared me for a second tho and I said from the get go that the numbers, impact, and scale were inflated, and I still believe that. I said that I wore a mask as little as I could get away wit cause I can’t fucking breathe wit the shit on and yall called that “acting like a badass” when it was jus the truth lmao. This shit never scared me or had any kind of effect on me, period.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    edited July 2021
    Like, do the long term lung issues and brain damage after affects not bother you in the slightest? You know Covid literally eats away your brain right? 
    Or so they say lmao. I had 3 close friends that got it, or apparently did, and said they had colds and flus 10x worse before.

    And no, they don’t bother me in the slightest, because it’s prolly not true. Jus more scare tactics. Hasn’t been around long enough for them to know the long term effects. Either that or they been working on it long enough that they know the long term effects since the shit is undoubtedly man made.

    Either way, unphased. Mfs wake up one day and get told they have life ending cancer out of absolutely nowhere. That could happen to me too. I’m not living in fear of a bogus ass new flu.
    The fear mongering did work on you though. You were mortified of a vaccine even though you've been vaccinated since birth. You called it poison, said it had scary technology in it, said it has microchips in it, said it caused people to magnetize, etc. 

    ...yet you still took it. That's my point. You talk all that shit yet you're so hypocritical. Every subject with you is a one track lizard brain where you triple down on one point and you're right and everyone else is wrong and say fuck it to any sense of nuance. You sound like most Trump supporters I know to be honest. Go join a Qanon forum they should be right up your alley of beliefs bruh. 
    Because I don’t trust anything government issued/mandated, period. 
    Yet you still got it. So obviously you trust them enough to inject yourself with something that you've called poison for months. You're a hypocrite.

    While I completely disagree with Satan's beliefs on the matter on a fundamental level, at least dude is consistent. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    The fear mongering did work on you though. You were mortified of a vaccine even though you've been vaccinated since birth. You called it poison, said it had scary technology in it, said it has microchips in it, said it caused people to magnetize, etc. 

    ...yet you still took it. That's my point. You talk all that shit yet you're so hypocritical. Every subject with you is a one track lizard brain where you triple down on one point and you're right and everyone else is wrong and say fuck it to any sense of nuance. You sound like most Trump supporters I know to be honest. Go join a Qanon forum they should be right up your alley of beliefs bruh. 
    Because I don’t trust anything government issued/mandated, period. 
    Yet you still got it. So obviously you trust them enough to inject yourself with something that you've called poison for months. You're a hypocrite.

    While I completely disagree with Satan's beliefs on the matter on a fundamental level, at least dude is consistent. 
    And it wasn’t for reasons that disagree wit anything I’ve said. Again, it has nothing to do wit the actual virus because I never did, and never will, be paranoid about it. Getting the bullshit was literally a get out of jail free card, not for health reasons. Matter fact ever since getting it I’ve had more problems then not including a big swollen lymph node in my neck out of nowhere that won’t go away and I wake up wit my left hand in searing pain a lot of days (Which was the same arm I got injected in.) for seemingly no reason considering it never took any kind of force or strain that would have done it and at this point the only thing I have to point at is the vaccine and I truly wish I never got it and jus took my chances forging a vaccine card. Keep sucking government cock and believing everything is fine and dandy. You do the same wit the police as it is.
    =)) yeah your brain is fried. The cognitive dissonance with you is insane.

    "I said the vaccine was poison but got it to go to a concert and now I think the vaccine is causing me to have medical problems...but at least I wasn't scared of covid doe!"

    Like what does that have to do with anything I was saying? Are you even trying to make a coherent point anymore lmao 
    The fear mongering did work on you though. You were mortified of a vaccine even though you've been vaccinated since birth. You called it poison, said it had scary technology in it, said it has microchips in it, said it caused people to magnetize, etc. 

    ...yet you still took it. That's my point. You talk all that shit yet you're so hypocritical. Every subject with you is a one track lizard brain where you triple down on one point and you're right and everyone else is wrong and say fuck it to any sense of nuance. You sound like most Trump supporters I know to be honest. Go join a Qanon forum they should be right up your alley of beliefs bruh. 
    Because I don’t trust anything government issued/mandated, period. 
    Yet you still got it. So obviously you trust them enough to inject yourself with something that you've called poison for months. You're a hypocrite.

    While I completely disagree with Satan's beliefs on the matter on a fundamental level, at least dude is consistent. 
    at this point the only thing I have to point at is the vaccine and I truly wish I never got it and jus took my chances forging a vaccine card
    Sheep gonna sheep. Baaaaa
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    edited July 2021
    =)) yeah your brain is fried. The cognitive dissonance with you is insane.

    "I said the vaccine was poison but got it to go to a concert and now I think the vaccine is causing me to have medical problems...but at least I wasn't scared of covid doe!"

    Like what does that have to do with anything I was saying? Are you even trying to make a coherent point anymore lmao 
    Are you other than riding my cock?

    >”They drank the Kool-Aid don’t bother.”
    >Immediately gets triggered and proves he drank the Kool-Aid.
    >Case in point.

    And it has everything to do wit what you were saying you braindead retard. I’m suddenly having issues out of nowhere after getting the vaccine, lending truth to the fact that this shit is not as clean cut as you like to pretend it is. MY brain is fried tho when you can’t put simple concepts together. Lmfao yea aight. Kill yourself retard.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    edited July 2021
    I like that Erik’s argument for his morale high ground is that we took it because we think it works but he took it even though he doesn’t think it works. 
    There is no “morale high ground”. My only point is that I was never brainwashed by all this shit like yall. I ain’t the only one who feels like that either. Satan said it’s bullshit too so ride his dick like you’re riding mine.

    And nice way to completely ignore my point to intentionally try and make me look stupid. I already specifically said I only got the vaccine for my vaccination card/access to public events, and that I didn’t give a fuck about it health wise because I was never scared of the virus in the first place. Good going completely removing that part and dumbing it down to “I got it cause I think it doesn’t work.”
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    edited July 2021
    It’s funny how I’m apparently the one on some kind of high horse when you jackasses are the ones that have 110% drank the Kool-Aid and been preachy as fuck about this whole shit, down to the fact that me and Satan have both gotten spammed wit flags and disagrees every single time we have mentioned shit like forging a vaccine card or ANYTHING anti-vax. Or anything less than completely eating up everything the media feeds us about the virus as fact. “jUs GeT tHe VaCcIne”

    Yall been pushing this shit (Exactly like the media does) like fucking Bible thumpers but I’m the one on the high horse lmfao. All my irl friends are unvaccinated and you sure as fuck won’t see me pushing it on them or giving them a side eye for not getting it, or even doing something like forging a card. Yall eat it up as the gospel and got a whole lot to say bout anybody that feels different. But keep up the hypocritical bullshit in good ol MU fashion. 👍🏻
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,528 moneytalker
    Satan wasn’t a hypocrite about it. He didn’t trust it so he didn’t get it.  I may not agree with his decision but at least he stayed true to himself, and I can respect that. You barked real loud then slid in line with the rest of the sheep.  

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    Okay and it sure as fuck wasn’t for anything else other than getting my vaccine card/access to events, for the thousandth time. I can still feel how I feel and again, if this vaccine is what’s been fucking me up health wise, then it only proves I was right to not trust it. Not a hard fucking concept.
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