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The MCU/DC Discussion and Spoiler Thread



  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Also, my theater did not have the "We Love You 3000" poster for the extended Endgame. D'oh.
    Pass the god damn butter.
    Dime said:
    I have no idea how they're going to play that post credits scene. That's what has me excited. Outside of the latest Avengers movies, I can't remember the last time I was this excited for upcoming Marvel
    I hope they use Kraven The Hunter. He's the last great Spidey villain we haven't seen on the big screen
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    If my kids want to see the movies I’ll take them. I’ve been enjoying bonding over Toy Story. We just finished the McDonald’s toys. 

    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Dime said:
    I have no idea how they're going to play that post credits scene. That's what has me excited. Outside of the latest Avengers movies, I can't remember the last time I was this excited for upcoming Marvel
    I hope they use Kraven The Hunter. He's the last great Spidey villain we haven't seen on the big screen
     Damn yeah Kraven would be sick. Vulture and Mysterio were my two big ones and I got them thankfully. Really enjoyed both villains even though I didn't love either movie they were in. 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Fun Fact - Best Spidey 1 and 2 has also had the best live action villains we've seen on film.

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
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  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    edited July 2019
    Vulture was great. Keaton killed the role. His backstory and character motivation as a regular guy were terrific. Not only were the Mysterio fights were phenomenal, and will probably have a huge impact on Peter moving forward. He has learned that he can't look to others to fill Tony's role as leader. Plus it was awesome seeing some of the background people responsible for Tony's work get to play a bigger role. There is a theory out there that the Bat Cave is filled with dead bodies at the bottom lol. Somebody had to come in and do build the place, install the barriers, run conduit and outlets, install computer hardware, build vault doors etc, and Batman can't let them loose with the info, so to the bottom of the cave they go. Mysterio made great use of those people behind the tech.

    Keep crying that they are giving you a page for page comic adaption. Uncle Ben will always have his legacy in the comic books. Exact adaptions are boring af, and the comics have been around so long that the plots are all convoluted and contradictory anyway. . Boo fucking hoo, Flash isn't a jock. So fucking what. They changed it, and it actually makes more sense this way. The whole point of Flash is to be a social antagonist to Peter. But it's not like Peter is really gonna have that many interactions with a jock when he is in advanced classes and on science trips etc. Aunt May has been an old ass crone, but she's also been portrayed in her 40's or 50's, as a scientist, as Spider Ma'am, she's been The Golden Oldie, she's been ghost. And I'm pretty sure she's been killed and brought back like 3 times now. Lame. They have a lot more options open moving forward with a not grandmother aged Aunt May. The big identity reveal at the end has also happened and unhappened in the comics.

    We have years of Spidey Movies ahead of us, and you're still bitching about page one shit. Let that shit go and just enjoy the ride dude.
    Post edited by Jobe_Wan_Kenobi on
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    Problem is page one is terrible. They cant properly keep going when they've fucked up THIS much THIS early on. 

    This isn't Spider-Man. Im not saying we need 1:1 adaptations of the stories, but the characters should act like the characters they're based on. Literally none of them do. "It's its own thing" is so fucking lazy. If you didnt want to adapt the character, why even bother? The MCU is literally writing Peter like Slott wrote him. Slott is a hack and the worst Spider-Man writer of all time. Why is his comics bashed on constantly, but the MCU praised for the same sins? Mainly turning Spider-Man into Iron Man. Which Slott admitted he wanted to write Iron Man from the start, so thats why he wrote Spidey like he did. 

    Its just not good. Sorry. I will never open up to it because MCU Spidey isnt just different, hes ANTI everything that makes the character great. 

    And simply glossing over Uncle Ben and replacing him with Tony is agregious. Ben is an integral part in the character. Its his entire motivation. And replacing that with Tony is wrong. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    For example, Spider-Verse was its own thing loosely based on Ultimate, Spider-Men, and Spider-Verse. But it maintained the personalities of every character involved, and every character acts according to how they're written in the comic, and its the best Spider-Man movie of all time because of it. 
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  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    No, weren't you listening to Jobe? Spider-Verse can be at most third best, damn MC 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Dime said:
    No, weren't you listening to Jobe? Spider-Verse can be at most third best, damn MC 

    Read it again. My post says "live action" for a reason. Spider-verse was GOAT.
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I was using that to go with your best spider-man man joke and you couldn't just go with it you godless heathen 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    edited July 2019
    Best Spider Man is no joke only facts.

    There may be small issues here and there but the bottom line is my man is out here killing it. He got the look, the moves, and he's got the acting chops. He may be doing this for another decade or more. Why spend the entire golden era of comic movies hating them because they didn't give you exactly what you want? Especially when it was all redundant shit anyway. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Most of the journey so far has been fantastic. Having Peter be more influenced by Stark makes sense because in the MCU he grew up in a world where the most powerful man on the planet was a rock star scientist and actual gods walk amongst us. (And Stark actually saved his life as a kid if you go with Peter being the kid on the race track in IM2) Losing that guy would create a hole that he was looking to fill with Mysterio. Makes sense. He still has to learn to step up even though he just wants to have a normal life. Peter Parker has never gotten what he wants, life has a way of always fucking up what he wants and getting in the way. The character isn't fundamentally different. The connected universe in the movie means these characters and events would have a greater impact on each other then the way shit goes down in the comics because those were not all tied together as tightly. But in the MCU, every other event from space monsters, Gods, and killer robots from all the other movies would also have a greater impact on Peter and his world growing up. He already lives around all this tech, why should he have to build it all himself? They've shown him making his own web fluid, and now designing his own suit on the plane with the tech available in that universe. To pretend it didn't exist in the movies already just to have him do it all solo would be both asinine and a waste of time. Why would a teenagers aunt be in their 60's or 70's? Most people have kids in their thirties and have them a few years apart. Younger May makes sense. Now they can do a lot more with her character over the next 15 years. Can't wait, let's go.

    His identity is out now?  It's fucking on now boys. The biggest secret Peter wanted to keep hidden, but once again, Peter Parker almost never gets what he wants now does he? What a great benchmark moment to both draw parallels and flip the script and on Tony coming out as Iron Man in 2008.

    I assure you, Best Spider Man is no joke.
    Post edited by Jobe_Wan_Kenobi on
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    MC cryn like a bitch.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    edited July 2019
    Jobe you're just wrong. Sorry. Glad you like it. But everything the MCU has done is fundamentally against what Spider-Man is in the comics. And I cant get behind it. 

    Its especially obvious when you have the PS4 game and Spider-Verse doing it right. And it sucks because this is the live action Spidey we get now. This is the "diffinitive" Spidey the general public will think of now. And its a hollow, Starkified version of him. 
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  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    MC you tend to complain about everything even before seeing it or knowing how it’s going to turn out. It doesn’t matter if it’s movies games or what you have a harsh opinion of it. It’s hard to take anything you say seriously on the topic because we know it’s instantly going to be negative. 
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    edited July 2019
    My complaints about Spider-Man have been detailed multiple times. Spider-Man is my favorite Marvel superhero. Favorite character second only to Venom. I grew up watching the 90s cartoon, playing Spidey video games, watching Spidey movies, and reading Spidey comics and books. 

    The MCU version just isnt Spider-Man. Its Dan Slott's vision of him, a vision written from a position of wanting to write Iron Man, and wanting to piss off Spider-Man fans. 

    These characters dont exist in a vacuum. They have years of interpretations and history making these characters who they are. And for the most part the MCU has been pretty faithful to that aside from Guardians of the Galaxy, and Spider-Man. Now Guardians annoys me, but at least the first one didnt change THAT much and is a great movie.  The changes to Groot, Star Lord, and especially Drax annoy me quite a bit in Guardians 2 though. Though, aside from Drax, its still not as agregious as the changes made to literally everyone and everything about Spider-Man. 

    Jobe talks about Peter growing up in a tech filled world post Avengers.... Spider-Man did in the comics too. With the Fantastic Four. Who denied him. And this was AFTER he was already a self made superhero. 

    Again, these characters dont exist in a vacuum. The changes made dont work for the character. Sure, normies and the average movie goer arent going to care or notice. But a lot of hardcore fans do. 

    Venom was a movie that took its own spin on the character. They were legally limited with what they could do, and as a result had to change the characters origin. That part sucked, but in the end they made it work. The characters still act like the characters. They did the dynamics introduced from the comics right. And in the end Venom was a better movie than both the Spider-Man movies. Its own thing, that diverged from the comics, yet maintained the soul of the characters. 

    Spider-Man has none of that. It has no soul. It has no ties to the comics aside from name alone. They're just making more Iron Man movies. 
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Tom Holland is the best live action spidey. No one can change my mind. Tobey was trash and whats his face was meh (although better than Tobey). You're complaining because it's not perfect. Guess what? It never will be. Especially not for you and it never will be no matter who or how many they make
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    Tom Holland is the best live action spidey. No one can change my mind. Tobey was trash and whats his face was meh (although better than Tobey). You're complaining because it's not perfect. Guess what? It never will be. Especially not for you and it never will be no matter who or how many they make
    Im not complaining because its not perfect. Im complaining because they've fundamentally changed every character 🙄🙄🙄
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