This motherfucker listens to grown ass men who dress up like pirates and imitate their dialect and has the nerve to talk about good taste in music. I'm dumbfounded my nigga.
Ok, yes I like Alestorm and folk/power metal. But my favorite bands are the Devin Townsends, the Agllochs, the Cormorants, the Deaths. And bands like that.
My power folk fantasy shit is just as childish (and arguably more fun) than your drug obsessed sex obsessed pop r&b bullshit. And the music itself is better too.
The music is fucking terrible. But I can see why you love it. Virgin losers relate to virgin losers. :-??
I've always loved this argument from Metalheads. Talking shit about the money, sex, and drugs in the Hip Hop and RnB worlds, but it's real shit that these motherfuckers are actually doing.
But fake ass fantasy bullshit like murder, rape, dragons, and pirates, are somehow the better alternative. )
>on forum of primarily metal fans >hates on metal constantly >gets irate when metal fans talk shit back >only points out folk and power metal - a very small percentage of metal lyrical content >constantly ignores doom, blackened, and experimental bands with more depth than his primitive pleb mind can comprehend >gets more irate >tells us to kill ourseleves
Quit talking like a scholar you fucking faggot. And pleb is the most homo fucking word you could possibly use. But yes let's not forget the superior complexity that overused themes like Christ bashing and woe is me bring to the Metal world. =D>
More talent than Erik will ever comprehend. Cuz it sucks. Y'know, no bitches. Cuz success is only valued by how much puss ya get.
I listen to plenty of music not about bitches you fucking moron. My album of the year was by a female artist. It sucks cause it's fucking garbage and you are garbage.
Quit talking like a scholar you fucking faggot. And pleb is the most homo fucking word you could possibly use. But yes let's not forget the superior complexity that overused themes like Christ bashing and woe is me bring to the Metal world. =D>
"quit talking like a scholar" Keep limiting your potential to fit a demographic. I honestly feel sorry for you. You're pathetic. And you're too dense and full of yourself to realize it. You pick on me because I'm the easy target. But you're worse off than I am. You hide behind a facade of trends to try and fit in with people. That's why you measure your success off of superficial and materialistic things.
You're afraid to be yourself. And the fact that I don't give a shit about what society or who's popular thinks about me, scares you.
I've always loved this argument from Metalheads. Talking shit about the money, sex, and drugs in the Hip Hop and RnB worlds, but it's real shit that these motherfuckers are actually doing.
But fake ass fantasy bullshit like murder, rape, dragons, and pirates, are somehow the better alternative. )
Don't knock what you don't listen to. Its not a bad thing that most current rap/R&B whatever lyrical content revolves around sex, drugs, and money. Thats almost what Rock 'n' Roll was about. Alot of metal has some insane amazing lyrics even if its fantasy. The only reason I don't really listen to current Rap and hip hop and shit is because I can't relate to it. I'm not a millionaire who is out there bangin women, doing drugs and driving around in one of my 13 luxury vehicles. Thats not to stereotype it and say its all like that because its not. I don't even hate it. Just can't dig it. Not all metal heads hate shit for the sake of hating it because its not metal.
Quit talking like a scholar you fucking faggot. And pleb is the most homo fucking word you could possibly use. But yes let's not forget the superior complexity that overused themes like Christ bashing and woe is me bring to the Metal world. =D>
"quit talking like a scholar" Keep limiting your potential to fit a demographic. I honestly feel sorry for you. You're pathetic. And you're too dense and full of yourself to realize it. You pick on me because I'm the easy target. But you're worse off than I am. You hide behind a facade of trends to try and fit in with people. That's why you measure your success off of superficial and materialistic things.
You're afraid to be yourself. And the fact that I don't give a shit about what society or who's popular thinks about me, scares you.
I'm not even for a second gonna entertain this "You threaten me" idea that you somehow have. ) You are the biggest joke I have ever come across in my life and I envy absolutely nothing about you. Oh and I always been myself, not my fault a bunch of bitter fucks on the Internet can't accept that. Oh well, I'm so hurt.
>virgin shaming
Alestorm can't actually sail the high seas plundering villages and raping their women. They're losers who sit at home playing WoW.
So yes, RnB is real life dumbass.
You've inspired me to prove myself to be a better person than you (isn't hard). You should try leading by example.
You're obsession with sex has made you hostile towards virginity (and I don't think its just Erik - Its a societal issue), regardless.
But fake ass fantasy bullshit like murder, rape, dragons, and pirates, are somehow the better alternative.
>hates on metal constantly
>gets irate when metal fans talk shit back
>only points out folk and power metal - a very small percentage of metal lyrical content
>constantly ignores doom, blackened, and experimental bands with more depth than his primitive pleb mind can comprehend
>gets more irate
>tells us to kill ourseleves
> listens to music that bashes his god
More talent than Erik will ever comprehend. Cuz it sucks. Y'know, no bitches. Cuz success is only valued by how much puss ya get.
There are sex/party/drug lyrics I can get into too - IE Municipal Waste, or stoner doom. But it doesn't invalidate nerd stuff too.
Keep limiting your potential to fit a demographic. I honestly feel sorry for you. You're pathetic. And you're too dense and full of yourself to realize it. You pick on me because I'm the easy target. But you're worse off than I am. You hide behind a facade of trends to try and fit in with people. That's why you measure your success off of superficial and materialistic things.
You're afraid to be yourself. And the fact that I don't give a shit about what society or who's popular thinks about me, scares you.
Don't knock what you don't listen to. Its not a bad thing that most current rap/R&B whatever lyrical content revolves around sex, drugs, and money. Thats almost what Rock 'n' Roll was about. Alot of metal has some insane amazing lyrics even if its fantasy. The only reason I don't really listen to current Rap and hip hop and shit is because I can't relate to it. I'm not a millionaire who is out there bangin women, doing drugs and driving around in one of my 13 luxury vehicles. Thats not to stereotype it and say its all like that because its not. I don't even hate it. Just can't dig it. Not all metal heads hate shit for the sake of hating it because its not metal.