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2017 Concert Recap Thread



  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Everyone said the sound sucked. 
    Id go to primus but is been sold out for months. IT was sold out before i even remember it being on sale. 
    I guess I can't really refute that since I was at or near the rail and the sound is never optimal there but everything else was nice. I'd go back. And I'd keep an eye out on the day of the show, there were several people on the FB event page for Clutch and even in line for the show that either had extra tickets or weren't able to go and were selling them. It requires leaving your house but it might be worth a shot anyway.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    Primus and Clutch is one of those once-in-a-lifetime awesome tours
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,100 master of ceremonies
    might say fuck it and go to the sword/clutch tuesday
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    They're both great live. Lucero sucked all the energy out in between though, probably why the crowd got so amped up when Clutch came out.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,100 master of ceremonies
    I've seen the sword before but not clutch
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,801 spicy boy
    Copped primus as soon as they dropped. 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,100 master of ceremonies
    bought a clutch ticket. trying to convince a friend, might be going solo
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    1. Alcest/The Body/Creepers
    2. Power Trip/Iron Reagan
    3. Deafheaven
    4. Amorphis/Swallow The Sun
    5. Pallbearer/Marissa Nadler/Kayo Dot
    6. Kreator/Obituary/Midnight/Horrendous
    7. Anthrax/Killswitch Engage
    8. Katatonia/Caspian/Uncured
    9. Testament/Sepultura/Prong
    10. Sabaton/Leaves' Eyes/Battle Beast
    11. Avatar
    12. Amon Amarth/Goatwhore
    13. Clutch/Lucero/The Sword
    14. Mastodon/Eagles of Death Metal/Russian Circles
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,100 master of ceremonies
    1. Twenty One Pilots w/ Judah and the Lion
    2. Bastille
    3. Mastodon w/ Eagles of Death Metal, Russian Circle
    4. Clutch w/ Lucero, The Sword

    The Sword were good but had a shit setlist. Lucero were ass, ended up sitting down in the back of the venue. Clutch killed it but had to leave after The Regulator because work in the morning.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,100 master of ceremonies
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    Hope you get into snakepit somehow or at the rail! !!
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,100 master of ceremonies
    I definitely plan on riding rail.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,801 spicy boy
    Doesn't surprise me fag
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    1)Jesus Piece w/ Vein, On Point, Debris 
    2)Artificial Brain w/ Cognitive 
    3)Strengthen What Remains w/ Knuckledragger, Waste, Relapse
    4)Sleep w/ Pinkish Black
    5)I Met A Yeti w/ Raising Cadence, Red Lights Beacon, Gullwing, Sonder Inspired, Orion
    6)Regurgitated Pus / Blistering Defilement, Kav, Holloway Tape
    7)Alcest w/ The Body, Creepers and Ouibliette
    8)Iron Reagan w/ Waxed, Tank Rats
    9)Expire w/ Homewrecker, No Victory, Orthodox and On Point
    10)Great American Ghost w/ Until We Are Ghosts and Bungler
    11)You Blew It w/ All Get Out, Free Throw and Secret Stuff
    12)Deafheaven w/ This Will Destroy You and Emma Ruth Rundle 
    13)Slingshot Dakota w/ Ratboys, Looming, and Sinai Vessel 
    14)Oathbreaker w/ King woman and Jaye Jayle 
    15)Dustin Kensrue w/ Dustin Hall, and Globotron
    16)Four Year Strong w/ Can't Swim, Sleep On It and Light Years
    17)Everyone Leaves w/ Household
    18)Thursday w/ Touche Amore, Basement and Wax Idols
    19)The Grindmother w/ Knuckle Dragger
    20)Rhythm Of Fear w/ Great Minds and Debris
    21)Soundgarden w/ The Offspring, Masyodon, Coheed and Cambria, In Flames, Volumes, Frank Carter, Royal Republic
    22)Def Leppard w/ Chevelle, Amon Amarth, Gojira, Dillinger Escape Plan, Every Time I Die
    23)Affiance w/ Sirens And Sailors, Sonder Inspired and The Amnesty
    24)In This Moment w/ Motionless In White, Avatar, and Gemini Syndrome 
    25)Mastodon w/ Eagles Of Death Metal and Russian Circles
    26)On Point w/ Bungler, Turncoat, Death Card and Moru

    Welp, that does it for Nashville shows for a good while. 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,100 master of ceremonies
    1. twenty one pilots/judah and the lion
    2. bastille
    3. mastodon/eagles of death metal/russian circles
    4. clutch/lucero/the sword
    5. metallica/volbeat/local h

    next up: boston calling
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,801 spicy boy
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    1. Alcest/The Body/Creepers
    2. Power Trip/Iron Reagan
    3. Deafheaven
    4. Amorphis/Swallow The Sun
    5. Pallbearer/Marissa Nadler/Kayo Dot
    6. Kreator/Obituary/Midnight/Horrendous
    7. Anthrax/Killswitch Engage
    8. Katatonia/Caspian/Uncured
    9. Testament/Sepultura/Prong
    10. Sabaton/Leaves' Eyes/Battle Beast
    11. Avatar
    12. Amon Amarth/Goatwhore
    13. Clutch/Lucero/The Sword
    14. Mastodon/Eagles of Death Metal/Russian Circles
    15. Rock On The Range

    Favorite sets from the weekend: Metallica, Gojira, Primus, The Offspring, Dillinger, Coheed 
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    1 rock on the range

    im going to do a little bit of a review because I am bored.

    day one.

    Beartooth - I was glad they played Body Bag. 
    Thrice- its odd that Dustin doesn't scream and that they didn't play artist in the ambulance but they did play silhouette. 

    3 hour rain delay right when I got in line for food mother fucker that sucked. I was hungry. We did play Mario Kart on the switch in the car though while we waited. 

    Of mice and men - not my thing but it didn't sound bad 
    Motionless In White - I find them interesting and do like a few songs. I found it funny when they did Loud (fuck it) that the left side sound cut and it was pretty quiet. 

    Norma Jean - I enjoy high energy which they are I just don't enjoy their music 

    Gojira - fucking amazing, they played their full set and it was dark due to the delays. They played Flying Whales and honestly would have been my favorite set if Metallica wants there. 

    Saw one song of Chevelle and we left before Live or the Tribute. 
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Day two.

    fire from the gods - meh 
    skillet - meh I like the drummer and have a major crush on her though. 
    Atilla - went for the lols and was thoroughly entertained, would see again just because it was fun and stupid 

    met Arlo and tried to throw hands but he got scared. Dude partied so hard by this time he had no voice left. 

    White Chapel - I only went to see This Is Exile played, they did not play it 

    Papa Roach - I mostly walked around during them then stepped into the stadium for Last Resort. 12 year old me loved that song. 

    Taking Back Sunday - hadn't seen them in years, glad I haven't they didn't sound that good. 

    The offspring - with them playing all of their early stuff it was incredibly fun.

    Korn - decided not to fight the crowd and save my energy for day three. We sat in the stands and left after make me bad which worked out because that was 2 songs before the encore and they stopped the show due to weather when the encore was supposed to happen so it got cut and everyone got stuck in traffic except us 
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Day three. 

    Wage War - I love the song Alive and will look forward to seeing them with parkway 

    Nothingmore - dude looks like Jim Morrison and their music is weird, I was slightly entertained 

    everytime i die - they go hard

    zakk Sabbath - I was pretty zapped of energy and ended up going to sit under the stadium and nap during their set so I'd have energy for Dillinger. It is pretty incredible how close he sounds 

    Dillinger Escape Plan - lacking energy I got up front and right up on the rail to the far left avoiding pits or surfers. They opened with prancer and closed with limerant death which was odd. I hope they hit Cincy before they are done.

    Primus - was awesome. Such a good live experience. Crowd lost their shit to mud and Jerry. People were happy they played too many puppies as well. 

    I skipped amon Amarth to have a front spot for Metallica. 

    Volbeat - if that dude asks for a crowd surfer one more fucking time I'm going to murder him. Their set pissed me off just because of that and the 90 minute rain delay which instead of setting up Metallica they waited and had volbeat finish their two songs. 

    Metallica - dreams do come true. No battery but Blackened was great. We also got creeping death and whiplash. Halo was swapped for sanitarium. I want to go see them again 
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
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