Was that series finale? If so, good ep but weak sauce for a series finale. Its not that strong even for a season finale even though I did like it. Lot of the dialouge was rehashed from the previous ep though I did love the short exchange between Wrecker, Tech and Crosshair
Okay dope. Completely missed that announcement. Looking forward to more, overall great show. Just hope it doesn't get too Saturday morning cartoon between the batch and Crosshair
I have to believe Grogu will be back somehow some way. And not jus a cameo appearance in one episode either.
He is the most charming character in Star Wars history and is the entire heart and soul of this show. Removing him permanently would be a monumental fucking mistake.
Oh yeah. Not to mention how much money they're raking in on grogu merch alone lol my dad hates anything and everything Star Wars except for Mando lmao and when I asked him why this of all things he said three reasons:
1.) "It reminds me of the spaghetti westerns I watched growing up with my Dad."
2.) "No retarded fish guy." (I can only assume he's talking about Jar Jar because me and my brothers watched Phantom Menace a fuck ton as kids and hes seen it by proxy at least 3 times).
I finished the Dark Empire trilogy. It sucked. By far the worst EU story. Its just all around poorly written and has some really stupid shit in it.
Also started Crimson Empire, pretty good so far. Im getting some "too angry to die" vibes already, which is my favorite character archetype
When Mando took off his helmet for Grogu. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He is the most charming character in Star Wars history and is the entire heart and soul of this show. Removing him permanently would be a monumental fucking mistake.
1.) "It reminds me of the spaghetti westerns I watched growing up with my Dad."
2.) "No retarded fish guy." (I can only assume he's talking about Jar Jar because me and my brothers watched Phantom Menace a fuck ton as kids and hes seen it by proxy at least 3 times).
3.) "Baby Yoda is pretty cute."