cant wait for the wE dOnT CaRe aBoUt CaSeS onLY dEaThS crowd. It takes weeks, and potentially up to a month or more for the deaths to catch up to the spike in cases.
All that hard work we did was for not because people got bored smh.
He talked about it on the most recent rogan podcast he did.
I found it interesting, because he doesn’t really hve an agenda to say that. Its just what hes found from his research.
It makes sense too, because of the way its evolved. The virus apparently dies when in direct contact with sunlight. And it also seems to survive much better i doors than outdoors.
I might fucking lose it over people walking into my office without a mask. We have fucking phones. Call me from your desk before barging in with no mask on 🙄
A client came in and the 70 year old lady i work with literally told her she didn’t have to wear a mask in here. Fuck that pisses me off.
Have you voiced to management your concern over not wearing masks? Was the old lady going against company policy? If you haven’t then I don’t understand getting pissed off at someone following work policies. I’f you have then if management isn’t taking sufficient safety protocols for your health then quit. If lady is going against policy get her written up
I mentioned that i felt we should wear masks in common areas multiple times in meetings we have had. People seemed to agree, but no one here other than me seems to give a fuck. We have one other employee who wears one, but hes not back full time until next week.
When i first voiced my opinion a couple of people were actually against it .
regardless of if we have a stated policy or not, the client walked in with a mask on. She clearly cares about being cautious. What reason do you have to direct her to be less cautious, other than being senile i guess.
cant wait for the wE dOnT CaRe aBoUt CaSeS onLY dEaThS crowd. It takes weeks, and potentially up to a month or more for the deaths to catch up to the spike in cases.
were actually against it
regardless of if we have a stated policy or not, the client walked in with a mask on. She clearly cares about being cautious. What reason do you have to direct her to be less cautious, other than being senile i guess.