Honestly Im just mad for my friend. I rationally know women of all types exist. I know a lot of our problems are on us. But it still sucks being the loser nerd types. Every stereotype about it is true. inb4Jobe"then change" - fuck you, we are who we are.
Im an unattractive, depressed, cynical, critical, 23 year old overweight virgin loser with long ass thinning hair, and a long beard who obsesses over video games, and anime, and comic books ad-nauseum. Who's awkward to talk to, vulgar, and has controversial socio-political view points (for people my age, at least - like any girl my age is going to want to date somebody who openly considers himself an anti-feminist, and result in a happy relationship). And listens to obscure and abrasive ass metal and synth music. I've never gone anywhere with my own music, and quite literally nobody gives a shit about it, or my career. Nobody will give me a shot with production or recording engineering, and I only have a part-time job working the front desk at a studio. I struggle with connecting with women, and struggle with the idea of engaging in sexual activity. And I still live at home with my parents, with no reasonable way of moving out within the next couple years at least.
I KNOW I'm the problem. But it sucks to admit.
inb4 "woah we's me".
I dont want sympathy or pity. Im just telling it like it is, and a lot of my friends are starting to date, and get engaged, and married. And I feel left out, and kinda lonely, like I'm missing something, and pressured to join in on the experience. And I'm graduated from college, and havent so much as been on a date in over 5 years. I'm getting older. My parents were married when they were my age, and though they wont say it, I think they think I'm a failure. I mean, I am. But again, that's just how it is.
man you should seriously join christianmingle.com and put those paragraphs in your profile some girl be like he was a mission from gawd and finally youll get your dikk wet but only so she can bare children
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I don't think anyone thinks it should be easy on you. It's more people want you to work on it instead of giving up. You kinda overthink things a lot and make grand assumptions about things that come off as naive because you're lacking in social experience. Honestly I think you are too quick to label people and put them into a box and allow that label to guide how you react to them. Most of the time, people just aren't that simple. I feel for you. When I was younger, it was my anger that distanced people from me and hampered my relationships. I came to a breaking point when I got locked up the first time at 27 and had to take a long hard look in the mirror and properly evaluate myself. I forced myself to be more easy going about stuff and just stay away from the things that (ahem) triggered my anger. My life isn't all wine and roses now, but it's better than it was at 22-26. Once I kinda swallowed the bitter pill and accepted that life wasn't perfect and that most of my dreams prolly wouldn't come true, I learned to relax and appreciate life more. Some people will feel that's defeatist, but it was giving me a ton of anxiety to think of how much I hadn't done with my life. Ambition can be a curse sometimes. Putting deadlines on things like when you should be "making it" in your career or settling down with someone can drive you crazy. I went through the same period of my friends all settling down and having kids and it was lonely and isolating, but it also allowed me time to be myself as an adult with money in a way my friends didn't have because they gave themselves responsibilities before I did. My 20 year high school reunion is coming up. There are a few people I went to school with that are grandparents now. I'm happy as hell that ain't me. There will be a day later in life when you're bogged down in bills and responsibilities and you'll think back on this moment and appreciate it more. You never know, you could die tomorrow. Might as well loosen up and enjoy yourself
lower your standereds in girls. youre proly going after possibly playmates or penthouse pets. hustler honies... fukkin u need to be investing your time in less attractive girls
problem solved
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I don't think anyone thinks it should be easy on you. It's more people want you to work on it instead of giving up. You kinda overthink things a lot and make grand assumptions about things that come off as naive because you're lacking in social experience. Honestly I think you are too quick to label people and put them into a box and allow that label to guide how you react to them. Most of the time, people just aren't that simple. I feel for you. When I was younger, it was my anger that distanced people from me and hampered my relationships. I came to a breaking point when I got locked up the first time at 27 and had to take a long hard look in the mirror and properly evaluate myself. I forced myself to be more easy going about stuff and just stay away from the things that (ahem) triggered my anger. My life isn't all wine and roses now, but it's better than it was at 22-26. Once I kinda swallowed the bitter pill and accepted that life wasn't perfect and that most of my dreams prolly wouldn't come true, I learned to relax and appreciate life more. Some people will feel that's defeatist, but it was giving me a ton of anxiety to think of how much I hadn't done with my life. Ambition can be a curse sometimes. Putting deadlines on things like when you should be "making it" in your career or settling down with someone can drive you crazy. I went through the same period of my friends all settling down and having kids and it was lonely and isolating, but it also allowed me time to be myself as an adult with money in a way my friends didn't have because they gave themselves responsibilities before I did. My 20 year high school reunion is coming up. There are a few people I went to school with that are grandparents now. I'm happy as hell that ain't me. There will be a day later in life when you're bogged down in bills and responsibilities and you'll think back on this moment and appreciate it more. You never know, you could die tomorrow. Might as well loosen up and enjoy yourself
Life just fucking sucks man. Im sick of always failing. Sick of everything going at snails pace. And sick of always feeling behind where my friends are in life.
Being the retarded talentless loser type my whole life is really starting to take its toll on me. Realizing that Im not even good at what Im good at, and Im even worse at what Im bad at.
Ive been single so long I feel nothing when it comes to the prospect of meeting women or dating anymore. No excitement. No angst. No nervousness. No hope. Nothing. And that feeling of nothingness is leaking into every facet of my life. Its hard for me to feel excited about waking up now a days. The empty feeling sucks.
Ive accepted my dreams probably wont come true long ago. And its resulted in having no drive, and no ambition. I used to try to power through things, and accept the failure. But im so sick of the failure now I dont even like trying anymore.
And nothing have I failed at more than relationships. I dont like trying at them, because I know deep down its doomed for failure (due to the reasons listed in my last post).
Im getting older. My peers are getting older. And my window of opportunity is getting smaller. Every year. Soon there wont be any opportunity.
I don't think anyone thinks it should be easy on you. It's more people want you to work on it instead of giving up. You kinda overthink things a lot and make grand assumptions about things that come off as naive because you're lacking in social experience. Honestly I think you are too quick to label people and put them into a box and allow that label to guide how you react to them. Most of the time, people just aren't that simple. I feel for you. When I was younger, it was my anger that distanced people from me and hampered my relationships. I came to a breaking point when I got locked up the first time at 27 and had to take a long hard look in the mirror and properly evaluate myself. I forced myself to be more easy going about stuff and just stay away from the things that (ahem) triggered my anger. My life isn't all wine and roses now, but it's better than it was at 22-26. Once I kinda swallowed the bitter pill and accepted that life wasn't perfect and that most of my dreams prolly wouldn't come true, I learned to relax and appreciate life more. Some people will feel that's defeatist, but it was giving me a ton of anxiety to think of how much I hadn't done with my life. Ambition can be a curse sometimes. Putting deadlines on things like when you should be "making it" in your career or settling down with someone can drive you crazy. I went through the same period of my friends all settling down and having kids and it was lonely and isolating, but it also allowed me time to be myself as an adult with money in a way my friends didn't have because they gave themselves responsibilities before I did. My 20 year high school reunion is coming up. There are a few people I went to school with that are grandparents now. I'm happy as hell that ain't me. There will be a day later in life when you're bogged down in bills and responsibilities and you'll think back on this moment and appreciate it more. You never know, you could die tomorrow. Might as well loosen up and enjoy yourself
Life just fucking sucks man. Im sick of always failing. Sick of everything going at snails pace. And sick of always feeling behind where my friends are in life.
Being the retarded talentless loser type my whole life is really starting to take its toll on me. Realizing that Im not even good at what Im good at, and Im even worse at what Im bad at.
Ive been single so long I feel nothing when it comes to the prospect of meeting women or dating anymore. No excitement. No angst. No nervousness. No hope. Nothing. And that feeling of nothingness is leaking into every facet of my life. Its hard for me to feel excited about waking up now a days. The empty feeling sucks.
Ive accepted my dreams probably wont come true long ago. And its resulted in having no drive, and no ambition. I used to try to power through things, and accept the failure. But im so sick of the failure now I dont even like trying anymore.
And nothing have I failed at more than relationships. I dont like trying at them, because I know deep down its doomed for failure (due to the reasons listed in my last post).
Im getting older. My peers are getting older. And my window of opportunity is getting smaller. Every year. Soon there wont be any opportunity.
The 12 year old that did that lived 10 minutes down the road from my parents. It's cast a pall on the entire area. People out there are simple. It's already crazy enough that someone would kill themselves so young, but having the live stream part on top of it is overwhelming. It didn't help that a 6 year old girl was beaten to death by her moms boyfriend just a couple of weeks before
Honestly Im just mad for my friend. I rationally know women of all types exist. I know a lot of our problems are on us. But it still sucks being the loser nerd types. Every stereotype about it is true. inb4Jobe"then change" - fuck you, we are who we are.
And this thread was made to bitch about it.
Im an unattractive, depressed, cynical, critical, 23 year old overweight virgin loser with long ass thinning hair, and a long beard who obsesses over video games, and anime, and comic books ad-nauseum. Who's awkward to talk to, vulgar, and has controversial socio-political view points (for people my age, at least - like any girl my age is going to want to date somebody who openly considers himself an anti-feminist, and result in a happy relationship). And listens to obscure and abrasive ass metal and synth music. I've never gone anywhere with my own music, and quite literally nobody gives a shit about it, or my career. Nobody will give me a shot with production or recording engineering, and I only have a part-time job working the front desk at a studio. I struggle with connecting with women, and struggle with the idea of engaging in sexual activity. And I still live at home with my parents, with no reasonable way of moving out within the next couple years at least.
I KNOW I'm the problem. But it sucks to admit.
inb4 "woah we's me".
I dont want sympathy or pity. Im just telling it like it is, and a lot of my friends are starting to date, and get engaged, and married. And I feel left out, and kinda lonely, like I'm missing something, and pressured to join in on the experience. And I'm graduated from college, and havent so much as been on a date in over 5 years. I'm getting older. My parents were married when they were my age, and though they wont say it, I think they think I'm a failure. I mean, I am. But again, that's just how it is.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Don't think of it as change, think of it as leveling up your character.
problem solved
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Being the retarded talentless loser type my whole life is really starting to take its toll on me. Realizing that Im not even good at what Im good at, and Im even worse at what Im bad at.
Ive been single so long I feel nothing when it comes to the prospect of meeting women or dating anymore. No excitement. No angst. No nervousness. No hope. Nothing. And that feeling of nothingness is leaking into every facet of my life. Its hard for me to feel excited about waking up now a days. The empty feeling sucks.
Ive accepted my dreams probably wont come true long ago. And its resulted in having no drive, and no ambition. I used to try to power through things, and accept the failure. But im so sick of the failure now I dont even like trying anymore.
And nothing have I failed at more than relationships. I dont like trying at them, because I know deep down its doomed for failure (due to the reasons listed in my last post).
Im getting older. My peers are getting older. And my window of opportunity is getting smaller. Every year. Soon there wont be any opportunity.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)