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The McFuck Approach



  • Me_Me_ Posts: 13,701 salt miner
    I'll run em over...boss said I could
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    edited April 2017
    slap said:
    slap said:
    just go after libertarian chicks, I'm sure you'll be fine.  
    Easier said than done. I literally know one. And she's been in a long term relationship for like 5 or 6 years. 

    Honestly, I just hate how politics and ideology has become so ingrained in everything, even dating and meeting people now. Like thats how you're judged first and foremost now. Just because I oppose feminism (and BLM since you brought it up), Im to be forever viewed as a sexist and a racist. And life is more nuanced than that. Or at least it SHOULD be. But millennials have made it all about labels. If you're not for us, you're against us. And that is most prominent in feminism. 

    I shouldnt HAVE to only date "libertarian chicks". I should be able to find girls who like metal and video games FIRST. But I cant, because ideology. 

    Also, saying
    makes you look like a cuck. 
    maybe if you stopped letting the extremists ruin the movement/ideology for you, you wouldn't have to worry about being seen as a sexist or a racist. I'm of the opinion that any decent human would support the equal treatment of minorities enough to not denounce completely movements that call for equal treatment. I get nuances, but I'm a whole lot less likely to approach someone who already know to posses views I don't agree with and it's a big part of their personality. 
    Well I sincerely think feminism and BLM are cancerous ideological movements in need of serious reform. And until that occurs, I will oppose them at their core.

    Edit: also, you're virtue signaling.
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  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,282 mod
    BLM is a joke. They got nothing to do so they protest anything and everything. 
    Must be so hard being white

  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
    BLM is a joke. They got nothing to do so they protest anything and everything. 
    Must be so hard being white
    I don't know how I do it
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    It IS a majority for women our age dude. Trust me.
    Why would I blindly trust you on this when I interact far more with women our age than you do
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    Xenocide said:
    It IS a majority for women our age dude. Trust me.
    Why would I blindly trust you on this when I interact far more with women our age than you do
    Im willing to bet the majority of them are radfem
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  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Almost all of my female friends are casual feminists now that I think of it. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    slap said:
    Almost all of my female friends are casual feminists now that I think of it. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    Xenocide said:
    Did you actually just say radical feminists and casual feminists are the same thing? Dude shoot your jaw off
    The entire "movement" has become radicalized. At its very core feminism is the idea that women are oppressed, that there is an evil patriarchy dictating the world, and men are evil. That isnt extemism, thats the basics. 
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  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    edited April 2017
    What women are not going to least bit associate with the blanket term of feminism that got them the right to vote, get an abortion, hold people that rape them accountable, etc.

    I've been taking it easy on you lately because we obv have some common interests and your clinical depression but seriously you need to just get out more
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,594 spicy boy
    Dudes i was just trying to post a funny pixture why you gotta ruin this. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
    Hang out with cooler chicks, mc. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    BLM is a joke. They got nothing to do so they protest anything and everything. 
    BLM is a movement, not a person(s). 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    edited April 2017
    Feminism is for feminism, not women. 

    A movement has an objective. Once that objective is met, the movement ceases to exist. With feminism, its an ideology. It will never stop. There will always be a new thing "oppressing" women, and nothing will ever be enough. 

    Its like Christianity. Social justice teachers preaching bullshit to sheep followers. They ignoe fact and reason, like how yesterday was "Wage gap day" despite the wage gap being a false narrative.

    Feminists eternally think they are the objective moral high in society, and that they are always persecuted. And they oppose personal agency, and individualism in favor of socialism and collectivism. That's why feminism pushes the whole "for women" thing, because you can get more people behind it. But when a woman uses her own personal agency and freewill to oppose the ideology, she is ostracized. "She suffers from internalized misogyny", "she doesn't have an understanding of what true feminism is". No, she is her own person and she decided to go against the collectivist cult. 

    Thats why millenials love it so much. Millenial life is so fucking easy, that they cling to feminism because it makes them feel like they belong to something greater. Even if its bullshit. 

    If we lived in an oppressive patriarchical society, the womens march on washington would not have happened. We would have had fascist regimes of men shutting that down. But it didnt happen, because we dont live in that world. If radical feminism was the exception, the womens march would have been small. But we have hundreds of thousands of women marching that day. Its the norm, not the exception. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    Xenocide said:
    What women are not going to least bit associate with the blanket term of feminism that got them the right to vote, get an abortion, hold people that rape them accountable, etc.

    I've been taking it easy on you lately because we obv have some common interests and your clinical depression but seriously you need to just get out more
    The political women I like and follow on the internet do not consider themselves feminists. Except for Christina Hoff Sommers who considers herself a "second wave" feminist, but despises and rejects the modern/third wave/millenial feminism. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    You know where DOES need feminism though? The middle east, and islam. Something feminsts had declared as untouchable, and have stated that "islam is the most feminist religion". Ok. Keep telling me how the white man raped you by looking at you as you walked down the street, but are ok that muslim women cant go outside without their husband's permission, nor own property, nor sue a rapist. 
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  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
    ... said:
    BLM is a joke. They got nothing to do so they protest anything and everything. 
    BLM is a movement, not a person(s). 
    They're a bunch of fuckin pussies
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    You know where DOES need feminism though? The middle east, and islam. Something feminsts had declared as untouchable, and have stated that "islam is the most feminist religion". Ok. Keep telling me how the white man raped you by looking at you as you walked down the street, but are ok that muslim women cant go outside without their husband's permission, nor own property, nor sue a rapist. 
    I mean, not gonna disagree with that. The far left's apologetic view of middle eastern human rights violations is hypocritical as shit. I get not labelling all muslims as second class citizens, but the whole approach of "let them beat their wives and kill people because that's their religion" is retarded obviously
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